I think I am getting use to being alone. I really don't talk to very many people just check in with family. I love talking to my neices on the phone but they get buisy with other things , I miss them. I worked my a** off on gaia to get gold so I cool buy them some really cool things. Now one has decided not to be on Gaia and the other hardly ever gets on. She's on some other chat / game site. I checked it out still doesn't compare to Gaia. I joined Gaia to spend time with them but now I really Like Gaia. I'm thinking of drawing some characters and submiting them. It'll be good for me I haven't realy drawn or painted in a while. Might take me a bit I'm sure I'll be slow and out of tune but I'll end up with tons of drawings and scetchs of ideas, paper and various drawing tools scattered about. That sounds nice, I've spent 80% of my life that way LMAO! It's comfortable, a big part of me.
Taraus! How cool is this? Found out I was a descendant of Diathi Mac Fiachracch Sovereign of Ireland for 23 years (405-42cool .He was the last Pagan king of Ireland killed by a flash of lightening in the alps (Sliabh Ealpa) in 428.