Nothing much today, just went groc. shopping with 4 people, and man I bought like over 154 dollars in food. I didnt care, long as I got my pizza, and cottage cheese ::drools:: Other then that, we just looked around a plaza, went to Goodwill, because I have found alot of asian stuff there before in the past. lol Matt found a gothic shirt and put it on soon as he bought it. I told him to let me wash it first. Whats funny is Matt's b-day is the day after my boyfriends. And his also turning 19. Him and his g/f is a trip. She had me dye her hair to match mine. I have to redye mine again, because I have silver coming thru my bangs again, grrr. Sometimes I just wish to say screw it, let the silver come in. Everyone thinks its cool anyway. For some reason, my boyfriend's ex keeps calling me. Now even worse since she moved away. I can see the new phone number. If she calls one more time, then I'm going to answer and see what she wants. Its going to be something stupid. Well I started on the writing of my two fanfics again. I'm redoing them, but in the main time, I started another one, hehe. Now everyone left to go to the movies, but I stand home, due to getting peace and quiet, and hoping to catch my boyfriend online. I miss him.
ll Silver Rain ll · Tue Aug 09, 2005 @ 09:55pm · 0 Comments |