Well, 'bout time I started using this thing.. that's what they're here for...
I haven't done anything today really.. Just rated a few people, send some PMs to Smokey, and that's about it...
Been watching the Final Fantasy trailer for the [insert number here] time, and I get more and more impatient everytime I see it, cos I want to see the whole thing... Stupid people, making me wait so long stare
Well that's all for today, really...
Stay tuned for more info on my boring life...
View User's Journal
The journey to the mind beyond... or whatever
A little place where I post all the bullshit I come up with while I'm here...
You won't get any secret and kinky news on me, cos this is not a serious "diary", so don't ask...
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Hex01000 Community Member |
Claire de Lune
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Tryttj kryttj. <3