It's me again. Exciting I know. I can sense your thrill and amazement right now as you read this. Truly, this is marvelous! That aside I'm just updating again to share a picture of something I did a few weeks ago.
Why so late? Well it's better now than never right?
So that rabbits developed into a sort of twisted art project. I made it out of boredom and to be somewhat amusing. My basic reasoning when explaining it to guests. As I now have it displayed as the center piece to my kitchen table. Is that the bunny wouldn't stop speaking lies. When I stabbed it to quiet it. It sprouted horns and revealed it's true nature. Yes, that is a monocule!
Theres another photo of it crawling away. Don't worry though, it dies and won't ever be coming back.
In other news I'm going on a trip soon to Illinois! I'll be leaving friday. So I'm really excited about it. More on that later!
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Mon May 05, 2008 @ 04:01am · 1 Comments |