Menstrual Cramps
Funky-Julia: The point of the book was to make your own profile, post it up and then people from AT could look at the book and see what other AT'ers like and what they don't and get a feel for them as a person and not just the avatar. Putting restrictions on something like that would limit the number of entries and participation. It was just profiles and had nothing to do with art, and you have to click them and watch the slide show to have perfect view of the profiles. Some people chose to have them done by others with just the colors. That's all that was picked basically and the information. It was my choice how I wanted it to look.
Yeah, well, you think you're so cool just because you picked a tasteless username. What if everybody did that, huh? Huh?
Yeah, here's a name idea for you because you're rich enough to be always changing your name and s**t: "Circumsision Scar" See? Nice and tasteless. Or, "Prostate Cancer".