Okay, for starters:
My elementary school/junior high experience (from 3rd to 8th grade--all at the same school with mostly the same people) sucked. Majorly. It was a very small school, and I had pretty much one friend, who in later years became obsessed solely with the Lakers, namely Kobe Bryant. I was the class reject (and some may argue that I still am), and was thrilled as all get out to, well, get out of that school.
My dilemma:
Tonight I am going to be attending a "mini reunion" for the people from my class.
My one friend from that black period of my life will be there, along with a girl that went to my high school as well as elementary/junior high that I get along with sometimes. The rest of 'em taunted me mercilessly and made it no secret that they hated me.
Why am I going?
Well, some of them I've gone to school with from kindergarten through 12th grade--I only get along with the aforementioned sometimes-okay one, who can also make life difficult. Others I haven't seen since that blessed day in which I graduated from 8th grade (which also happened to be my 14th birthday).
I suppose I want them to see that VOILA I've changed drastically, and can and will kick their fat heinies if they pull stunts like that with me again.
Also so I can act superior and ignore all of 'em. Hah...Like they'll even want to talk to me in the first place.
Ersind · Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 07:57pm · 2 Comments |