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Another day in Dullsville
School Story

"Last call!” Groans rang throughout the crowded establishment. Two more hours until the club closes.” Here you are, Sir." A beer was set on the counter by the bartender of long, snowy white hair, and bright, marigold eyes.” Thanks, Miss, Say, you got one heck of a voice. I’d think you were a siren, if you hadn’t claimed to be human.” A smile from the female would come.” Thank you!!" she seemed happy to be complimented.

"Kino did good to hire you and those twins. You do good work." A glance was shifted to the two tall males of, receiving orders, they really were attractive: same complexion, same face. MAJOR differences. The older twin had dark, straight ebony hair with blonde streaks. He kept his hair in a ribbon at the nape of his neck, letting it hang above his waist. Pretty, light blue, icy eyes looked through oval spectacles with an unenthusiastic (more loathing) look. Maybe that was the look the females liked. The younger twin had a more friendly appearance with his warm, joyful smile. Appealing golden blonde hair with black streaks swayed in its high, wavy ponytail. He didn't wear glasses, so his dark blue eyes were clear with his smiling face.

"I guess so. Kairyn looks to be enjoying himself.” The female would say after the short look. She was speaking to a man named Reno. He was Kino's boyfriend. Kino owned this pace...the Izanami Night club. “Heard your name was Cheru. That true?” He asked after setting the beer down, glancing to her happy expression. "Mhm! That’s true!"

These three individuals have been working here for a good week. With no food, home, or money, they had no choice. The other workers here were nice, though. It wasn't a bad place. They were planning to leave soon. You see, these three had no home...It was destroy in an unforeseen attack. "Alright! Shutdown!" Finally! It was so late into the night. Most of the regulars of this place had either left, or gone to bed. Reno had gone off to work. The twin went to change out of their work clothes. The girl with odd orange eyes had resolved to wipe off the counter, swiping a strand of long, hip length hair over her shoulder. She was done with her self given chores and began to climb the stairs. There were going to leave this place tomorrow. They were on a journey. A journey to-

"Sairyn! Don't say that!" Cheru stopped at the sound of her brother, the younger twin. "What do you want me to say?! That I'm fine with her staying with us?! Please! She's been nothing but trouble since you found her!"" That had to be Sairyn's voice, the older twin. He seemed very serious, but she's heard these fights before. "Sairyn! She was nothing, but an infant! What were we supposed to d-" Sairyn had cut him off, then." I don't care! I refuse to call her part of my family! And as of now, you aren't either! I'm sick of her and I'm tired of you!" Sairyn declared. As much as Cheru's heart panged at the rejected, Kairyn's must've nearly died. The door was swung open as the elder twin came out, pausing to star at her with a hateful gaze. She dared not meet it. She'd pretend that the floor was more interesting.” It’s my fault, again isn't it? I'm so-" By then, Sairyn had huffed and passed her by." If Kairyn really wanted to know, that dress looks better in the trash, not on it. I'd say that's your fault, too." Sairyn had spoken to her as he traveled farther away. "Sairyn!" The angst filled twin was already out of sight when the younger time came.

Why? Why was always like this? Cerulean eyes looked to the small woman while she clutched the ends of her dress. Kairyn bought it for her. It was like an old western showgirl dress with a bold, elegant shade of royal blue and clung to her upper arm for support, showing off her shoulders and the dark blue ribbon around her neck. There was also one in her hair. Her bust was lined with white lace and ribbon, as was her waist and up her back with a white, doily like pattern between the two. The dress ended at her calves, shoving off her fishnet stocking and light weight boots of white leather. It was Kai's hobby. She had to buy a suitcase for all of the outfits he bought her.

"Cheru....He didn't mean it. He's just...." This always happened. Kairyn would do his best to console her.” It’s okay! I made him mad again. I'm sorry, Kairyn!" It was clear she was trying hard to not cry as she smiled to him. Before, he knew it; her back was getting smaller and smaller.


The tension was fading, but the feelings stayed. Sometimes you forget that what you were wishing for hadn't come true yet. Plop...!Plop...!A sigh could be heard in the empty clearing.” It won't skip." She's sunk about seven rocks. Now. The frustration had dissolved, while she sat on the grassy bank of the lake, arms hugging her legs. There were suspicions as to why there was a lake behind the club. She had happened to find the path to here a few days ago. So she came here when she wanted some peace. She didn't know what it was about water, but it usually calmed her down. She heard that' fish people' lived in this particular lake. Hm...

Sk-sk-sk-sk-Plop! "Huh?" She watched the ripples distort the image of the moon in its quarter phase.” Want me to show you how to do it, Cheru-Chan?" How you don't notice it when someone is right beside you, she couldn't figure it out. He looked young, this new person. Maybe it was his voice that made her think that. She could tell that he was much taller than her. She was a short one with her measly height of five feet. "Uhm...sure." Uncertainty laced her voice. After rising, she was immediately handed a stone, taking a secret observation of the male. Blue eyes...like the ocean. Ah! Brown! His hair was brown! She could see strands of blonde into there, too, but his hair was in a weird style. Maybe a...."Mullet?" She asked unconciously. Good Bob...it was a mullet. "Eh! Uhm...Well. I know most people don't like it, but-" He was quick to explain himself." It looks good on you." he seemed surprised at this news, but returned her smile.” Thanks!" He was very nice. "Uhm, so how do you do it again? The skipping rocks?" She was shown again, and then attempted at it herself. After a few tries, she was able to do a triple-skip.” That’s great Cheru-Chan!" She had long forgotten the argument, now. Her mood was back to normal: Cheery Ol' Cheru.

"We should have milkshakes together!" He liked them, too. They were Cheru's favorite dessert. The skipping was discontinued as they favored to have a nice chat.” So, how'd you know I was here?" the boy rocked back and forth as he sat Indian style on the grass beside Cheru while contemplating on the question." You like water, right?" He grinned when he saw her head dip down and then back up.” That’s how!" Silence ensued." That doesn't make sense." He blinked and then laughed.” Sorry. I just happened to see you skipping rocks. I kinda got kicked out for playing to loudly at home." He suddenly founded his arm gripped by the younger girl." You play music?! What instrument?!" As one could see, she liked music very much. It was...maybe one of her favorite things next to milkshakes. Through his befuddlement at her newfound energy, he gazed up while he thought." Just about everything, I guess." He then experienced being shaken around like a rag doll.” Play something, please?!" She didn't care what it was, as long as he played it. As soon as he recovered from the shaking, he held out his hands. This confuse Cheru. Out of no where, bubbles began to gather in his arms-piling and piling until they bursted all together. Then, somehow, a guitar was seated, safely, in his hands.” Wow!" it was an understatement to say that Cheru was just amazed. As he began to play, a peaceful feeling came over her. She didn't know what it was, but she loved his music. It was different in a way. "Hm? Whoa!" there were little blobs of water dancing around her. They'd bounce and change shapes with the music, entertaining the entrancing girl. During this time, a swirl mass of darkness had cut through the air, a gloved hand patting the musician on the shoulder. His head turned, and then he gave a sigh. He didn’t want to leave her, but the song had to end, sometime. The water bubbling over the mystified girl's head then bursted, showering little jewel like droplets of water with the end of the song." Sorry, but I have to go. They’re calling me back." Hurryingly, Cheru got up, after he did, dusting herself off." and, by the way, you do that dress more justice than the trash would. I think it looks great on you, Cheru-Chan!" Eh! How.....how did he know about that fight?! Who was he?! Ah! He was leaving through the same black portal.” Wait! Who are you?! How'd you know about that fight?!" She extended her hand as he stopped halfway in. "Oh! That's right! I'm Demyx! And that's a secret! See you, later Cheru! Let's have milkshakes next time!" then he was gone-portal closed up- leaving her to wonder. She didn't understand it. Ehhh!? How did he know her name?! Weird.....


Pacing. More pacing." Kairyn. I don't think pacing will make her change any faster.” Said a person that is going to be introduced in a sentence or two. The younger twin stomped, letting his frustration out on the floor. The person beside him twirled a piece of her brown hair. This was Nichole. She worked the nightclub where these siblings worked. Believe it or not, she was a sorceress. The cat ears and tail on her body would prove it. Today happened to be the day they were setting off again. She was here to see them out. A bob of long, white hair poked out as the door was opened.” Okay, Captain Antsy. I'm done! Calm down." Cheru stepped out, wearing one of Kai's trademark Lolita dresses. A nice form fitting, amber dress that flared out to her knees with many ruffles underneath. Her white boots stopped right below her knees. A nice high collar cloak of white, shielding her arms to the elbows was seen, the rest of her arms covered in long gloves.” Adorable! Completely adorable!" Kairyn was completely ecstatic with the cuteness of the dress on Cheru, like some obsessed otaku." Uhm...Sairyn probably in a bad mood now. Can we leave?" It took a while, but Kairyn had been calmed and they were on their way. Nichole had decided to walk with them for a while. She usually only came outside to read a few books. She like reading...and the plant life around the club had fascinated her even more, so she found it relaxing to read outside. Either way, both of the twins seemed to like her. They usually could be found, at random intervals of time, speaking to her.

"I'm sorry about them." Nichole shook her head.” It’s okay. Most people don't even look at me. Only the people at Izanami and you guys, really." Cheru tilted her head in confusinon. "Why? You're not mean." Nichole's fingers weaved together in front of her as she looked to the sky." It's these limiters." Please turn our attention to the three silver earrings on her earlobe." These are why... My magic never works the right way with these. These are a sign that I've been exiled." Cheru looked down, thinking. She couldn't go home. It was different for Cheru. She had no home...She had no home before Kairyn picked her up off the street and she didn't have a home now." I see, so-" "Shut up! It's always you! First the outsider, now Nichole!" That was Sairyn! What were they arguing about now?!" Sairyn! Stop saying those things about Cheru! Don't you know how much she-" "I DON'T CARE! Everything is her fault!" He yelled over the younger one. The two girls were already at the scene. The argue continued without notice." I hate you! I hate you so much!" Sairyn pulled his fist back while a staff appeared in Nichole's hands. Unrecognizable words were said, causing a mist to develop over the two males. When the mist cleared, there laid two young twins, no twenty year old men, but five year old toddlers.


It was one long week. It seemed that being children made them act like they were. As many spells as Nichole had tried, none of them worked to turn them back. Kairyn did nothing but cling to Cheru while Sairyn did his best to avoid any kind of contact with her. At least they liked taking baths. You could never keep clean when traveling. Sairyn bathed and dressed himself whenever they found a good water source. Kairyn was spoiled as heck." When are we going to find him?" A yawning Kairyn asked as he held Cheru's hand. They were passing through dry land now: the land of Arizona.” Soon. Very soon."

Ah! That's right! Well, it was mentioned before that they were on a journey, right? They were on a journey to find a man. This man was said to be a wizard and an incredible one, at that. He was able to do anything: see the future and the past, cast spells and undo them, and even curses. He couldn't break curses, but could tell you how. They have been looking for this man for a long time...They want him to take this spell off, but the main reason, was to find out about Cheru's past. Or where she came from, at least. No one could ever figure it out. This man was said to live in the Land of Arizona, near the province of Phoenix. So that's where they were headed. They started out in the Land of Missouri, in the province of Kansas City, where the twin had lived as heirs to a very wealthy family. They came a long way by foot: to the Land of Colorado, the province of Colorado Springs. That's where the club was. They’ve been traveling for fifteen days, so far.

Why did they leave in the first place? They had no where to stay, so why not? It was only five years ago, when they became homeless. It was on Cheru's twelfth birthday. There were very few people there to celebrate it; maybe it was because Cheru wasn't part of their family. Heck, she didn't even look human. More of a demon if you asked most of the people that had once inhabited that long destroyed castle. You see, Cheru was taken into the family as an infant, found by Kairyn when he was out in the town, one day. She's lived with them ever since. They could tell when she was born, so they just called the day of her discovery her birthday. She was accepted to stay, but she wasn't accepted as part of the family. The only people that truly saw her as family was probably Kairyn and his father. By the decree of the Kairyn's grandmother, though, Cheru was to remain as a child that had no relations to the family. So that was that. Twelve year pasted from the day she was found, making it her birthday. On this day, a terrible thing happened No one saw it coming. Everyone, from family to servants was murdered by a group of masked assassins that had, some how infiltrated the place. There was chaos everywhere... Kairyn had taken Cheru and gotten his brother, luckily before he was found, and they all escaped through the secret passage underground. The tunnel was dark, but the had reached the end that lead then to a hill far above the town. Surprisingly, none of the townspeople looked present...it was a ghost town...These three didn't spend much time investigating though...they went into hiding for half a decade...

"It's a clearing. We should rest here for a while." Cheru suggest as they began to invade the area. Kairyn would yawn as he was now in Cheru’s arms, sitting on her hip. ”Sing me a song, Cheru!’ The girl nodded, before sitting down with him in her lap. ”I’ll sing a lullaby.” Sairyn continued to walk, aiming to go pass them. The voice overflowed the area- her sweat heavenly voice. Even Sairyn stopped. Her voice…even angels would envy it. She sings a lot…when there weren’t a lot of people. ”Such a beautiful voice.” Sairyn was the only one who seemed to hear it as he turned towards the scarce clearing. "Ah! What the-?!" Strong gusts of wind blew around the empty area, making it hard to even stand. The children were taken as the trio huddled together It was hard to see with all the twigs and whatnot flurrying around, but there was the vague lining of a figure in the mess. The wind lost it's speed, slowly, giving them time to look. There was a man standing in the clearing.

"Hm? This land...it's so barren....not the place for a princess to be, surely...HEY!" The other three were trying to sneak away while the man had been rambling to himself.” How dare you!? I come here to collect my lost bride and you leave during the introduction? Ugh! How rude! ” He held his fingers to his forehead in a dramatic way and took a deep sigh.” Anyway ... It's time to go home, Your Highness Cherushii." Silence floated in the air as the twins both glanced at the stiff Cheru as she, shakily, raised a finger to point to herself. "M-Me? I'm sorry, but y-you've mistaken me for someone else. I'm no...'Highness'. I'm a...commoner at best." The weird man, with chestnut hair down to his upper back laughed." I think not. You are indeed Her Royal Highness Cherushii. I know this for a fact. I mean...I sent those village people into the huge castle to come an get you! I was so excited when I found you that day; five years ago...I was a bit sloppy. I didn't mean for them to kill EVERYONE...just anyone who got in the way! But I guess that was...everyone." He laughed as if it were a joke. The three looked frozen solid at his words. It couldn't be...? Was he really...?

His emerald green eyes stayed on the shocked Cheru as he approached, hand out reached for her. It was taken into the mouth of a blond child with amazingly sharp teeth." Gah! Imbecile brat!" Kai was kneed in the gut and thrown to the ground... Not only that, but the man was kicking the kid with a mad grin. Psycho! Sairyn had watched this with growing anger.” L-Leave my brother alone!’ The other child lunged himself onto the man’s back to prevent him from harming Kairyn anymore than he already had. It did no good though. Sairyn was soon suffering the same painful treatment. It was all too much for the pacifist called Cheru. She had been reduced to sitting on her knees with her hands over her mouth, gazing with watery vision at the horrible sight. Much, too much. Too much that she had rammed herself into the male, causing him to stumble back, catching her by the wrist as she fell. “Ah! You’re crying. I must say... this face is the prettiest I’ve seen…Fear looks wonderful, put this is positively delicious!” His hold tightened on her wrist as the injured twins watched her gasp.

”Forgive me. We shall be on our way now. The time has come for Her Highness to become Queen. Right, Princess?” the wind picked up around the pair. ”Stay still, Little Bird. I don’t want to hurt you, too.” He said, smoothly covering her mouth and holding her to his chest so she couldn’t escape.” Her Majesty Queen Cherushii and His Majesty King Reith. Lovely.” Thought very highly of himself, didn’t he?” I’d invite you two, but I’m afraid the list is full. Sorry.” With that, Cheru was gone with the man as his laughed a wicked laugh.” Is…he telling the truth? Cheru’s a…princess? Our family…because she was there?” Sairyn pulled himself up, holding his sore stomach, where he was kicked. There was a grimace on his face. He didn’t bother to pick up his broken glasses as he scowled, “It’s always her.”


“”We have to! Sai! That man is mean! You see what he did to you?! A kid?! Think of what he’ll do to Cheru!” The blonde haired man…child reasoned while pulling his brother’s arm, carelessly, as he sat on a rather larger rock.” I! Don’t! Care! Get! OFF!” With much effort, Kairyn was shoved off, leaving Sairyn to rub his ribs. A lower lip shivered and tears formed in the eye of the younger twin.” Sairyn! We have to! She’s our-“Sairyn whirled around to glare at him. “Don’t you say it! Didn’t you hear him?! Everyone…EVERYONE DIED FOR HER! We lost EVERYTHING because of HER! Don’t you get it?! Or are you too stupid to?! She and I have no relation to each other! I’ll never forgive her! EVER!”

Kairyn sniffled at his harsh words. ”B-But…she saved us! Who knows what he could’ve done to us?! She…She saved us. She even cried. Not just for us…but those people, too! She cried for them! She even cries for you! All the time! I don’t care what you say anymore!” Kairyn stood up; sobbing and sniffling like the child he was at the moment. ”I’ll save my sister! I’ll save her myself! I don’t need you, anymore!” The bawling child ran had run off. Sairyn sat on the rock. He didn’t understand it. Why did that fool like her so much? She…didn’t even look human. Why?” Humph!” Sairyn slid to sit by the rock, folding his arms and closing his eyes.” Fine then. Save ‘Princess Cheru’. Stupid idiot.” It was late into the night now. He wanted some rest. Kairyn would be back, anyway.


What the Bob? This was way twisted. ”Now stay here like a good little birdie until the wedding next week. Dinner will be brought at six.” She wished he would hold her chin like that, it kinda hurt. She wasn’t going anywhere, for sure. She couldn’t walk through bars. A quick look around. Are you kidding? This…was a room for a princess…A canopy bed…vanity…teddy bears…save for the gray brick walls and bars. With no one there, it really was as dark and dank as it looked. ”Well…at least Sairyn can be happy now…’ A sigh came as she moved to occupy the bed. At least it was soft. She looked around a bit more, catching the sight of a opening in the window, shielded with bars. “Hm.” She rose again to approach the opening. She met the wall, looking up. She stood on the balls of her feet…then jumped. She was too short to look. So, she grabbed the stool from the vanity and stood on it.” Ah…It’s…a pond.” For some reason…she felt…attracted to the pond…Cheru didn’t get to see what was outside this place. She, and that man, had been transported into what looked like a throne room.

” Cheru-Chan! Cheru-Chan!” The sound of a crying, familiar male would come. ”Mm? Demyx!” She almost rammed the gate in her joy. ”Why are you here?” She was curious…how was he here…and how did he find her so quickly?” I live here! I’m one of the thriteen guardians of the Kingdom of San Diego. I'm ranked Number Nine.” She back from the bars as she looked down.” So…you are on his side?” Of course…It made sense. It had been too good to be true. She got her hopes up too high.” Cheru-Chan...” She shook her head, turning her back.” It’s okay. You were doing your job.” Demyx’s expression saddened as he stared at her back. His gaze went to the floor, arm going around her back to hold his other arm.” You were looking at the pond, weren’t you? I guess you wouldn’t know…But that’s where Her Majesty, The Queen when she was alive, found you. From that day on, you were to be the next Queen. Even with your weird looks. She took you in. Everyone was confused, but they accepted it. Also…from that day on, it was my job to protect the princess and stay by her side. I plan to live up to that, too.” He sat down, cross legged as a guitar appeared.” If she’ll let me, I’d like to play for the princess…for Cheru-Chan.” It took a moment, but Cheru turned around, smiling as she sat down to lean on the bars and listen to the tunes of Demyx, her guardian and friend.


It was morning by now. Sairyn woke up to the bright light of day, in the clearing Kairyn had left him in.”Ah. Kairyn? Is breakfast ready yet?” It was silent since he got no answer. ”Kairyn? UGH! Stupid idiot!” He found that Kairyn hadn’t come back. That boy had been gone the whole night. Sairyn was up in less than a second, head turning as he looked. ”Stupid!” He bolted off in the direction he saw Kairyn go in. How long was he gone? Sairyn didn’t know. But he wouldn’t be close if it was morning now. ‘Kairyn…!? Kairyn…!?” The distraught child ran through the land, searching and calling for his brother. He’d search for at least a hour or two, panting as he slumped with his back on the tree. What time was it? How long had he been doing the same thing? He couldn’t find him…no matter what he tried…Sairyn was no special being with special powers or whatever.

”Stay away! Leave…Leave me alone!” That got Sairyn up. ”Kairyn!” He ran off to where he heard the voice, pushing through thin bushes, breaking off pieces as he rushed past. He came up Kairyn by a small stream, cowering at the threatening look of a group of coyotes. Kairyn really did look helpless. Sairyn inhaled and gave out a roar, running through as the coyotes scattered, startled. Sairyn made it to his brother, who clung to the clothing on Sairyn’s back.” Stupid! Why didn’t you come back?!” Sairyn demanded as he stood in front to protect his brother from the coyotes. ”C-Cause…I’m going to save Cheru. I don’t need you to save me! I bet you came looking for me cause you were scared!” Now who was the one clinging to the other? Yeah. Sairyn is SOOO scared. The coyotes began to close in ash backed slightly.” It’ll be fine, you crybaby!” Then were on the edge of the stream now. The animals kept coming. “Oh! Shoo! Shoo! Don’t scare the poor boys, you brutes! You know better!” Their eyes were closed at the time, so the boys didn’t see the coyotes cower to the voice, ears flattening against their heads. They did manage to see the dogs running off. ”Humph. They’re quite the pranksters. You boys alright?” They looked up to see a tall man. He wore a long cloak that covered most of his body. He had scarlet hair to his shoulders with round shaped glasses over his amber eyes. He looked really young…Probably no younger than the twin’s ages. Sairyn nodded as he looked to his brother who had passed out in fright, while clinging to him. Now who was the one afraid? The man reached down to pick the boy up, cradling him with one arm. ”Poor thing, scared himself to sleep. Tsk. You may need some rest, too. Come on.” Sairyn was about to object, but his eyelids grew heavy. The last thing he saw was the man reaching down to carry him too. The last thing he remembered was the warm feeling he had, like a child being in the arms of a parent.


“That’s amazing!” There was laughing…cheerful laughing. “Unnnnghhh.” The light was going on and off with each blink. At least things were getting clearer. ”Hm?” It was bright. The bright eyed and bushy tailed boy rose from the soft, fluffy substance he woke up on.” Master! Master! He’s up! He’s up!” Sairyn blinked a the voice was like a squeaky, little girl. He turned his head as it sounded to be right by him. ”Hey! Hey, you okay, Kid?!” He turned as he met with the sight of a woman that looked to be no bigger than a can of soda.” Ah! Holycrap!’ He flew back, bunching up the fluffiness he was sitting on until his back hit a hard, rough surface. ”Hey! What’s that response for?! Never seen a fairy before?! Humph! So rude!” The tiny woman folded her arms. She looked feisty as she floated with her wings fluttering faster than a hummingbird’s. She wore a skirt and her waist showed. Her top end below her bust, showing off her shoulders with only one long sleeve. Her long blonde hair was held in a loose ribbon to the side of her head as it swayed by her knee.

”Ah. Now, Chiffani. You did scare the boy.” The man from earlier spoke as the fairy flew up to his shoulder. “I see you’re awake-sleep well? You looked to be.” Sairyn stared at the smiling man that knelt down in front of him. He took a look around the very lively place. Green wide plains, supplied with many animals and garden of wild flower. A pretty , large old fashioned looking house of bricks with a healthy brown color. The kind of house you see in those movies with the perfect people. He then looked down.

”Huh!?” He was…sitting in piles and piles of flowers. There were so many that it devoured him, yet kept him from the ground. He was against a tree. ”W-What is this?!” The man tilted his head as Sairyn began to swipe at the flowers, giving a blank look.” Hm…Here.” The man lifted his hand, showing the cuff of a white blouse sleeve under the cloak. He didn’t do much of anything, but the flowers being to pop, below him, leaving Sairyn on the grass gaping.” Who…are you?” It was then that Kairyn ran up, jumping on the man’s back while trying to hold on.” This is Aschen Belmont: The greatest sorcerer that ever lived! We found him!”


“Ah that’s much better. I hope it’s to your liking.’ Aschen spoke as he looked to the two boys that sat in the grass with him, with warm cups of tea.” Oh yes…thank you, Sir Belmont.” Sairyn said, hitting Kairyn to bow his head with him as they sipped after. Aschen had brewed tea for them out of the blue. With the kindness they received, they didn’t think of refusing.” Well… Let’s chat…You were looking for me, were you not? What can this humble man do for y-“Kairyn immediately jumped up, nearly spilling his tea.” That’s right! We need your help! Some whack job kidnapped ou-“Kairyn glanced to Sairyn then lowered his head.” My sister… I want to save her, but I can’t with this body. Plus Reith is really mean. Also…You can see people’s pasts and futures, right…? Well, my sister…We wanted you to see her past. So she can learn where she came from.” Aschen carefree look turned some what apathetic as he sat his cup down.

” I’m terribly sorry, but I will not assist those who cannot help themselves. You’re welcome to stay for as long as you like, however.” Kairyn was unbelieving of this. ”B-But, please?! I’d do it myself, but that brute, Reith, nearly broke my darn ribs! He’s crazy! And I can’t leave Cheru with him!” Kairyn pleaded with Sairyn sitting quietly in the background. Each beg was met with a no. Apparently, Aschen was very serious. ”You shouldn’t worry so much for your sister. I have a feeling she’ll be well protected until the time comes. That Reith may be harsh, but he isn’t stupid. I’m afraid that that reading will be unnecessary, too.” Aschen explained as he moved to raise himself up and dusted off.” I’m sorry, boys, but it’s time for me to return to my studies I’ll call you in for dinner.” With a simple bow, he retreated inside of his home.

Kairyn didn’t want to believe this. The man was one of the kindest men he’s ever met. Yet, he denies them his help when he could be the answer to his problems. He started to sniffle up again, confused.” W-Why? He can help us…but he won’t do it.’ The young blonde haired boy sat with his gaze towards his cup of tea, questioning the man’s motives. Was it all for nothing? ”I don’t understand.” He stated as Sairyn said nothing to comfort him.

“Master…why don’t you help them?” asked the tiny woman that had perched herself onto his shoulder for a good view out of the window at the boys. Aschen had shifted to lean forward in his captain’s chair and prop his head on his hands. ”Ho-ho Aschen is fine. I told you that, already. You can even call me Ash if you like. But, that’s quite the spell on them. Whoever put it on has some impressive power. It’s up to them how it goes. Ah…I’ve run out of tea…”


One...Two...Three. "Argh! It's been two days! Two! Why?! Cheru needs us and, he won't help!" Kairyn whined as he laid on the lush, green grass in the wizard's wide back yard. The boy's had decided to spend some time outside...well, Sairyn decided to read outside, on one of the lawn chairs that Aschen just so happened to have, and Kairyn, more or less, followed him.He's begged and begged for what it seemed to be forever. That stupid man would say no each time. Sairyn would tape up the other one's mouth if it meant that he wouldn't have to hear that whining...or that blasted name, for that matter. It was always about her... That's all he ever heard from Kairyn.

" Good Riddance." Kairyn stopped his rant to loot to Sairyn, gettin his face." You were talking 'bout Cheru! I know you were! Why are you so mean?! She's been nothing, but nice! You've done nothing, but make her sad!" Kairyn accused his older brother, while the said person didn't look to be effected by it at all."Good. Maybe she'll get it this time. she's not wanted." Sairyn was pushed out of his seat as Kairyn tackled him, making the chair fall." How dare you?! Don't say that!" Kai scolded his brother."Why not? It's true! I Hate ! Her! I always have!" POW! For the first time, Kairyn had the impluse to punche his brother. This is how the fighting started. For the first time ever, these brothers fought." WHY?! WHY ?!" Kairyn begged of his brother to tell him the reason of his hatred."Because I'm your real family! I was here first!" Sairyn yelled this, nearly crying." I was here before her! But when she came along, it was always about her!" The younger brother was beyond surprised to see hi usually calm, level-headed brother in this state.

" That's not-"He would try to defend himself."Yes it is! Cheru this, Cheru that! Everything had to haveher in it! Nothing was sacred anymore! it was like you loved her more than anyone! More th-than me!"Kairyn stopped his assualt, shocked. He finally understood, feeling the guilt. It was true, he put Cheru before everyone else, even himself.

"I-I...I see. I'm sorry, Brother. it's my fault. I'm sorry. I love you! I really do! But I love Cheru, too! You guys are my family. If you were gone, I'd cry everyday! Cheru would, too! She loves you, too! She tries so hard to make you happy! Please understand! I want my big brother, too!" Sairyn was sniffling as Kairyn was full out crying again, sitting on Sairyn. They were now on the same level. The light blue eyed male found himself being hugged, hesistant to hug the other back." I-I promise to more room for you, b-but you have to..." Kairyn head was now being stroked by Sairyn." I know.... I'll make room, too." it was then, that a bright, blinding light covered these two children. Their child-like action was what brought out their deepest feelings. Thee was no need for it." Now, you are ready for my help." Aschen stood before them with Chiffani on his shoulder, and a smile on his face. It was about time. The brothers stood, now, with one goal in mind. The clock was ticking.


This was depressing. Really depressing. Demyx hadn't came by yet and it was really lonely here. Well, it hadn't been so bad. She had met all of the guardians. it turned out that there were thirteen total, including Demyx. For some reason, they all had x's in their names. She spent alot of the time looking at the pond. It was a clue to her existance...but Demyx had said that she was found there...Once again, she hadn't found out where she come from ,but a place where she had been taken in. That's what she was doing right now, actually....standing on the stool and staring at the pond. It wasn't that easy to see, really." Cheru-chan! Cheru-chan!" Finally! Demyx was here! Geez! He took longer than usual today."Hello, Dem-kun! I was waiting for you!" she called out to him as she hopped off of the stool, holding her dress. Reith kept a steady supply of them so she wouldn't have to wear the same thing over and over." Cheru! I have something to tell you! H-Hurry!" He waved his hand to try to get her to move faster." What is it? What's wrong, Demyx?"

The young guardian seemed to be panicking, so she hurrid to meet him by the bars."It's Reith...he's moving the wedding date up...I'm getting you out of here. The others and I were trying to wait for the right time, but there's nothing we can do." He explained, stepping back to study the bars."But...why? Isn't it for the good of the country? I'm the princess... I can't just leave again." demyx shook his head to her as he griped the bars."You don't understand. Nothing is good about it! He's not doing this for the good of the country...He's going to have the country under his control. You see...Reith was the advisor and relative of the royal family. when there was no hier to the queendom, he offered his sister. But she was rejected because the late queen had found you. His sister was to care for you as your attendant, but had died in an accident, trying to protect you! Do you get it now? His sister was his life. She died for you. He's got you in bar for heaven's sake!" Cheru had a look on her face that showed she wasn't very happy." It's just like with Sairyn... I was brought into his family...and then he lost them all... He hates me, too..." Demyx looked to her as she spoke, wishing he could comfort her, but there wasn't much time.

" Good afternoon, Princess. Nine." greeting none other than Reith. He took the last step off of the stairs that led up. Demyx whipped his head towards the male, cowering slightly, but bowed, gracefully." Your Commandership." He acknowledged like he was supposed to. Reith studied him for a moment then passed him up to go to Cheru." You look positively dashing, as usual, Your Highness." He complimented her with a small smile as she was hesitant to smile back." Thank you very much, Sir. " Demyx had rose and stood back, out of Reith's view as he looked on, worringly." Your Highness. I apologize, once again for keeping you in such a place, but it is for your safety. There are people who don't wish for you to take the throne." His eyes shifted to Demyx, knowing full well of the guardians loyalty to the princess." Therefore, I' ve decided. The wedding will be in three days. I'm moving you into a more secluded room, until then." He epxlained, taking a key to unlock the gate."Cheru clung to her dress as Demyx rushed to the man's side.

" Sir! That's too sudden! Please reconsider- AGH!" Demyx was brought to his knees as the emerald eyed man stared him down, concentrating with his mind. The young man held his pulsing head ,trying to hold in the pain. This is what met the person who opposed Reith. If you couldn't tell...Reith was a psychic. His powers came from his mind as he was able to telekensis and other kinds of mental works. " Do you dare deny me, Nine!? You. Work. For. Me." The man had decided that the pain that he was putting Demyx through wasn't enough. He had taken to beating the male harshly in anger with kicks. he stopped, feeling a tug on his clothes, looking to the nearly bawling female." Please stop. I'll do it. just don't hurt him anymore. I'll do whatever you say. S-So...So don't..." Reith stared down on her, the released Demyx from his mental hold, leaving the blonde gasping." Good. Come with me." it ended with Cheru having to follow Reith while leaving Demyx in the cell, watching." S-So....Sorry....Che-ru...chan."


The next day was a day nearly no one wanted to come. The enormous ballroom had was filled with people, mostly from the neigboring towns and villages.All of the guardians lined up to make an aisle. There was one missing. The ceremony had started with Cheru ,and a line of maiden assigned to her, walking down the aisle. The mood wasn't cheerful at all, even with Cheru's insanely decorated dress.This was sooo not how Cheru imagined her wedding to be. It was extravagant, sure, but it didn't feel like te best day of her life. She hoped the sermon would last forever.

Her mind began to drift off as she stood at the alter. She, more or less, wasn't paying much attention to anything. After ths, she wouldn't have to travel with her brothers anymore...She know's alot more about her past, now. She just hoped that those two were alright. They were the closest thing she's ever had to family. Well...they were her family. She didn't know what would happen after today, though. What this crazy lunatic would do was beyond her. There was no garauntee that anyone would be safe. Even her life would be at stake.

"Princess? Do you?" Cheru blinked, looking to the priest." Huh? Oh um....I do." She gave a soft sigh. it counted to be her fifth one of the hour. She heard another "I do" looking down to the floor. " Does anyone object? Speak now or forever hold your peace."Next thing she knew, her head turned to a loud yelling.

"Stop! Stop this weding! Objection!" Reith was already irritated beyond belief. He ignored the nuisance, gripping his fiancee's arm. He glared viciously for the priest to continue. The twelve guardians had moved to action. They were instructed to stop anyone who causes trouble by both Reith and Cheru. However, Cheru couldn't help but to look, in shock. It couldn't be, could it? Her eyes were glued to the images of Kairyn and Sairyn trying to force their way through.

"Stop!" I...It was! It was Sairyn who was yelling! What the? Why? A strong force jerked her back and held her in place. A sharp jolt went up her spine and her body wouldn't move for anything. Not only that, but Reith was dangerously close. Ack! Move! Move! She realized that he was moving in for the kiss. She couldn't even close her eyes. This was one of the worst days of her life..." You sonavu! I said STOP!" Cackling. Booms. A bright, yellow light joltinh down between the unwanting bride and her captor. This powerful jolt of lightning freed her from his grasp, causing her to fall back. Everything was so bright that she couldn't see. She could hear the screaming and rushing feet of the panicked people that had attended this event. It wasn't just them, but her too. She was moving. " Get Cheru-chan away from here guys! I'll die before I let him use her." She remembered that voice... Her sight was slowly coming back, observug the faint onslaught of noisy lightning, and what looked to be thick blocks of ice.There was even a column of water...

"Agh!" Ah! the was Demyx! She was up by now, surrounded by the guardians." Your Highness! Are you alright?" No attention was paid to them. She could barely see from this distance, but she saw Sairyn with lightning coming from his fist, Kairyn doing the same with ice, and Demyx, struggling to strum on his guitar."Aschen is a life saver! These elemental runes rock!"Kairyn shouted. None of their attacks connected as they were sent flying." Ha! You can't defeat me, you fools!I may have that insufferable little birdie over there to take of...but I think I'll finish you off first!" He gloated as he began to rise in the air.The building shook as Reith held his hand out,creating what it felt to be seismic waves through the air. The three males that had been fightning him yelp, felling as they held their heads, trying to keep them from bursting at the immense pain. "N-No!" She pushed through her guards, running. Her eyes closed as the huge waves pentrated the air. Suddenly, Cheru sang. Why? Her voice wasn't just beautiful... it was her weapon. She was a siren. her voice rang through the large room. If you imagine it in wave, it was pushing back the waves that Reith gave off. The battle of waves...and Reith was loosing. "Hurry! Our chance to winning!" The males shook off the pain, getting up to aim for Reith. They all shot out their powers: ice, lightning, and water at him. The explosion was huge.

Months Later~~~

"Ah! I see. So her favorite's are gladiolus's." said a certain blonde." Yes. She also like amiryllis's." the man with the glasses nodded as the mullet wearing male ran off." Thanks for the info, Sai-kun!" Sairyn watch him and gave a smile.

Later on that day, there was a huge crowd. Glorius decorations with many flowers were set in the ball room. There was dancing and happiness all around. "Your Majesty! Time for the portraite!" Cheru whirled around in her grand wedding dress."Oh!" Arms flung out, each catching a twin brother. arms captured her waist, causing her to look up." Hey Honey! Picture time!" Demyx smiled at her." I got a-" One...two gladiolius flowers...then there were som amiryllis flowers coming from the sky. Okay...I had a surprise...so...surprise!" The light flashed.

In the main hall, a man stood, observing the picture." They look like a happy family." He commented as the fairy on his shoulder nodded." Yep! Hey! Are we going to go see that Nichole person they told us about?!" She said, tugginh on his collar." Ah yes... Lady Nichole...I bet Nathan misses her. He may be gullible, but he's her brother... Well let's get going," He said as he turned to leave."Yes Master!" the fairy called, fluttering after him.

In the hall, hung a large portrait of the Queen Cheru, King Demyx, and her two, precious brother: Kairyn and Sairyn, all with joyful smiles under the many flowers.

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