Lucy clambered out of her flea riden bed. Not much would keep her awake some days, but the occasional mail delivery. Bills, more bills, Lucy's Mum was sitting, rocking, back and forth, back and forth on the inside doorstep. All that awaited her was another gruelling day at work. She worked as an assistant to the Parent Governers, but the word PARENT would make her skin shrivel up and die. Meanwhile Lucy, on her dusty swing, always dazzled, always dismayed. On the T.V. it said it's bound to happen, it's just a period of time before it doesn't matter anymore, but they're wrong. This wasn't simply going to be a mere challenge, it's a blockage, a deep empty feeling. She thought "maybe, maybe if i'd gone in the building... maybe-". "NO". "Don't think like that", you're only 12 years old, how were you meant to know the walls were going to crumble infront of your very eyes. How? Anyway, days toddled by and Lucy realised it was election day. "Mummy, mummy", she called "Vote conservative". Yet she was talking to everyone, but nobody could hear. Just another waste of time dwindled, but an adventure was surely brewing.
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