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Words of a Goddess
Short One Shot Example
Warning. This needs major revampment. Errors Galore. And it's crap considering I wrote this years ago. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE WANT TO SEE THIS *dies* Considering I didn't think many people would want to dare read though this but I got a lot of requests and threats lately. (A total work out on the end) but if you want to brave the waters. This would be the long prologue to the Blind Clarity story. Just got my data disk back today! *dances*

Before you step inside this door, I shall weave time for you. If you come softly and sit by the hearth I shall take the glimmer of the shadows and mend them into life. But I warm you my tale is not for the weak hearted.

Prologue- Decent from the City of Sliver Blood

I remember the day like it was a moment away, because it simply is a moment away. The smell of melting flesh cutting the young lungs of a youth on the bring of stolen innocence, the truth revising my body the power and blood lust locking inside my soul, and finally the fall…the failing that I still drift inside of. Years mean nothing to someone of my blood for the past are like feathers dropping and floating at the wind’s pity, taking the fragments of soul along the decent.

I- The Cursed Child

Silence was my place in the world, the thought of communication was death for an angel with flame colored hair, and crimson eyes with black slits. Angels are usually shining creatures with light and glorious features of sparkle and shine hues of shining white, gold and pure blues. I was nothing of the sort; rich ruby hair grew from the roots as it felt on ruddy tan skin. Yet still from that skin peered scarlet eyes with onyx silted pupils. From the moment of my birth… freak, monster, and cursed became more common than my blood name, and the beginning of the truth.

“She’s a monster”

“Look at those eyes”

“Her hair red, bloody damned red Valos!”

“That child is cured”


The only world left to me when my father died was Alexander my cat. Alexander was my only friend, his white fur cutting though the sorrow of those days as he keep close to me, keeping his promise to my father Valos.

It must sound peculiar that I think so found of a mere cat but of course that is looking on the mere value of perception, in my world a look is a illusion a glace is a touch of death, if you don’t look beyond the beyond, death is your only consequence. Alexander isn’t just a cat or should I say he isn’t a cat at all but a demi-god sealed inside of an Abyssinian cat’s body.

And today he was being extra chatty.

“Ashterna today is your inheritance; you’ll have to be strong today. Remember your father and mind your manners to the council…and-..nevermind.” He commented paws crawled across the seam of my vest. He had been moving, reminding me every five seconds now and it was beginning to frazzle even my will.

“Stop that you’ll my robes to ribbons by the time I appear before the council. Honestly Alex you’re more stressed about this than I am go eat some catnip or something.” I breathed out taking the time to fix the various ties and chords among the ceremonial robe as he scowled deeply…as much as a cat could anyway. Today was the day I became one of them, the elite Angels who would serve the general care of the world.

An angel is trained until he or she reaches their one hundredth year, in whence they stand before the council and take their judgment. Only those who pass the holy trial are given wings and permitted to become Elite Angels who serve the council and leave the sky realm. It was something I wanted all my life, something every angel wanted all their life but something I wanted even more.

Father can you see me now?

The memories came at fate’s request not mine, my little soul pushed but fate crushed the gravity of my wants and desires rewinding the shadows bringing the then, to the now despite the blinding despair.

“Father! Why can’t I play with the other angels?” My very own small voice came pounding into my ears as younger version of myself lived before my eyes as my father was once again brushing my long crimson hair.

My father Valos was beyond an Elite Angel, but an elite general. His features and skills were talked about all among the sky realm as the gentle Silver Slayer.

His long hair was practically made of light, it was so blinding in silver color, his skin paler then faintness of daybreak, his eyes a deep sky line, and finally his wings were among the largest wings even known stretching past the span of his fellow angels to massive amounts.

This was my beloved father.

“Of course you can” He laughed out with his voice of golden mid day bells, his own long sliver hair was dangling down reaching my small tender hands which I tugged in frustration.

“No I can’t, they say I’m not a pure Angel. Because no pure Angel has hair the color of blood and eyes like a monster…” I trembled now clinging that silver life line as he gently picked me up tiling my quivering chin.

“Now Now Ash, what makes a painting beautiful” He asked pale hands climbing though my fire cast hair, as he grinned the tears back with his smile.

“I …I…I-“

“It’s only unique paintings that are beautiful, if you were as every other angel you wouldn’t be special, and you like being special don’t you?” He asked, his grin in place as my as I nodded my head, childish logic already beaming with my interpretation that the horrors of a second ago were now delightful.

“So…why am I special?” I asked watching the grin fall as his watery eyes froze into ice.

‘That destiny, will tell you, now go study on concentrating your magic. I hear you’ve been having trouble with that in school” And the memory faded with those words, that lie, and that pain.

So far he lied, destiny hadn’t told me anything, and he died in a mission before he could ever have the chance. Now it was time to take matters into my own hands, and from the moment he passed twenty years ago I trained without ceasing.

The impression of the sweeps of power on my hand, the feet moment faster than the motion of the eye’s ability to capture a fragment of it ,and the hand sliding down the staff bringing the power around it to strike down the darkness lived inside a less experienced mind trying to capture the displaced perfection in a memory.

I watched my father for years, taking every movement into my mind and burning it into my own hands, Gilon my father’s friend often came to spar with him, and after his death he took to sparing with me. Sometimes he jested I was the only competition worth it, but mostly he nailed me into the ground giving no handicap, making me love the man with every fiber of myself.

Gilon was known as the Righteous Blade. But the people calling him that have never faced him in battle or had him tear you limb from limb. I often bled as he continued the next attack, pushing harder, pushing me to every limit, tearing every limit, giving me a new goal as he left me unconscious on the dirt the thirst for the next battle heavy in my dried lungs.

Every strike taught me discipline, every touch taught me agility, every failure taught me wisdom, and every success taught me how to kill.

The other angels watched with freakish interest as I trained everyday into the night, jeers reaching deaf ears as my staff cut through an invisible opponent, my spells reaching Gilon’s shield with his confident smirk or as I was met with the steel of Gilon’s blade.

But yet I wanted more, more, and more.

All for this day.

“Angels report to the main center, for transport to the Holy City”

Here comes the moment of the end. The end of the moment. The start of life. The fall, the fall I’m still trapped in.

II- The Blood Contains Destruction

Blind Clarity, is my spoken name. Blood names are only called by friends and family members this was Angel General calling my name. “Blind Clarity, report to section E of train seven.” He said, taking a pause before moving on the next angel.

The train was silent from the moment I stepped in, expect for the hushed words rushing past my back with each step. I took a seat in the corner, as the rest of the load of nervous angels tumbled in. The wait was long, but the train rumbled as if it knew something we didn’t….and it did.

The movement was sudden as the train began to launch riding on the air itself; even my presence couldn’t stop them from being excited as the talk began to user itself into the train car. Talks of myths, and horrible accident, mess-ups before the council were relished by young minds filled with great expectation, but nothing prepared them for the task ahead.

It was the quiet ones, with tense tapping feet that alerted me…this wasn’t a school field trip…


The train came to a stop, as the driver finally came to the back of the car. “There are twenty of you on this train; only five will remain at the end of this battle… in order to remain on this train you are going to have to fight each other, like you intended to kill each other. You are have the option of quitting anytime by jumping out of the car, if you jump out you shall be protected, we have guards down the lower level to attend to you.

“It begins”

That was the all the information I needed, as I called the flames to my aid making the left section throw themselves from the cart, they were sheep, it was when the car only held seven passengers it was to be dangerous. And course why kill each other when the freak could be your target, it was simple social math as they circled me.

Stand your ground. Brace yourself. Stare them in the eyes...feel the force around you. If you will it you have eyes all around you…

I struck first letting the staff soar among them the power pushing them back with the aura alone, as I brought it across the chest of the older Angel boys, watching his body crumble. This was the symbol for the rest of them to attack at once and their greatest mistake, I felt for the first time the other side, the crimson bloodlines calling me.

From the path of the forgotten
Give your aid to me
Give the darkness form
To aid your master, the true mistress of the darkness

The red flame leap my hands surrounding me, it felt like home. The warmth lapping my skin and spreading towards them their screaming replaced with the sweet smell of burning flesh and yet I wanted more. The flames dances the crimson light splashing among the train cart like flashing blood quickly sending the Angels scattering to try and avoid my precious flames.

Dispel! The conductor yelled running to their aid. He had canceled the spell before major damage was done, or so it seemed, but the lanky child that had gotten closest wasn’t moving, and his skin was red and black mess.

I watched as he sighed, tossing the child of the edge of the open train.

“Sometimes death can occur.” He said eyes raised taking strides towards the front of the train, leaving us in the back and seated. The mummers of hate and fears surrounding me, as they mourned their one second companion, and the hate pushing upon the hairs of my head. But it’s looking back I could see that the question had begun to form of what was that freakish power, and the dark lust for their pain bubbling inside of me. Exactly what was I?

The train stopped, and we slowly got off one by one awaiting the arrival of our fellow angels. They came from city to city in the sky line…the weak had been weeded out here lay the strong and dangerous. You could smell the spell power off the stronger ones their eyes slanted and weary compared the nervous youths of the train. These were the ones to be Elite Angels.

“Report the holding station, the council shall call each of you at a time. And then we shall see what to make of you mutts”. Gilon’s voice called out guiding the hundred year angels inside of the city; some of them were two hundred trying once again to become an Elite angel.

You could only take the exam every hundred years, it was expected for only one tenth of the first hundreds years trying out to reach Elite Angel status. Gilon was here to handle the new Elite Angels and take them in as their general undoubtly.

We packed like rats beneath the gutter so close breath tousled among our skin, there were no shitty corners for me to hide myself in, inside the swallowing crowd. The names we called quickly, the great council could bend time to their will making a year a second…

And like clockwork the moment came

“Blind Clarity, please stand on the teleportation device” The breathes ran silent as they did so many times, and destiny prepared its wish of bloodshed.

III- The Fallen Truth

“We’ve heard a lot about you child” A nasal voice called out from the blinding light. In the holy city there was no darkness, here wasn’t an exception, the golden lights blocked out the process of all thought as I stood in front of the council.

“You’re father was exceptional solider, you don’t seem to be different. I heard you put on quite a show in the train coming here” Another voice laughed out, madness in the tones of the light.

“Luther…this child is dangerous” The nasal voice crept out again from the sheer blinding light.

“Bella be quiet and mind your tongue. Danger is a weapon we can stand to use.” The voice from before called out closer, almost as if it were touching me. I could feel the desire to own and control already trying to twist the coiling of my metal links as the lighted form took shape.

Endless Silver. This was most likely Luther the Mad. Methos’s royal guard along with Bella the wise.

“No Luther Bella is correct you are yet too young to see the hellish power coming from this child. We shall see for ourselves Valos’s choice inside of this child.” Another voice called out as a form appeared from the light. Methos the prince of the holy city, I comprehended from his purple robes and shinning wings.

Methos known as the prince of the holy city and one of the leader of the elite angels, took over me by gar.

He was a tall and intimidating looking Angel, his long wings streaming down to his anklets yet they were slender and frail. His hair matching his robes a light purple following with a mysterious energy pulsing though his sliver eyes. I could already feel his power reaching towards me, and attempting to climb underneath my bones.

“Blind Clarity close your eyes, and concentrate on the force that shall surround you child” He commanded, lifting his palm and letting the power course though my body.

The force was so strong, pressuring the soul to it’s limit that it knocked me to my knees, it wasn’t just simply that I couldn’t breath but the magic itself was trying to burst out of my pores…the pain was tearing me apart it felt as though he was trying to kill me. Burning the magic inside of me until it boiled over… stop …stop…STOP…

Do you want the pain to stop?

The magic crackled inside of me attempting to break the bones and remake them, it felt like he was trying to break and remake a part of me, but that part was fighting him. The pain of this war was taking it’s toll as my body convulsed on the cool marble.

Yes. Please make this stop.

“The child isn’t normal” Bella said coming forth her gold eyes looking onward as the pain seeped down into the marrow of my bones burning, burning, and burning the magic inside of them.

Then give me your mind. Become one with me?

“No s**t Bella. But what strength, usually one would be passed out by now.” Luther said coming forth as well his golden eyes also taking in the sight of my pain.

Who are you?

“I wonder if the myth is true is she really a demon child” Bella asked, giving a look over to Methos whose hands working on as he approached shoving that horrible force past my body and into my soul.

I am the self within your self. Become one with me, and I shall give you your destiny, the one your father told you about.

“Indeed she is. I’ve suspected for a long time. Valos had lain with Itria and I shall finally have my proof” His deep base commanded once more, pushing the pain further despite my screams.

Finally will I understand?

“I..I…I..tria. Are you sure? Valos? Why would he? This is slander of the highest Methos? Do you understand what you are proposing?” Bella yelled out her face turning scarlet as Luther’s mad laugh broke though her fear.

No but you’ll be closer, and use own strength to find the answers you so desperately seek.

“It would explain everything. Her magical powers on the train. Her eyes and hair. Her resistance to your power. Bloody Hell and then some, Valos had a taste for demon bitches. And not any Demon the Royal Demon Goddess herself.” Luther laughed as he came closer…his own magic building…

Then fine. Whatever you are. Blind with me, upon this blood pact we are one.

Screams split the matter around the air the darkness surrounding me cleansing every pore from Methos’s spell, even now I am still amazed I couldn’t tell it was my own as the wings, pushed themselves from my back, blood splattering among the council ground as the elders began scamper.

I remembered steam as the Bella’s scream cut though the fog as she lay in a pool over her own blood as Luther mouth gaped looking at me, as I looked at my own hands. The spell that leapt from them bounced around the council room as Luther smiled vanishing before the dark flame could hit him.

“Valos you damned creature. You laid with not only any demon, but a goddess of the underworld. You have created one hellish forbidden creature and left me to clean up the mess. Even your execution shall not repent for your selfish sins” Methos gritted out in the darkness coming towards me, but my body was no longer just my own I feel her myself moving without my own action as my hands crafted unknown spells repealing his blade.

“So you’ve awakened your demon power? It seeks like my power triggered the demonic blood inside of you fully, finally showing you as the disgrace your father presented to us” He yelled with a forward brandish of his blade cracking though my shield, marking the left side of my chest as he chuckled.

“It’s far too early for you to challenge me. Demonic powers or not you will never be able to fully tap into them. It’s a shame Valos had to die for brining you into this worl-“

“So it was you who killed my Valos. That’s quite enough Methos” Gilon’s voice cut through the blinding light as he smiled his blade protruding from Methos’s shoulder the blood running down the blade along with Gilon’s broken creed. Gilon’s eyes were watered orbs… I’ve never seen the man cry, and I’m sure no one else had. A man of his nature crying could only mean he was accepting death.

“Blind…no Ashterna, I suggest you get your a** moving. This whole city is going to be coming after you and every elite Angel will want you dead. .. Your wings are beautiful just like you’re fathers.” As Methos’s spell came at him as he dodged moving towards the side with a slight movement eyes shaking with a deadly force.

“You don’t have time to be worrying about others Gilon. Face it. You’re just as bad Valos, but you happened to have different sin. You were in love with Valos the whole time weren’t you?” Methos gritting out desperate thrusts not begging to touch the agile Righteous Blade.

“Oh yes, I always loved him but I never had the courage to say anything it was forbidden. And yet he goes off and does the forbidden by falling in love with the demon goddess Itria…the strongest one of them all…it’s ironic, and I knew from the moment I saw them together he could never love anyone else. Yet I still and always will love Valos and I’ll take his killer to the grave” Gilon ushered out his blade glowing with his very own life force trusting though Methos’s shield as he collapsed himself. He put his very own life in his blade to end Methos’s.

“GILOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNN” Time slowed as I rushed to his side, the glimmer of his cat like smile playing in his features. As he touched my cheek softly tracing an unknown pattern into the flesh as he chuckled.

“Fight fate and find your destiny.” Gilon broke out with last breathe as he pointed towards a shinning golden light…

The light bathed a lanky form with blue wings, and a confident smirk. I knew that smirk, it was the smirk of a perfectly stated cat.

“Alexander!” I called as he laughed and grabbed my hand quickly pulling me into the air.

“Didn’t know your house cat was this handsome eh? Sadly I can’t hold this form long, you best learn how to use your wings quickly. I have enough for us to reach the portal but you’re on your own after that” He rushed out in mid spin as spells came dashing by us.

It’s begun


Are you scared?


Don’t be. I’m inside of you.

“We are almost there. Come on fly Ash. You gotta use those shimmering wings of yours if you are going to survive.”

I’ve been waiting for a long time to meet you. Valos didn’t tell me you were so head strong.


At least I’ll always be apart of you now. We are one.

I could feel the heat, my wings burning and rebuilding themselves with energy as I felt them move. The muscles rippling and working with a solid fluid motion.

“That’s it per-” Alexander glow faded as his cat like form landed soundly in my arms. My winging going directly towards the angelic spiral that had formed inside the middle of the holy city, which was the portal.

I felt it engulf me. Before I fell, and fell into the pool of shadows. It felt like a lifetime of falling the warmth being sucked from chest and my hands grasped at nothing but bitter space.

Your fight against fate begins now...

Are you sure you want to leave this fire? And follow me, for now you must know the path I walk is surely cursed and sealed in a cursed blood.

Yes. I also think you’d best leave now, for I hear them coming.

User Comments: [5] [add]
girls dont exist
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 28, 2009 @ 10:03pm
Ohgod. That was amazing, even with all the errors.
Really, you should consider writing a whole BOOK and publish it. I think it's that good. Or maybe add it to a writing site and update there. No doubt you'd have a ton of fans/subscribers. Seriously. <3
Kinda tearing up xD Bein' all godly and such. As well as there not being anymore for me to read. Very interesting with what you have done so far. Spent about 30 minutes reading it. Best thirty minutes I've spent in a long time.

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 29, 2009 @ 12:11am
Once again this story is amazing! It draws the imagination in like a
fly to light. I'll tell you this much. You really know how to weild your
words in such a way that no response will ever do you justice. Yeah.
It's that good. If you have a fanfiction.com account or deviantart pit this
up! Major fans will follow! Including me!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 29, 2009 @ 01:34am
I thought it was nice

my name is ria and i'm hella gay
quoting me is the best way to get me coming faster than a b***h in heat
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 29, 2009 @ 09:06pm
WOW that was just soo awesome!!!!!!
=D very cool even with the errors,they hardly matter!!
!!!.....It was very good.....!!! biggrin
My journals crap!! lol!! rofl

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Nov 30, 2009 @ 01:55am
wowowowowowowo WOWOWOWOWO TAT WAS LIKE WOW AND WOW AND WOW AND DID I MENTION WOW??? rofl heart biggrin mrgreen eek

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