Wondering latly, how is my journal coming?
Thruth be told, i've got no clue to that question, soly because I know myself. Even so , I want to try to make this journal a nice journal of the things on wich my mind ponders ( is that correct english ? ) Sure, when I work there's a lot of things i'd love to type here. but when I get home, I tend to gorget tree quarters of it.
Also keeping my journal original a.k.a not having to much of the same in it. Originalety is hard to come by to. If you're looking for examples, just look at tv serie's. When there's a hit on a serie, there's bound to be a spinnof , of something simulair on tv in not to long time.But also with the originalety in my journal I like to add a touch of humor to it , something on witch i'm not sure will really work. Though the emo's kinda help. ( or at least I hope they do )
sweatdrop now what should I do , see a shrink? ( on second thought no. I'd drive the poor man crazy )
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C-C-H 666 journal of thought's
A place for my thoughts , for I am one with many thoughts.