Please stop with the eyes comments, yes? It's the one feature of myself that I dislike the very most, so compliments come to me as insults.
Anyway, I'm a dude, bro. I'm 20 years old since the last update of this journal. I'm half Japanese and half Native American. I'm actually from Japan, but I moved to America before I was old enough to really have any memories. But when I was in Japan, I lived in Yokohama, in the Kaganawa prefecture just south of Tokyo. growing up, I only learned English, but now i'm learning Japanese and i'm picking up on it quite well.
Music is a very big part of my life; it's very important to me. I'm listening to music right now (Violent Pornography by System of a Down). My favourite types of music are Rock, J-Rock, House/Electro, and Anime Themes (not all of them of course). My favourite artists include HIM, MCR, AFI, The Rasmus [Rock], L`Arc~en~Ciel, Gackt, MONKEY MAJIK [J-Rock], Miike Snow, Blood on the DanceFloor, Shinichi Osawa, Jefree Starr, Blaqk Audio [House/Electro], Yoko Kanno and Steve Conte [Anime Themes]. I listen to what fits my mood at the time, and when I don't feel like listening to anything special, I set my 16GB Sony Walkman to shuffle all and go on about my regular activities. Which is what i'm doing now. (Now it's The Love Letter by Blaqk Audio.) There's a Plsylist on my profile if you're into the music I am, feel free to take a listen.

But, since I can't go outside all that much, I like to stay in and draw mostly. My drawing is kind of consuming me in a manner of speaking, but it's because I enjoy it so much. I'm not very good, but it's something I like doing anyways.
I do draw for Gaians. I have an artshop here on gaia that's usually pretty dead, but I take friend and PM commissions as well. That Giant image there to the left is a clickable link to my DeviantArt profile, where you can see samples of my work (I usually finish it for customers but I tend to leave my personal stuff undone).
Flatrate 100K, gets you whatever you want. DeviantArt users can note me (on DA) their Gaia username and they'll get a 10% discount off of their entire order if they're paying gold. I take bribes but it's gotta be an item off of my wishlist. I will do avatar art if you give me a very lucrative offer that I can't deny, but otherwise I do RPCart and Fanart only.
So that's me, that's what I do, blah blah blah. Commission me if you like, I seldomly say no. n_n