"No! -This cannot happen!" -his fists smashed against the surface of the old wooden table beneath him.
"Deitry -It's nothing we can revolt against..."
"But..." -he sank down again -his hands clawing his head as his eyes stared -glossed by tears.

-Deitry, a young man at the age of eighteen -his younger sister; Faliffa -had been decided to be the young beautiful virgin to be sacrificed to the dragon this year.
-The dragon had haunted their small, poor village for some years now and it demanded a sacrifice -not to destroy the village completely and leave the people at piece.
"Bring me, each year by the end of summer -a virgin sacrifice; a beautiful maiden -and your village will be spared." -was the message and the peasants obeyed. -Faliffa was the seventh virgin to be sacrificed now...

-His mother crying at the loss of her daughter, Faliffa was prepared the night before she would become the dragons sacrifice. -But Deitry would let no such thing happen! -Inside of his chest grew a dark hatred -why did the dragon deserve a woman to feed on each year? -Would it not be a better solution to call on a knight and have it slain instead?
-But Deitry's village was poor and no knight was to find either...

When the rest of his family had gone to sleep, Deitry was still awake. -Sleepless he had decided his mission the same day he knew of his sisters unfair destiny. -Faliffa -a flower in a dead land, she had not shed a single tear upon hearing she would be sacrificed -just like all days she smiled and objected not...

-Stealing the sword his father had once gained in a trade, Deitry took a lantern and left home. -In the dark night his light was the only light seen, spare from the moon covered by clouds on the sky.

-Trailing his way through woods -over rocks and climbing up the mountain, he eventually came to the dragon's lair. -A deep cavern to which no light reached...
Leaving his lantern outside, he blew out it's flame -knowing he would see the dragons flaming breath to light his way further on.

-Trailing through the darkness, all lights and all sounds -spare his own breaths were dead and gone. -After what felt like an eternity Deitry eventually stumbled upon a weakly lit chamber -no dragon to be seen yet...
-Standing still a few moments, he waited for his eyes to get used to this small source of light. -Suddenly he twitched, feeling a warm breath against his neck's skin.
-Turning, he saw the features of a person -he had first thought the breath to be the dragon's and his heart still beat hard in his throat.

-Swallowing a few times, he allowed himself to speak.
"My lord -good sir. -Why are a fine man such as you in this filthy dragon's lair?" -he managed to say, judging this man in his front was a man of wealth -wearing rich robes and with fine features of his body.
-But the man didn't reply, instead he took a few steps forward -standing tall against Deitry's face and the boy had to tilt his head to be able to meet the man's eyes.

"Sir?" -he asked again, then the man suddenly seized hold of him and Deitry dropped his father's sword in utter surprise -the blade giving off a metallic echo as it hit the cave's floor.
"A man... -A young boy?" -the man suddenly said, his voice smooth and low -nearly mesmerizing to Deitry's ears.

"Sir... -Why are you here? -Where's the dragon?" -Deitry said again -confused that such a slim man could hold such a strength to his hands.
But the man just chuckled at Deitry's words -looking at him with rich green eyes.
"Have you come in hope to slay a dragon, young boy?" -the man asked him, an amused tone heard in his soft voice.
-Still stunned, Deitry let his head fall to a nod -this followed by the man's chuckle again.

Angered by the man, unable to find what would be to such amusement -Deitry released himself from the man's hold taking a few steps back to stare at him.
"I find nothing that could be of amusement -so why are you laughing? -This dragon has cursed my village for several years. -My only and dear sister is next in turn to become it's victim, and I am the one to end this hellish creature's hold of my village and the ones who are dear to me!" -he said, nearly furious by this man's ignorance.
At the end of his words, the man smiled and seized hold of him again. -But not only that; he also forced his lips onto Deitry's -giving him a kiss.

-Staring blankly in front a few moments -Deitry blinked and soon grew a grim face.
"What the hell are you doing!? -Are you mad!?" -he threw at the man, trying to force himself out of the grip.
"Mad?" -came the man's immediate answer -a small chuckle heard in his voice.
"I know no such thing as madness." -he said, suddenly throwing Deitry down.

-Caught by stone in the fall, Deitry realised there was a stoneslab beneath him -nearly serving as a place of rest -say for a creature...
-Realising it, Deitry tried to sit up again -throwing the words out to echo between the walls of the cave.
"You're the dragon!"

-Not even stopping his movements in a moment of hesitation, the man climbed on top of him -keeping a laugh in his throat and looking down at his face.
"You're not all ignorant then..." -he said, holding Deitry's wrists as he trailed his tongue over the young boy's neck.

-Shivering at the touch, Deitry made an attempt to force the man off -but it was pointless -he had no chance against a dragon's strength...

-Tears running down his cheeks, he held his breath, not to let the dragon have the joy of hearing his cries as he felt the cold stone against his skin as he was undressed. -His clothes torn open by a clawlike nail that trailed down his body, leaving him to shiver at every inch it touched.

-Feeling the lips slowly kiss him, trailing from his throat and down over his torso -Deitry twitched as the man led his lips to kiss between his legs.
"Please... -Don't do it..." -he begged, his head turned away and his eyes closed to avoid seeing the dragon's cruelty.

-Leading his lips to carefully nib Deitry's ear, the dragon kept a vile smile on his lips.
"What wouldn't I do?" -he asked -slowly caressing Deitry's body.
-Clenching his jaw, Deitry felt his chest tight -infuriated by how the dragon played with him.
"Don't take my dignity..." -he replied, tugging at his hands being held above his head. -Exposed and bare he held no means to repel the dragon. -The sword lay unused and out of reach somewhere on the cave's dark floor...
-A dark laugh was everything that met him, and soon he felt the dragon plunge itself into his body.

-Emitting a vicious scream, Deitry threw his head from side to side, the instant pain roaring through his body.
-The next moment he just breathed heavily, breaking a sweat and crying -weeping like a child... -His dignity taken away he hated the dragon more than ever, even more than what he had done when he heard his sister was to be it's sacrifice.

-Hearing the echoing laugh, Deitry opened his eyes, a weak -panting breath from his lips as he recovered he saw the dragon. -The fangs shining white and the eyes nearly glistering green in the darkness.
-Another grim smile -Deitry felt the claws dig into his skin and he jerked again -closing his eyes and biting his teeth together. -Another thrust had him loose his breath, trying to scream and breath in the same time.

-Engulfing his opened lips, the dragon forced a kiss on him again, the tongue trailing into his mouth and holding him like that for a few moments.
-Parting, the dragon let his tongue dance over his own lips -as if he could still taste Deitry... -A satisfied smile to the boys desperation.

"You're adorable..." -he suddenly said, releasing Deitry's hands as he kissed him again, trailing his hands down the boy's sides to hold his waist -thrusting him mercilessly.

-Burrowing his one hand's nails into the dragon's shoulder, Deitry tried to ward off the dragon by pushing his other arm against it's chest. -But it was just as futile as all else he had tried, the dragon didn't even budge at his attempt -but kept laughing...

-Sliding a hand behind the boy's back, the dragon forced him to arch his back -lifting him slightly to hold him against himself.
-A smile still vivid on his lips, the dragon felt Deitry's arms around himself, the nails digging into his back in the pain of the youth. -But he felt no pain, embracing the boy, he kissed his neck... -Slid his tongue over the salty skin and listened to the moans of the boy as he still thrust him.

"I... Hate you..." -the words burned his mind, etching themselves into his soul and the dragon hesitated -just for a moment. -Then he laid Deitry down again -placing a hand over each of the boy's shoulders and thrust him hard -violent again.

-Looking down at the boy, seeing the pain mirrored in his face, the dragon just bit his lip, the smile faded and gone.
-Arching his back, leaning onto Deitry, the dragon kept thrusting him -deeper -slower...
-Eventually he laid with his arms around the boy's neck, kissing his lips and otherwise still -still inside him.
"I wish you didn't..." -was all he said. -Empty words to someone who could not hear them...