STOP READING NOW IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED (In which case you're nothing more than a p***y who can't handle someones opinion, which everyone is allowed to have)
Ok I've heard alot of this from a certain E.W. and if you're a WG regular cease this action now.
Evanescent Wings Avatar is not a clutter (I'm not just saying this because she's my gf, I've had it said about me and it's retarded) Her avatar has a theme to it, and I can see her perfectly fine. If you say she is a clutter you are mearly jealous cause you 1: Can't do what she can with her avi 2: Are poor and can't afford what she has 3: Dun like it cause it's not emo or sad looking. Which brings me to a quik side note.... Almost the entiiiiire if not more than half of the Gaia Community is Emo or if you would rather me be correct SCENE! I dun mind that, what I do mind is people saying avatar that look dark and sad, are better than others that may be all happy princessy just cause you find it preppy. I here alot of crap from Scenes, about how other why other cliques or stereotypes suck.... You're being a hypocrit because I see scenes then complaining about others picking on them for the way we are. If we could just get rid of the stereotype card, none of this whiney bs of the cliques would happen.
So there ya go I killed 2 birds with one stone.
E.W. is not a clutter, she just has what you don't (A clutter is someone who has every freaking item on the site equiped at once, and if I find someone like that, they will be example 1 to this rant)
And Scenes and all other stereotypes just need to drop the hate, and stop their bitching.
I do not consider myself in any stereotype.....or if anything I'm a mix of them all.
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Book of Fate
Named after the Climactic ending of my Story the IV Chronicles. This is my Journal full of blah, and crap I feel like telling you guys
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