Wehehe , I haven't earned a lot of gaia gold , mwahaha (You : And you have to laugh about it ? Me : *evil insanity mode : ON*) ... Mwahahahahahaha-ha-ha... Ok , Evil insanity mode has been switched off now , please excuse me about that sweatdrop
Anyways , it's true that I'm earning Gaia gold at turtle speed , but I still keep on creating more and more tektek avatars...I lurked around the art forums and I think I can see what sells well (For about 50k GG) and I can draw it if I have the time to , so I'll start drawing detailed lineart and see if I can sell that 3nodding
P.S. I know I sound like my head is in the clouds , but "I ARE ARTIST , RAWR domokun " (Evil insanity mode is back on) ...
The Starduster Community Member |