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My Screwed Up Little Mind
Because I'm better than you are!.......Not
Sir Lathan's Legacy
"Hello Lady Asami...tis a surprise to see you awake so..early. And you brought your soldier with you...joy." "Of course Fanollo, Ordell from now on will be escorting me everywhere I go here." Asami replied. She was quite wary of the bishops and priests. "D-Do you not trust as Your Holiness?" he asked. Asami sipped some of her tea and gave a smile. "Indeed you are correct. At this point the only one I can trust is myself. But..why should it matter? I'm sure you all have the same opinion as I." "Your Holiness, how could you say such a thing? Have I not cared for you since you and your brother came to this most scared of places?" Asami was no fool, nor was she as stupid as her caretakers seemed to think. Her light blue eyes flashed a look of hatred towards Fanollo. "If I am not correct, the moment we entered here...you called me and my brother worthless street rats. The only reason you didn't kick us out was because religion told you otherwise." she hissed. Even Ordell was surprised at the young woman's speech. The Church was filled with more holes than Swiss cheese. It was apparent that they wanted so badly to control young Asami, but it was her brother's undying spirit that prevented that from happening. "But enough of that....Tell me, has my brother returned here since I've been gone?" "Oh no...we haven't seen him in years.....I fear the worst for him I'm afraid." he replied while glancing at the window. "My brother isn't dead Fanollo, he swore to me that he wouldn't die...and I shall hold him to that." she said, glancing down at her reflection in the tea. "Your faith is strong Your Holiness...it is no wonder you are His Voice." "Yes...well the others will be waking up soon...please ask the chefs if they can make us a nice breakfast." "O-Of course Your Holiness but...may I ask you something?" "Hm? Oh shoot." "Well, we were wondering how you feel about....Merlon." "Hm? Merlon? Oh well....he's a nice kid. He's like...another brother." "Hm....I see....well...y-you do realize how great it would be for this nation if you...by any chance, married him correct?" "Er...y-yes I do but, I don't like Merlon like that." said Asami. "O-Oh....I-I-I see, well you should consider the idea. Well then, I supposed you should erm..be on your way then." he said nervously. The two watched as the father disappeared into the hallway, Ordell couldn't help but lift his glasses out of nervousness. "Well then....ahem, let's just have an enjoyable breakfast then, shall we?"

The breakfast we had was amazing that was until a scream pierced through the castle walls. "Oh my...What was that?" Asami asked. "Stay calm Your Holiness...we'll tae care of it. Yael, Merlon...come with me. The rest will stay with Her Holiness and guard her. Let's go." Just like that our little three-man platoon was off. When we got outside huge monsters greeted us. At first I could've sworn they were dragons but their bodies told me otherwise. I flashed back to my last project that was done for a recent history class. We were all told to look up a particular mythological being and not only present our research but to create a model of it. The creature I was looking at matched my model perfectly. This creature...was a wyvern. Cousin to the lizard and dragon alike. These bastards have the standard reptilian body, can breath fire, are highly intelligent and of course can fly. But the thing that distinguishes them mostly is because of the fact that they have no arms or legs. There had to be at least 19 of them. They were about 9ft but their wings span was much, much larger. The wyverns roared loud enough to actually pierce the windows. "Yael....can you kill them?" Ordell asked. The sand-fox nodded and flashed his claws. With a single howl and jump he was able to eliminate all of them quite swiftly. "Alright...Yael, I need you to be our...silent fighter. I will handle mid range while Merlon handles distant enemies. Ready?" Ordi asked The two of us nodded and we made our way through the town. They were crawling around everywhere like some bug infestation. I sniped out a few that were on roofs while the other two cleaned up the rest. "Where the ******** are they coming from?" Yael asked. "I'm not sure.....unpure creatures like these cannot pass the barrier here so...these creatures...." "They're surrounded by powerful magic.....Master's magic." I finished. "W-Wait....s-s-so are you tellin' me these things are courtesy of that Fira lady you saw?" Yael asked. I nodded and closed my eyes. "Master's magic is veeery powerful. He could've amplified them aswell.....but Master has to be somewhat close if his magic is working. Come on, let's hurry!" 15 minutes had passed until we killed all of the ones that lurked within the city."Well...that's all of them...Now quickly, we have to search for Master!" I yelled. We made out way outside the city to see Master wearing a black cloak and holding a book in his hands. Master didn't need special channeling objects for his magic though, so why? "Well hello little Merli, you've gotten much smarter whilst you were here, I never would've believed you'd catch on so quickly." he said with a twisted smirk. "Master....that woman you are with....s-she's very dangerous. She doesn't need you...I guarantee that you will die by her hand if you continue to go down this path....please-" "Keep those words behind your tongue boy! I should kill you for speaking such blasphemy, but I have not given up hope on you...you are indeed a smart boy, surely you will make the right decision." "Why are you attacking the Holy Lands?" Ordell asked. "Because...it is the perfect place to strike no? Everyone on this planet knows about it and destroying it is like a declaration to the world that Lady Fira has returned. I am her knight and I shall not only spread her word but protect her with my life!!" "N-N-No...Master...what happened to you?" "Child, oh poor child. You were to become my key to this world. Oh how I longed for it so...." "M-M-Master?! W-What're you saying?" I was confused...so deeply confused. Ordell glanced at me and then to Master, he ran to me and covered my ears. He put a spell on them so that I would become deaf. Ordell, he knew something about me. He knew.

"This boy is too young and much too powerful to be in your cursed ands any longer. If you refuse to give in then....I will finish you myself!" Ordell shouted. He flipped out his book and sent spell after spell at Merlon's Master. The man stood still with book at his side. "Heh...such a powerful young man...and that badge..you're apart of the MG, no?" "Don't you dare speak the name of such an honorable force with your cursed tongue! Yael....you must trap this man, now quickly!" he ordered. The sand-demon's eyes glowed red as he manipulated the sand to engulf him. The an only responded with laughter. "This is demon magic...practically the weakest kind, do you honestly expect to defeat me with this?" he asked. "Not demon magic....spirit magic~" Yael said with a smirk. With a single howl more sand not only poured in but began crystallizing in the air. "Now Ordell!" The mage pushed up his glasses and shot out a powerful blast from his hand. The crystal sand flew as dust but no body nor blood was seen. Yael perked up his nose and walked to the center. He picked up the book the man was holding from before and handed it to Ordell. "You know that guy man?" "Yes...I do..." He then undid the spell upon Merlon's ears. The boy swung at Ordell. "What do you know? Why will you not let Master speak about? Why?!" Tears were already beginning to form. "Oh child....sigh...very well. Call a meeting to the others, I have something very important to say." he replied. Merlon tightened his fists but leaped on Mooncica and raced straight to the castle. "What're you gunna tell him?" Yael asked, now walking back with Ordell. "Simple...the truth and nothing but. This is now something that effects all of us. Now then, let's hurry onward...I can tell someone's impatient with us." The two made their way back to the castle and was greeted by everyone sitting at the round table. Merlon sat at it's head. The two found their seat and Ordell looked around,"Your Holiness....I must ask that none of your people come within this room for awhile." "O-Oh...Alright." Asami looked to her servants and held up her hand, instantly the disbanned. "Now then...What I am about to tell you happened about 100 years ago. A mysterious man had appeared in our world. He knew strange but powerful magic and traveled about the continents to learn all he could. This man gained a powerful reputation. He then appeared to the King at the time and asked for a job. He would be the King's advisor. Hr helped influence decisions that made some of the countries today. Many questioned the man's intentions but obeyed him because of his high power. This man founded the MG, he suggested a private militia that only the King himself could control. They would be his protectors and followers. But they would also be his senses, that man taught and selected a choice few. They would become the first generation of Magical Guard. Now fast forward, this time only about 16 years ago. The King was His Highness Lathan. His heart was kind and just, he is likely the most influential King." Merlon and Merlow watched as everyone bowed their heads. "Who was King Lathan?" they asked together. Asami pointed to a man's painted portrait on the wall. His hair was actually a dark tint of blue but easily mistaken as black, his eyes were a deep lavender. He wore a smile on his face and appeared to be quite young, not a day over 23. "King Lathan was the kindest King....he established relations with each continent and country and helped solve their most pressing problems. He was known for his smile though...Each person he smiled at was said to have good luck. He was amazing...able to perfectly understand everyone's problems. He would even go amng the streets and poor towns to help out the people. But one thing he was also known for...his magic." Asami explained. The twins stared long and hard at the man's portrait,"He doesn't even look like he's serious! Look at that stupid smile!" Merlow barked. "Indeed....To me he also seemed....estranged. While in my first years of the MG we were put infront of His Highness....I actually got sick. He walked infront of us all and he waved his hand infront of me, my illness was gone. He was a powerful magician in his own right, not a single man can say they could defeat him. But...this caused his advisor to grow jealous. But no one could say a word. He had raised Lath since he was but a babe...he even raised his family." "But how could his advisor have lived that long?" Merlon asked. "Because...magic is a powerful thing. It made this man live forever and it made His Highness the same way. But what Sir Lathan treasured more than the people, was his wife Sophie. Miss Sophie was a pretty young thing....just turned 16 when Lathan stole her away from her small fishing town in the Holy Lands. She was just as crazy as he was. Isn't that right...Caliban?" "Yea, I remember Mom talking about Miss Sophie....her town was in the West, she was supposed to have been born in the Holy Lands but demons raised her, right?" "When Lady Sophie turned 18 however...the world was overjoyed to hear that the royal family would no longer be just two. Only the MG knows what I am about to tell you...please, you must share this secret with no one, understand?" The group nodded and listened in to Ordell's explanation. "The advisor used this as a perfect time to strike at His Highness Lathan. He....stole their baby."

"I must see the royal family at this moment!" shouted the advisor. "Sir....is Highness told us specifically not to let anyone come inside the castle, you'll just have to wait and-" The man waved his hand and caused the soldiers hearts to stop. "I must see that damned child....before it becomes the end of me." He walked inside and snuck into the clinic. "Darling....a-are y-y-you o-okay?" Lathan asked, shaking. "Oh come of it...I've never seen such a nervous father before." "Yes well I wasn't expecting twins now was I? A-Are you sure you're alright?" he asked. "Yea...just really tired...and hungry too..." "R-R-Right..I'll have one of the chefs make you something to eat alright?" "Sweet....oh and Lathan?" "Hm?" Sophie kissed her husband on the cheek and whispered,"You can hold one of them." "R-Right...seems we got the best deal huh? You wanted a daughter..and I got a son....hehe...." "How about Merlon and Merlow?" she ased suddenly. "Huh?" "For names stupid...remember we were trying to decide earlier?" she reminded him. "O-Oh right...well they are a bit...odd of course....but I guess it sounds good. Alright, Merlon for the first son and Merlow for my first daughter." The two parents smiled at their two new additions to their family. A nurse came in and wheeled in a plate of food,"Seeing as you've already fed the babies....would you mind if I cleaned them properly and give them both a nice bath? Coming into the world is tough~" "Ah! R-Right...Can you put Merlon and Merlow on their name tags?" "Oh such beautiful names...N for the little boy right?" "Yep, take care of them!" "Of course Lady Sophie." The nurse picked up the two children, bathed them and placed the two in the nursery. The advisor stared at the children and picked up the clipboards containing their information. "Merlon is the smaller baby, Merlow showing signs of more strength; more healthy looking.....hmph well then, it appears my choice is obvious. Let us go...Merlow." He took the baby into is arms and she actually bit him. "You little b***h! V-Very well....I'll just-" Just as he was about to pick her up once more a blast of energy smacked him right in the face. "W-What the?!" He looked around only to see Merlon crying for his sister." "N-No...you're the weaker one...but..very well, then you are coming with me." He picked up the little baby and walked outside the castle. "Sorry Lathan....this is my win~"

"W-Wait a minute....L-Lathan was our father and.....Master kidnapped me?" I asked, in disbelief. "Yes.....His advisor was indeed your Master...." "B-But then...w-what about Sophie and Lathan? W-W-Why was I sent to another family?" "Because...Lady Sophie and Sir Lathan grew frightfully depressed after Merlon's disappearance. They were so distraught...they killed themselves. Then that damned tyrant King came...and the whole world plunged into sorrow....I-I-I-I am so sorry....I should've told you earlier but I wanted to wait until you were mature." My sister and I remained deathly silent. M-Master wanted me as a puppet all along, I was no don to him...just a tool to help him someday rule this world and bring down his greatest obstacle. I got up and walked outside. I needed...no I had to think.

Wah..tis been awhile ne? So sorry for long awaited...helpin with MSG4 plus trying to get ideas and such....I have Merlon's Master's name but Kelly has the riginal chap on her AOL account so I can't acess it...plus In couldn't remember what his name was...so dun worry...name will come next chap.

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commentCommented on: Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 09:34am
OwO dun dun DUUUN! Wow, I really liked this chap, though my eyes burn really bad >w<; ugh...need sleep, but I had to read the new chap! Lots of parts that are new to me, really interesting~ hmm, I'll get that name tomorrow..I sleepy now ;w;

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 01:40pm
aww poor lady sophie and sir lathan D'= *sniffles* this was a good but sad chapter. and can't wait for the next chapter, the mystery name will be revealed once BK gets the name X"D and good luck to you both on MGS4

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