This is my very first entry!! >< Yay. hehe. I've not really done one of these so.. bear with me! kai~~? ><
Well first off I'd lyk to share with you.. something that was quite freaky for me~~!! I'm probably just overreacting.. but my curiosity led me to do something i would really regret. So let me tell yu how it started.. *dream sequence*
... I was browsing around the chatterbox lyk I ussually do and i came across a topic which was titled 'I got an industrial piercing today!!'(or something similar to that....). At the time I had no idea what an 'industrial piercing' was. So.. I clicked on. This didn't really help because all this person was saying was.. 'I can't stop poking it.. Hehehe..'
stare Wasn't realy answering my questions.. I GET IT! IT'S A PIERCING!!
so anyway! Everyone seemed to know what this was.. but I still didn't. Until someone said 'OH! I got one last year. It didn't think it hurt though. Lemme show you a pic!!' And then below the text there it was. A picture of this bar thing.. through the upper cartilage of her ear and then it kinda came through the other side.. I wasn't really bothered by it. Then for some reason I decided to go on wikipedia.. look into this a bit more.. then i went on youtube.. Of all the places.. >< and then I searched Industrial Piercing. There were so many things to choose from. I just clicked the first option. I think. I'm not really sure. But anyways I did. and it was basically this girl getting it done. There was no sound in this vid by the by!! It kinda freaked/grossed/creeped me out.. So, for some reason I watched another one.. This one did have sound. The girl wasn't hysterically screaming but she was wincing in pain and you could see she was finding it painful from the look on her face. Her friend's reactions were kinda funny. I'm getting off topic tho.. My reaction :
O___O'' Utterly traumitised.
After I finished the video I started to think what it would be lyk if I got a piercing lyk that. . My reaction:
gonk scream gonk gonk gonk scream scream Eahhhh! ><'' My gosh.. that would hurt so much!! [;^;]
HOLY CRAP!! >< Dayam.. ~~!!
My ear feels funny now.. ><''
Anyway! That is all for today. Bubii!! ~~ Thankyu for reading if yu did. Please comment if yu have anything yu would lyk to say that is relevant. ^^
__Taramon · Thu Jun 19, 2008 @ 11:15pm · 0 Comments |