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My Screwed Up Little Mind
Because I'm better than you are!.......Not
When I Was Younger I Would Say......
"Oh dear lord...alright Asami, come on..let's just go home." Zeke groaned. "B-But b-brother! D-D-Don't you believe me?" Asami asked. The teenager rolled his eyes at his sister and patted her on the head,"'Course I do....let's just drop these groceries off. M'kay?" "Tch...fine..." Asami climbed up at the top of her fence and pointed her finger to the sky,"Well....when I grow up I'm gunna be famous! And everyone is gunna know me name! I'm gunna travel the world and people will dream to be just like me~" she proclaimed. Zeke picked up his young sister and placed her on his back. "Okay sis, come on let's get home....aren't ya getting hungry?" he asked. "Yush! So...what's big brother making this time?" she asked. "I'm not sure....how about sandwiches?" "Yaaay! Big brother makes the best sandwiches ever!" she said gleefully. What young Asami hadn't been alerted about was that because it was only her and her brother...they were poor. They lived a good distance away from the Holy City but still Zeke would make the commute to work and make money, just so his so his sister could get a decent education and have food on the table. He promised her at least that much. "Big Brother?" she asked, finishing her food. "What?" "Well....at school today they asked me to make a...cross.....what's that?" she asked. "Oh that's right...at these schools all they teach is religion...didn't anyone teach you?" Asami shook her head,"Everyone just laughed at me and I was sent to the corner....will you tell me?" she asked. "Uh...okay...get comfy this might be long." "I'm ready!" she said proudly while sitting on her brother's lap. "Well...you know God right?" "Yep!" "Well as you know God is veeery powerful...but one day he decided that he wanted to have a son. And he put his son here on Earth, and his name was Jesus." "Ooooooh! Was Jesus nice like God?" she asked. Zeke nodded his head,"Jesus was veeery nice. He would heal the sick and give people food. But the rulers didn't like what Jesus was teaching because it went against their religion. So Jesus was placed on a cross and tortured and even when he asked for help from his friends, no one would help. But Jesus accepted his death because he knew that when he died as long as humans would ask for forgiveness, God would forgive them. But why they want you to make something the Savior died on I have no idea, but the story of Jesus has inspired many, many people to be good to one another so that they don't have that many sins." he explained. Asami sat starry eyed and amazed,"Wow big brother...that's a beautiful story....a guy sacrificing himself for all of humanity even though they tortured him....talk about kind." "Hahaha......if you talk like that you might just become a nun or maybe a Voice," "Ooooh! What's a Voice?" she asked. "Well....a Voice is someone who is in charge of the whole Church and is very wise. They go around and help people and obey the teachings of Jesus, you also rule this country as well. The Voice is known throughout the world because every being on Para respects him or her. You are given tow very powerful titles. "The Voice of God" and either the"Holy Mother" or "Holy Father". Depending on if you are either a boy or a girl but you're supposed to get some kind of special sign from God." "Big brother....I'm gunna be the Holy Mother....I can totally do it!" Zeke smiled and scruffled his sister's hair. "You just found out about Jesus and you wanna lead the whole Church? Reach for the stars I guess.....Now come on, you have school in the morning, off to bed." Asami smiled at her brother and waved goodbye before praying and falling right to sleep. The next morning Asami bolted out of bed and ran down stairs,"Big brother? Crud....he must be in town already....I have to go see Sister Ann....." she said getting dressed and running into town. Asami ran so fast she ended up bumping into a man with long blonde hair,"Oh my....are you alright young lady?" He reached out his hand and withdrew it,"Dear lord...are you going through a cleansing ceremony?" he asked. Asami shook her head,"No...what's a cleansing?" she asked. He put his hand to his lips,"Dear lord...c-could it be?" Young lady, please come with me but don't touch anyone or anything okay?" "Um...why?" "Please? It's very important." he said. Asami followed the Father to the castle and to someone's room. "Holy Mother.....I-I-I-I think I've found her...y-y-y-you're successor....I mean." he stammered. The girl cocked her head to the side,"Huh? W-What's going on? I wanna see Zeke now..." she said backing away. The woman held out her hand weakly,"Please little one...can you come here for a moment? I promise I won't hurt you." she promised. "B-But...who are you? My big brother told me never to talk to strangers..." she said. The Holy Mother shuffled the young girl's hair and smiled,"I can see you all grown up...you look so beautiful.....and I also see a very bright future....Tell me little one, will you help the people of this world no matter how cruel they are to you? Or eachother?" "Uh....isn't that what you're supposed to do?" The woman smiled and cupped her cheek,"You're a bright girl...please...try and change this world's rules.....people have stopped believing not only in the Lord but fate as well....don't push them but if you can just one thing to save just a single life...you've done an excellent job...alright?" Asami shook her head,"I-I-I don't understand...what's going on?" "I hereby name thee new Voice and Holy Mother of Para.....Asami." The man took out a golden cross pendant,"Proof that you are the new Holy Mother....good luck little one." she said. The next thing Asami new she was surrounded by Fathers and Sisters alike. Finally after an hour Dolcino addressed her,"Lady Aria was always strange but....she wouldn't be false about this....you really are the next Holy Mother." "B-But I thought you had to be older to be that! I just found out about Jesus yesterday! I can't really do this! What about Big Brother?" she cried. "Shhhh...hush little one.....please don't cry, you aren't supposed to be weak." "B-But I'm still a kid...and I still want to be...." "I'm sorry Lady Asami....but I promise I'll do my best to guide you through everything alright? I want to be your friend, now will you trust me?" he asked holding out his hand. Asami stared at him and shook his hand,"Please...help me." she begged. "Don't worry....let's go get you cleaned up first ah?"

Asami came out riding Father Dolcino's back wearing a beautiful dress and looking like a princess. Zeke looked up and rubbed his eyes,"N-N-No way....s-s-s-sis? Oh my Lord....Oh Father please forgive her...she's still young and I'm so sorry if she-" "Oh good heaven's no! Your sister was not doing a single thing wrong." "What? Are you serious? Thank God...." "Indeed, we should be thanking Him.....please, Zeke...come with us." "You have got to be shittin me.....My sister is the holiest figure on this planet?" "Erm....yes....The Lord gave her a dream and even cleansed her body. It was lucky she found me...." he said. "Oh my God...listen, I don't know what my sister was telling you...she does tell tall tales and-" "Please Zeke....your sister wasn't lying....Even Holy Mother Aria vouched for her. She's already received her blessing so now all I need to do is start teaching her privately. But I need her brother's approval, is that alright?" he asked. "I-I-I don't know...it's just the two of us and..she's all I have left...can I get some time to think about this?" he asked. "Oh...of course, alright....I have rooms arranged for you already. Please come right this way." Dolcino said leading him to the castle. The two sibilings got up to their room and Zeke held Asami's hand. "Are you really serious with this? This is a big responsibility.....you'll be responsible for people's ways of life! Do you really think you're ready for that?" he asked. "Uh...the angel said so!" she pouted. "D-Did an angel really talk to you sis??" "Yeppers! He told me that I should help people!" she proudly stated. "Well that could mean a million different things...it doesn't mean you should think you're the Holy Mother." he said. "But brother...I heard God's voice too! He said that I should take care of you too! And tell you that everything is gunna be okay and not to worry about the past anymore because you've been doing an amazing job as a big brother and a parent." she replied. 'Oh my God...there's no way my sister could make a suck up line that good....s-she really did talk to Heaven in a dream....holy crap.....' he thought. "Well brother...I'm going to sleepies okies? May the Lord and Father give you sweet dreams~" she said climbing into bed. "Y-Y-Yea.....night..."

Zeke woke up the next day to be treated like a King. He got a massage, a perfect bath, and even new clothes.He sat at the breakfast table and awaited his sister and Dolcino's company. "So....how was your rest hm?" Father Dolci asked. "It was...er....okay. But in order to make my decision I need one last piece of info." he said with a serious face. "Hm? Oh what's that?" "You know damn well what.....who the hell are you?" he barked. "Uh...I...am....er...ah....crud....My full name is Haslett Dolcino. I am over the age of 300 but I have no idea why I cease to age.....but it has always been my job to advice and teach the next Voice. And if you'll let me train your sister...." "Tch...to me you're just some creepy old man...why the hell should I trust you?" he hissed. "Because it is God's wil-hm.......it is what your family would have wished for if their hearts were pure. You yourself wish for her to do her best yes?" "Ye-yea...." Zeke responded, actually calming himself a bit. "If you wish..you may watch all of our training sessions and inspect everything I am teaching." "Fine...done deal." he said holding out his and. Dolcino held out his and the two shook; the deal was born.

A few years had past and Asami was just turning 12. "Alright little one.....today I will teach you something that I'm not only not supposed to be teaching you....but is also highly frowned upon, but I know that you will need to use this...especially with these hard times. Now little one come close and close your eyes. Asami obeyed her teacher and opened them when she directed.In her hands was a small wooden sword. "Huh?" Dolcino frowned and patted her head,"You will one day need to fight and so you must know how to defend yourself. First lesson of a sword...never use it unless you truly need to or someone calls for you to use it. Each blade demands respect no matter how dull or sharp but....those days are gone. But that is something you must remember or else....either your soul will be tainted or the blade will reject you. Understand?" Asami nodded as she sat with the sword infront of her starry eyed. "Next lesson...holding it. Now if you would please pick up your weapon." he ordered. Asami stood up and held out her 'sword' nervously awaiting her teacher's approval. "I've told you many times never to be nervous. Stop shaking Asami....I am not your enemy." "Ah right...sorry Master..." She held the sword more calmly now. "Hm....there is hope for you. Luckily you have a sword arm." "Huh?" she asked. "Some people no matter how hard they try will never hold and can never hold a sword in their hands without it turning against them or hurting themselves. Just as some people cannot use a bow, or guns, or even...a simple stick. The weapon truly does choose it's Master....it like you and I is alive." Asami was amazed at her teacher's words but Zeke only sat behind her watching every move. This was one lesson he thought that was the most important. "Now each person has their own style so I want you to fight the dummy and way you wish until it feels most comfortable, understand?" Asami nodded and wildly swung at the dummy, then she was getting tired. "Okay...not working...." she said, moving her hair out of her face. "Hm...oh yes..let's fix that. Fighting with long hair is difficult but not impossible. I always tie mine back so I think for you.....you should have Aria's old ribbon. She was fond of the lance herself but this was her favorite ribbon...here...let me tie up your hair..." Asami looked at herself and smiled,"I look so pretty....." "Every rose has it's thorn...." Dolci laughed. "Oookay.....I'm ready!" For hours she swung at the dummy but still she was tired. Until she sat back and stared at the dummy. She took a deep breath and spun her sword in her hand. She gave swift and powerful strikes, one after another. She continued to either spin or flip sides until her teacher said stop. "You've destroyed my dummy....I think you've found your niche. But there is a weakness with it." "Wha? Crud...." "Don't worry...it's just because you're still young and small. Because you're spinning so much you can become dizzy but you change that up because you flip sides.You can fight on all angles which is amazing but you could still hurt yourself. We have a little bit of time left so....let's see...there are some things I can perfectly explain about fighting but there are many that the body and experience can explain. Zeke, I know that you have a sword...would you fight against your sister?" "What!? No way! She just learned how to pick up a sword....I don't think that-" "Come on big brother! Don't feel pity against me I can totally take it. Come on! Fight me!" she barked. "Ugh....only for a little while." he said taking out his blade. "Now in order for this to work and Asami to learn something you must go after her with and intent to kill....understand?" "Uh...I'll try..." he responded. The elder brother swung at his sister, forcing her to defend herself. Instantly she reacted by pushing her brother back. "You're kidding right? I'm twice your size kid..." he said, continuing to push her to the wall. When her left foot hit the wall's edge she placed both feet on the wall and made her body a bullet. By using this technique she knocked her brother's sword out of his hand. She raised her sword to his neck and Dolcino clapped. "Very good little one....but quite reckless.....though in a child I should expect nothing less. I think that's enough for now eh?" She nodded and collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. She even threw up a bit. "Oh...oh my God...is she okay?" Zeke asked. "Yes....it's normal though...her body isn't used to working that hard for such a long period of time." She spit to the side and wiped her mouth."When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star! People are gunna know my name and I'm gunna travel the world....they'll dream to be just like me." she said with a smirk. "You just might get it little sis....you just might...."

Ugh super long I know but I wanted this chap to do Asa justice...which I hope it did....wrote most of this late last night and based off listening to that new PCD song....which I can't stop listening too.....Let's just say I wanted Asami to still have that innocent girly thing but be a little more boyish. Dolci must have feminizied her with her brother away...hahaha....Anyway, hope this wasn't too boring, twas an experiment. Next chappie have more action~

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jun 24, 2008 @ 07:00pm
meep! OwO that was sooooo cool! You did an awesome job with Asa, I like how she acts and stuff X"D and the chapter wa interesting as well, can't wait for the next one! ^w^

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 26, 2008 @ 04:19am
more action you say? each chapter you put up always outdo's the previous one O.O keep up the good work, can't wait to read the next one. sorry it took long to comment, i coulda sworn i did comment these. sorry D=

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