Usually I suck at writing poetry becuase I am not very profound in my thinking. But I was angry and this brought out some kind of poem/song out of me? Tell me what you think please even if you hated it.
These four words get stuck everytime
So I won't even try,
because I can't speak a lie
So I will hold my tounge and wait
until I find someone
worthy of my saying
worthy of my being
Until then I shall live my life in solitude.
Farewell, cause I don't need you
This will all end in my tears
You have provided me with a new set of fears
Ones that will never leave.
I shall say
As I walk away
go to ******** hell
This probably isn't that good because I was very angry and sad and just jumbled all my thoughts together and created this. Once again please tell me what you think even if you don't like it. ^^U heh
Chunky Gordan 2th Community Member |