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My Screwed Up Little Mind
Because I'm better than you are!.......Not
The Time Where Even Storms Wept
Caliban was unusually keeping to himself but it seemed like I was the only one noticing it. Even Shinto was fooled by his mask. I went down in secret one day to their library although I was perfectly alone. Everyone was too busy with the celebrations to even notice me. I took out something that I hadn't used in a long time, my glasses. It'd been practically a whole year since Master forced me to stop using them. But of course I wasn't able to read diddly poop without them so I had stopped reading altogether. But all of the books were written in that strange demonic language that looked like a mixture of Arabic, Egyptian, and Braille....nuthin but lines small shapes and dots, gibberish to me. "s**t....um...excuse me...are there any books written in English?" I asked. The receptionist pointed to a small section filled with nothing but children's books. "Oh you have got to be kidding me....ugh...what ever I'll just have to follow the pretty pictures." I whispered to myself. I opened one of their history books to the first page to see a picture of a huge white wolf beside the much smaller regular demons The next page had pictures of him literally walking across the ocean, all following his body was the moon, the sun, the clouds, and the stars.....they really did believe he was a god. After that it just showed pictures of him crossing the desert, meeting his wife and then the birth of Cali...nothing I didn't already know. I needed to get some dirt on this guy...or at least some dirt on Caliban. Almost as if she was reading my mind a little girl poofed infront of me wagging her tail. "Wellie dellie~ So you're the snoopy King eh?" "Uh....do I know you? I'm actually kinda busy right now....." I said, shooing her away with my hand. "Well listen buddeh....if you wanna get any good info, you'll have to sneak inside the castle catacombs for that~" "Just who are you anyway?" I asked the blonde. "I...am Princess Dirce~ Rightful queen to this land but...My lover hasn't talked to me at all since he got here! All he does is either keep talking with that cat or the rest of the people.....and he's got this look....I can tell, he's hiding something. Both of us can tell right? So...I figure, why not.....ya know, join up?" I took a long look at Dirce, her hair was a nice orange, not totally faded but just right, her eyes were an emerald green. But the fact she was so small and a kid bothered me. "How old are you anyway?" "Oh me? You know it's impolite to ask a lady her age but for a King I suppose I can make an exception~ I'm 9" I had to hold myself from laughing. Caliban was supposed to marry a kid? Talk about strange customs. Maybe she was just lying in general.... "Uh....I think that I can manage on my own, but they're having a biiiiig celebration outside, why don't you go back with your Mom or sumthin?" I could hear her actually growling at me. "Inconsiderate a*****e! You ask proof of my royalty? Fine then.....look at this." she said holding up a small pipe. On both ends it was sealed, meaning that something powerful was inside of it, but right in the middle of it was some kind of symbol, quite obviously a royal one. "Ugh.....fine. So...what do you suggest we do? I mean the castle will still be heavily guarded and...they can smell us like a mile away." "Yeah I know....but...there are many ways to sneak into that ruddy old place. All we gotta do is find my way in and pow! Straight to the catacombs!' she said happily. We sneaked through the crowd and found our way back to the castle, immediatly she began to dig. "What are you looking for?" I asked. She dug up a small round coin with the Western symbol on it. "Wel; what's that gunna be for?" "Shush! We don't want them to hear us!" she whispered. Her tail swayed back and forth until it stopped amd her ears gave a twitch, she then gave a nod for me to follow. Dirce led me to a wall wit not a single entrance or crack, I looked at her oddly; how would this help us sneak in? She placed the coin in te center of the wall which caused the ground below us to open up. Oh s**t.... We were falling at a blinding speed and suddenly we fell into water. I swam up to catch air but Dirce was nowhere in sight. C-Could she have fallen to hard or maybe she couldn't' swim? I swam down into the pool to see the princess passed out at the bottom. I swam to her and lifted her to the top. I glanced around at my surroundings and managed to find bricks of a floor. I placed her on the floor and restarted CPR. I remembered it from one of the health classes I had taken. No pulse....I had thirty seconds to revive her before she stayed dead or became brain dead. One, two, three....air. One, two, three.....air. One, two, three....air. On- Suddenly her eyes flashed open as she coughed up water. She shivered and then looked up at me. "Y-Y-You, did y-you s-save me?" she asked. I nodded and smiled,"Thank Coach...he was the one who gave me extra health tutoring...I would've failed the class without hi-" Her small body tackled me down and I could hear her crying. "N-N-Not even Caliban was ever so kind...you saved my life....King Merlon...you saved my life, thank you so much." she said rubbing against my chest. Even though she seemed like a total b***h...she really was still just a little girl. I softly petted the top of her head,"What happened down there?" I asked. "I think that there is a spell down there....the moment I fell into the water I felt so heavy...even if I wanted to swim up, it was impossible...." she told me. I gave her another pet and then smiled,'It's okay now....we'll just have to be careful of the traps in this place." Immediately she held my hand and lowered her ears frightfully, she was still scared. We continued to walk onward to discover another door. I opened it and the moment we walked in Dirce fell to the ground and howled in pain. "Stop it! Stop it!" she screamed. Her tail poofed up and her ears were down...some kind of sound or illusionary magic? I grabbed Mooncica and struck her against the wall, Dirce fell to the ground and coughed up blood. I ran over and held her again,"This place is heavily protected gainst demons...I guess no one ever expected for humans to sneak in eh?" "Y-Yeah..." she whimpered softly. She was really scared now so I handed her Mooncica,"Mooncica will protect you. Maybe not fully but with her you can still function when hit by a trap, okay?" She looked at me oddly,"You talk about this staff as though it's alive....why?" she asked. "Um....because she is? Mooncica is a staff yes but...inside of her is a soul, just like you or me. I promise that she'll keep you safe." I reassured. Dirce tightly held onto the rod as we passed through the next door. A huge roaring beast met our eyes. By the look of the creature I could classify it as one thing; chimera. It roared and howled at Dirce until she glanced at Mooncica. Se placed the staff on her back and turned into a beautiful orange fox. Like Yael her body was slender and elongated but unlike him, she wasn't so rough looking. Her tail was actually much longer than his even though she was smaller, she could easily pass as an animal right out of a story book. "Prrryuuuu!" she sang. Her howl echoed in the room and caused the beast to fall to it's knees. She went into her human form and walked back to me,"Demon magic...it's in a trance now...it won't hurt us." she said, wagging her tail. The last room was covered with prismic mirrors, each shining the colors of the rainbow. Dirce stared at all of them for a long time and swung at one. Once they shattered they spun with the mirrors in the form of pointed shards. "Um...I don't think that will...." Without warning the shards struck our bodies. Each one felt sharper as they began to pierce my skin. Unfortunately they were much to small and fast even for me to dodge so instead, just like Dirce, I took it like a man. When they finally stopped they reformed as the prism mirror before it was shattered,"A puzzle?" Dirce asked me. Each of the mirrors was similar right down to the last detail so that couldn't have been it. So I began gazing at my reflections, none were altered. Damn...if this was a puzzle, it was a tough one. I walked up to one of them and placed down my hand, and it sunk in. "Dirce...I think each one of these mirrors lead to a different part of the catacombs, start checking." I ordered. The first room I stumbled in was what only could be described as a weapon's room. All around me, and even the walls and ceiling were weapons of every shape, size, pain, and length. I shivered just by being here, but I found it pretty strange that there was a room like this. I mean Cali said it himself, demons don't like using weapons so....why would this place even be here? Dirce came up behind me amazed,"What is this place even doing here?" "I have no idea...." I replied. "Anyways...you have to come with me, there's something you need to see right away!" she urged, tugging lightly on my arm. I followed her to a different mirror that led us to a timeline of the West's history. There were many wars recorded on here, but the one thing that intrigued me the most was the royal blood. "Do you know how most of the West's died?" I asked. "Grandpa always told me that the West's had a horrible curse but I think most of them either died in battle or... they killed themselves." A complete record of the demonic community hidden underground...all of their past proud but there was certainly skeletons in the royalty closet. We walked into mirror after mirror but still nothing until we made it to the last one. A book written for each West, inside this time were more detailed descriptions and pictures. And so Dirce started with the first West.

The tale goes that when the world's split, demons were born. One of them however was the student of the person who split the two worlds. His name was Rota West. He however was average in terms of demon size and the only thing he had for him, was his wits. At the time demons were like wolves, all divided into groups but they would all function as one within their packs. Only the strongest and largest of the males was chosen to be the pack leader, but one day after returning from his worldly travels Rota went up to the highest mountain peak he could find and howled as loud as he could. It was said that his howl was heard by every demon around the world so each demon gathered himself around the mountain to find out what he wanted. "Brothers....Sisters, we have been given this world to share amongst ourselves but why do we treat our families as enemies? Corrupted leaders are ordering you like slaves! You are demons, not pets correct? So I implore you to choose a new leader. One who will be able to represent all of you, even the ones from across the seas! Please...leaders, hold your selves up high and allow the people to choose you to lead them. All of them!" His speech had caused a massive amount of tests and votes to ensue. Finally all of the demons once again gathered at the mountain's summit. Two of the strongest demons were chosen as representatives. One of them would be the start of the royal family. Rota looked to the millions of demons around the mountain and spoke again,"This choice should be universal, each demon should agree with one another so...choose." So millions of voices ran out in a cheer and what they had said was nothing like any one could explain. "Rota! Rota!" they chimed. So the demons of the world established a place they could call home. A place where no matter how far they would wander and what ever social status they had they could return to this place and be treated like family. Because of it's location and it's leader, the people called their home West. Because of Rota's legendary words and intelligence for years the demonic people prospered without a single bout or war. But soon his son came into power things had become estranged and manic. People had become so used to Rota that no one was able to accept the new prince. Day after day he would have objects throne at him as he would walk to and from the castle. And because Huelett became the new Western King people became war-hungry and thirsted for human's blood and land. King Hue was a kindly demon but unlike his father...he was timid. But it was because of his ideas and magic that something happened. He was the first one to start the origin of the bond. Because he found the secret of this bond, he urged many demons to seek out their soul mates, thus leading to the largest demonic migration in the world, but it was because of this that many demons not only evolved and found new homes but their population increased by massive numbers."

We continued reading until we found the book about Caliban's great grandfather....this is where things had taken a dramatic turn

Dagen was one of the most notorious of Western Kings. But he was most famous for being in battle. He slew not a single demon, beast, or human. Never once did he stain his sword. But it was because of this that he gained strength and enemies. His rivals would literally beg for death but Dagen would not comply. But at this time the humans had waged a deep and blood thirsty war against all demons. They had either killed many or forced them to become slaves. So his people asked for redemption, they wanted revenge against the accursed humans. So their King joined battle but never once did he kill. At home he already had a son and wife but in secret he bonded with a human and so the forgotten was born. Out of anger and hatred, his own people murdered Dagen and let his body be picked off one by one. His son however became ruler but in a moment's notice, he too was murdered along with his mother. The West was left without a King so for years the land raged with storm, and death.

I closed the book and my body was shaking. Cali and Yael told me many times that demons were like brothers but even now as I thought about it, they too had tried to kill one another. But to kill your own King? Even when he did nothing wrong but have mercy? And then to assassinate his family as well? I didn't want to believe it but...it was becoming true...in the end the demons....most and many of them were nothing but...monsters.

Yaay! I done! And OMG...Merlon thinking so darkly?! Blasphemy! Though now that I think about I guess that's how humans have been throughout history too eh? Anyway I now introducing Dirce! She a demon princess but she's the princess of a continent/large isle from a good distance away incase u were wondering. Basically in the original she was a b***h but I decided to soften her up a bit....but I think ima make her a b***h towards everyone else later. Sorry this chap was soooo boring I just kinda needed to set it up for sumthin....anyways, hope u likie~

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commentCommented on: Mon Jun 30, 2008 @ 02:20am
OwO yey history lesson! this was a good an interesting chap...and yea, she was a b***h >w> I think she'd be the worst towards poor Shin though *pets him* XD can't wait for the next chap! ^w^

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 30, 2008 @ 02:30am
O_O must...resist.....can;t...*hugs shin* poor poor shin....still interestingly good chapter, can't wait to read the next one =D

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