I would like to hire an assassin.
If you are an assassin please contact me.
I would like you to kill two people.
Thank you.
(P.S. I pay big PER person)
If you are an assassin please contact me.
I would like you to kill two people.
Thank you.
(P.S. I pay big PER person)
I am just kidding. I am just sooo pissed at my father and his girlfriend. GRRR. OK we went to go get dinner out and we were sitting there. I was all happy to be out of the house and smiling then this comes up "It was hard when Laney and Aaron were young to keep them entertained. They were such a bundle of joy." -Dad "But your mom stayed home and took them to disney land a lot? Since you lived right next to it. You were telling me you asked her to quit her job to raise the children at home." -Kari "*Under his breath* lot of help that did" (Note: She cheated) -Dad "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" -Kari "... stressed " -Me "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" -Kari "haha..." -Dad "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" -Kari OH MY FLIPPING GOD I WAS SOOOOO PISSED I MADE THE WHOLE NIGHT A LIVING HELL FOR THEM. I know how Kari is jealous (My mom is kick a** beautiful and my dad's first love and wife and Kari is... err.... NOT) and even was mad at my dad for talking to my mom on the phone about my brother sweatdrop . Sooooo all the rest of the night all I said was "My mom is sooo pretty." "I would never call ANYONE mom except my own!" "My mom's hair is so long and wavy and full of color!" "My mom's eyes are the prettiest in the world!" "My mom has the best skin!" "My mom is so funny and nice!" "I love my mom!" "I want to see my mom!" LOL She was just like "After all this time of not seeing her you still want to? After what she did? It has been five years almost six since you last saw her. Right on your birthday too you two never saw one another again." And you know what I said? I said, "No other woman carried me around, seven pounds (I actualy dunno, a guess), in their womb for eight months (I was born premature by a month) and then pushed me out. She went through pain for me. She tore ya know. NO OTHER WOMAN did even close to that for me and I LOVE HER more then ANYONE else in the WORLD. She is perfect in every way. She cooks BEST (Lol we just got done talking about how "great" Kari cooked. That must have stung), Looks the best (LOL again), and is so kind coming from that family and past. Some come from PERFECT FAMILYS AND STILL ARE ROTTEN." (Lol Kari is from a perfect family so I just HAD to say it.)
That is it for my anger. I am off~!~!