Are we afraid of death or is it just the thought of death? The dark abyss, the light at the end of the tunnel, the unknown? But what about life is known? We don’t know what tomorrow will bring and if you do you aren’t living life. Death is feared and not understood because we do not know what happens after. Our bodies give out on us and what happens to our souls, our essences? Are we trapped in the very bodies that have stopped working or are we just lost. Life is like death in a way, you never know what tomorrow can bring and you never know where you will end up. Isn’t it the same with death? I mean think of it really, you could be a good person with out really believing in anything. Does that mean that you are going to hell for not believing? Or does it mean that you did what you could and you earned your place there. I know people who believe in god and his commandments but are hard pressed to actually follow them. I mean they are good people and they do go to church but they aren’t perfect, they know their faults and know that they are human. God made humans in his image then he gave each of us an expiration date. We don’t know when it is but we do know that one day our number will be up and we are going to have to figure out where we belong, where do we most fit?
What about the people in between, the gray area, the ones who are neither good nor bad? What happens to them? These are the questions I ask not because I fear actually death but because when I do have my card punched I want to know that there is something after. Perhaps it is better that I don’t know, mystery is sometimes a good thing after all.
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Perfect Angel r u ready for the crazy she has?
Whatever you wish, however you want it.
I am a women of ideals and I just love to flaunt them.
I am a women of ideals and I just love to flaunt them.