~About~ This is a story I randomly thought of during math class. It is in the form of letters. The letters will alternate between writers. It is about a girl who one day writes a letter to a boy. She sticks the letter into his locker. He writes back and sticks it into her locker. They don't know each other in person, but they go to the same school. I don't wanna give too much away so have fun reading.
DorothyMaxJazabelleCouncil of the CoventantHawkeyeBig GunLittle Gun
>>>>>=Journal entry !#!=Report Number {# is a number}
~The story~ Dear Max,
My name is Dorothy. You are my new best friend. Why? That is simple, because I don't do journals or diaries. So I'm going to talk to you. You'll listen because you want to. So let's get to know each other. My full name is Dorothy Marie Higarashi. I am 16 years old, and I'm a junior. Why do I want to talk to you? I'm alone. Not like I don't have friends or a boyfriend alone; cause those I can get. I'm alone inside. I have a secret that I need to scream to somebody. I have chosen you. Why? I have chosen you because I feel that if you are trustworthy. I know it's probably strange that I'm writing you a letter, but I finally need to scream it. I need to scream my secret. Then why don't I just tell you already? I won't tell you because it's my secret and I need to know more about you. So you tell me some things about yourself and then I'll tell you my secret. I'll be waiting for your letter.
P.S. My locker number is 1853.
When I receive your letter it confused me at first. I didn't know what to think of some girl sending me a letter. What I'm really confused about is why are you writing me? How do you know me? Why am I to trust you? I do not know who you are or why you have chosen me and or for what. Why should I be a victim of some random stalker? I am in refusal to any of your request until I have reasons to believe I myself can trust you!
P.S. Why aren't you in the yearbook?
Due to extenuating circumstances I need to reveal the secret. It is to a reliable source no danger is in need. This boy is trustworthy. It was my duty to inform you of such business and now I have done so. Have a good night.
This boy you've told me about you can't tell him. He won't understand. It is not the ways of our people. You will be disowned! You can not do it. It is against your teaching and it just isn't right. If not for the family, do it for yourself. He will be frightened, he will turn on you. Do not trust him! It isn't safe. As your sister, I forbid it. I'm sorry. I love you but I can not allow it.
Oh Max
I see that you see me as a lonely fan girl, but I am not. As I stated to you I am writing because I am alone. I do not wish to write to things such at books or to even write letters to myself so I am writing to you. When it comes to knowing you, I don't. I have only seen you in the halls of our huge school. It is something in your eyes which has led me to believe that you are trustworthy. If you need to know more about me I shall tell you something. I am unlike many people and I love being different. Though this is not much I don't believe that I should be asked to tell you much if you are going to refuse my request. When you tell me I shall tell you.
Though since you gave me some information, though not much, I will give you some information about me. You probably know but my full name is Max Alexander Nanami. I am 17 years old and my eyes are naturally blue, but I always wear my aqua contacts. My hair color is black, and as for my skin, I'm very tanned. I like turquoise, as well as green and black. I guess my favorite animal would be a spider. I don't really know why but the just amaze me. When it comes to family, I can't say I hate or love them. My younger sister, Ginger, and me live alone. My mother died giving birth to Ginger, and my father left us with our aunt. I do love Ginger, but I can't say I hate my parents. Ginger and I ran away from my aunt's house when I was 15. We have been doing good but no one knows about us leaving by ourselves. Well that's just about all about me including a secret to prove my trust. I hope to hear from you again.
P.S. You still didn't answer me about the yearbook.
Darling Max, Have you ever believed that maybe a girl doesn't like her picture being where everyone can see her? But if you must know what I look like I will tell you. I have black hair with green eyes. Some say my skin is pale but I don't pay much attention to it. The reason I chose you is because I liked the way your eyes showed care. I did look at your picture in the year book, by the way. Though I think you chose me as well some how. When I was choosing a person to write to I closed my eyes opened the book and pointed. When I opened my eyes it was you, staring at my finger. Enough about that though here is some of the things I like. My favorite color, it is turquoise as well, though I do like black and purple. My favorite animal is a cat, any kind of cat, but I love tigers. I think I like cats is because my mother is allergic to them. The sum of my family is simple, pure hate for one and other. Now let's hear some more about you. How old is your little sister? It sounds like you care a lot about her. Also what do you believe in? Do you believe in magic?
P.S. I'm not in the yearbook because I don't take pictures.
What's with the darling and dear titles? It's kinda creepy when you start a letter like that. Why don't you take pictures? You sound pretty, if I may say so. Ginger is 13 years old since you asked. Yeah you are right I do care about her a lot. When you say what do I believe in what do you mean? As for magic, if you mean like miracles and unnatural things happening then yes I believe, but I don't believe in that nonsense about ghost and witches. What do you believe in? Also I meant to ask about what you said about your family. You said you hate each other but what do you mean? Like lock yourselves in your rooms and not come out or like chase each other down the street with knifes hate? I hope it's the first one.
P.S. You still haven't told me your secret.
It is my right to do what I want. Just because you are the main head it does not mean you can boss everyone around. You are only a year older than me so do not treat me as a child. Maybe banishing me will be the best thing that has ever happened to me! I never chose this life style. I never chose to be different. So what if he hates me? It's just another person who wishes I was died. I was already banished from one family. So what if my other banishes me. I will get another. I can get another. Nothing you say or do can stop me from doing what I wish to do. You are not my sister. You are not my blood. I spit upon your wicked face, and hope you rot deeper in hell than the rest of us cursed beings. May you fall upon your words and let them choke the last breath from your body. Go rot!
Dear Council of the Covenant,
My name is Jazabelle Gavra. I am the head mistress of the mixed blood covenant. I have need to inform you of a rebellious blood who has chosen to reveal the covenant secret to one from the moral life beings. I have banished her from the society but I believe she may be a problem in the future. Please send word of a way we may be rid of her.
Your servant, Jazabelle
Max, if that is how you wish it.
Sorry about the titles. It's just different ways to start letters. I was trying to test to find the right one. As for my pictures, well that deeds with my secret. Since you remembered I will tell it to you but I'm going to warn you that once it has been wrote and once you read you must promise to burn this letter. It is for your eyes only. Once you hear my story you'll understand what I believe in, and maybe you might just believe in more yourself.
You see when I told you my locker number and told you I was alone there were some underlined hints upon there. my locker number happens to be my true birth year. I will tell you right now I lied about being 16. Although I look 16 years old, I am really 154 years old. Before I go on let me just say that if I never hear from you again that is fine. I'm also sorry if any of this frightens you please forgive me. Well If you are still reading you probably want me to explain my age, but that will have to wait. As I told you I am alone. This is due to the ratio laws of my people. Only one pure blood family is allowed within any given divide section. The family in this region was my family. Though my 'sister' if I must call her that has pretty much banished me. I have already been disowned from my birth family. My birth parents are the ones who made me what I am today. What I am you can probably guess. I am one of the night, though I'm not what many would guess. I am a mixed blood. My mother was a pure born vampire, my father a werewolf. The covenant from each of them banished me so I was forced to leave them. The group I have been staying with was all I had of my family. My 'sister' was the mother figure upon the house. She has caused me so much pain in all my years there. I am glad to be banished, but mostly I am glad I have stated my secret, weather you believe me or not.
I hope you do believe.
Oh my god
Sorry about the title but I'm too shocked to write your name. I...I...I just don't know what to think. I mean I never...I never believed in that kind of stuff, I yet I believe you. I'll admit I did freak out. Actually I looked online to see when you died. I couldn't find anything, so I reread your letter. You never did die. You were born a mixed blood. Si then I got curious about your age. If you are 154 years old then why do you look 16 years old? I don't know why, but your letter sparked more curiosity than fear into me. As first I didn't want to write back because I was scared and I didn't know what to say. But I couldn't help it any longer. I felt like I had to know more. I needed to know what you were all about. Do you drink blood like a vampire? Can you come out during the day? Does the moon make you change? I want to know.
Hehe. I just reread my letter and I sound like a fan boy, but I just can't help it.
I do have one serious question though. Did you get banished because you told me? I'm sorry, if so. I'm suppose to help yet I'm making you more alone. Oh I know I'll cheer you up. Ginger, my sister if you don't remember, she had a play this week. She was a plum fairy. They did the nutcracker. Well she's up on the stage doing this dance that was suppose to make the nutcracker turn into the prince. He's lying on the ground and she was dancing around him. Well she stops and she reaches down to him. He give her his and and she pulls him up. Well he's stand in front of her and she says, "Oh prince, you kingdom needs you. You must save your kingdom from the mouse king." He just stares at her blankly for a minute then he says,"You're beautiful." Her eyes got big and she said, "What?" Then he must have snapped out of his day dream because his face went bright red. Finally he said,"I mean, you are right. I must go save my kingdom. Thank-you plum fairy." Then he ran off the stage. The whole crowd was laughing. I hope you laugh too. Fan boy signing out.
P.S. When is your real birthday?
Silly Max
I finally stopped laughing. Tell Ginger I said congrats on the play. It was awesome. I was there at the end but I hadn't seen that scene. I know you're probably think I was stalking you again but I wasn't actually. I was picking up the prince. He's the son of the hotel manager, at the hotel I'm staying. I'm so gonna pick on him about this it'll get him back for what he did to my shoes. But thats another story. Okay its time for me to answer your million questions. You really did sound like a fan boy. Well mixed blood age slower then, well, regular people but faster than vampires or werewolves. So one moral year is about ten mixed blood years . Technically if you change my age to moral year's I'd be 15 and a half years old. Since you asked my real birthday is June 24, 1853. I know that makes me sound really really old.
OMG! I starting rereading your letter again, and I couldn't stop laughing again. Which by the way you really have read way too many horror stories. First off, though vampires drink blood they don't do it very much. They only need blood once every ten years. A mixed blood drinks blood only once in their life. That is at birth. It is mainly to see which race the child is more like. Some take accustom to the blood and must drink every ten years, but most regret it and get sick. I'll tell you right now, I was one who got sick. Then the whole sun killing us is a complete legend. The biggest reason that vampires and mixed bloods stay out of the sun is because of sunburn. We have pale skin and it burns really easy, and trust me a tomato red vampire is not a pretty sight. The whole moon changing legend is a fake as well. Werewolves can change as they wish. Though me, myself, I can't change at all. The only werewolf traits I got were my voice, my speed, and my desire to run free. This is one reason why I don't want you to be sorry. It was my choice to tell you. I didn't have to tell you but I did. Besides the covenant was drab. My room at the hotel is way cooler. Mary, that's the owner, she let's me stay their for free. All I have to do is watch Jacob, Mr. Prince. He's a pain sometimes but it's better here. I can come and go as I want, I feel free. Now I feel better, but I want to find some way to say thanks.
P.S. Tell Ginger to look out for letters.
Head Mistress Jazabelle,
Do nothing. Moral beings do not believe much in such things as ours races. Though we do need you to send us the name of the rebellious one. Then we shall send a Hawkeye to watch her. If within a month nothing has happened then she will not be any trouble. If trouble has occurred the Hawkeye will settle the score.
The Council of the Covenant, Peacekeeper
A letter would have been better for Ginger. GAH! I want to hurt Jacob so bad . Let me tell you what he did to her. Well I went to pick her up and when I got there she was crying. After finally getting her to stop she told me what happened. That little punk had walked up to her and asked her to be his girlfriend. She said no and he pushed her against the locker. Then he kissed her. Not a good kiss, he forced her to kiss him. That little punk is going to pay once I see him. GAH! I cant even write more now I'll write about your letter later.
No need Max,
Sorry but I beat you to it. I don't think Jacob will be able to sit or talk for a while. I didn't even finish you letter before I had ran back to the hotel and slapped him. I left a small bruise on his face but that bruise and those millions of spanking is probably better then what you would have done. Is Ginger okay?
P.S. I have something for you but it will have to wait.
Dear Council of the Covenant, The name of the girl who needs to be watched is Dorothy Marie Higarashi. She is the only remaing Mixed Blood in the South Central District. May I please request copies of the reports made by Hawkeye for my covenant records. She was a member of our house, after all.
Your servant, Jazabelle
P.S. The name of the boy she was going to tell is unknown to me.
Ginger is fine thank goodness. She said Jacob apologized to her like a million times and he wouldn't sit down at all in class. I guess he got what he deserved. Now let me get back to your last letter. I still can't believe you were there. Too bad I didn't see you, I would have said hi. Your birthday is in like 2 weeks! Wow! And don't worry I don't think you're old just very mature for your age. Just kidding. So in the blood department you never have to drink blood? All because your body refused it as a child. Wow! I would have never thought of that. A tomato red vampire...hmm... is that like spaghetti without garlic? Just messing around again. What do you mean by your voice? Can you howl? I know I sound like a fan boy again but it's just fascinating. I'm still gonna be sorry about it, but I'm glad you at least like your new room. Maybe I can follow Jacob one day and check it out.
P.S. What did you have for me?
Dear Hawkeye,
The Council of the Covenant has been given and anonymous tip on a girl who may gave given information out about the covenants. We are requesting that you watch this girl and send reports back to us on any interaction she has with the male species. Her name is Dorothy Marie Higarashi. You are to watch her closely and do not let her know about you. If she is a threat then you will be informed on what to do with her.
Thank-you, The Council of the Covenant, Peacemaker
I shall watch the girl. I haven't had a good stalk-only job in a while. I'll tell you now my reports will be short, but my eyes will remain open. That is all.
Kiddy Max
Okay that was a stupid beginning but I could stop laughing. Sorry this is going to be short I'm writing it right by the lockers and Jacob won't stop running around. Yes my birthday is in 2 weeks but I don't celebrate. I mean the candles could burn down a house. And no I don't ever have to drink blood. Vampire spaghetti now that was pure genius. Plus I think it would be entertaining to watch. Oh and about my voice and for your P.S. Just listen to the CD. Ah! I got to go. Sorry.
>>>>>Dorothy Marie Higarashi
Day 1
Today I shall find her. This Dorothy has been accused of reviling her covenant. Therefore she has become a target threat. My mission: Watch and report. Boring but maybe this girl will be better then the human TV.
Thank-you for accepting the mission. This will be our last letter to you unless she becomes a threat. We shall be expecting reports at least once a week.
Thank-you, The Council of the Covenant, Peacemaker
OMG! The song is awesome I love it! Is that you singing? It's perfect! I've listened to it so many times now I think I'm gonna over use the disc. Thank-you.
P.S. I'm gonna get you a birthday present weather you celebrate it or not.
>>>>>Day 2
This girl is harder to find then I thought. Today I must search again. If I do not find her soon I fear I will have to abort the mission.
Big Gun
I have found her at last! I shall take care of her tonight. Tonight she shall die then no one will stop us from being together.
Little Gun
>>>>>Day 3
I have finally found her! God is she not the most beautiful thing upon earth. Umm... I mean so far the only male contact has been a young boy. A child she called Jacob but he seems to be only her work to fit in. Yet I have good news as far as my job. This girl has already almost been murdered. I couldn't find out by who but my eyes will need to be more focused.
I'm freaked right now. I won't be writing for a while. Me and Jacob just got shot at. Once I drop this letter off I'm staying in my room for a while. I'll write when I think it's safe. Thank goodness me and Jacob are safe though I'm not quite sure how. I'll explain later. Right now I'm too scared.
P.S. Glad you liked it. Maybe after this is over I'll sing you a new song.
Little Gun
How did your mission go? Is she gone? I'm sure you did well. I can not wait to see you.
Big Gun
bloodredvoodoo · Mon Jul 07, 2008 @ 08:41pm · 0 Comments |