Okay, so this is my newest RP character. I need to get this all down before I forget. smile
Artemis Rayne:
Young woman, about 24, who was ultimately persuaded into taking a job at a mysterious agency by her parents, who worked there as well. She was led to believe that the agency took on mentally unstable patients and helped to balance their minds and give them peace. Artemis dutifully injected patients with serums and cared for them diligently, even becoming attached to a certain patient. However, in a fierce encounter with that certain patient, she came to realize the agency was simply making these people worse, studying the effects of liquids and chemicals on a deformed mind. Within a couple weeks, she had made up her mind. The patient she had truly cared for, but had never been able to face after that day, had escaped suddenly. On a busy day at work, she stole a whole stash of vials full of the potions she had injected the patients with, for further study and contemplation. She stuffed them in her black sidebag and headed out silently, slipping past the doors without so much as a goodbye to her parents. She headed off into the city, dressed in her black pants and jacket, her bag close to her side. Her silvery hair flows down her back in a cascading ripple, her green eyes pierce those she watches. But she didn't expect the attack that awaited her of a patient who wanted revenge for what she had done. What he didn't know was that she was the one who had cared for him most.
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