I know this entry is a tad late. Life has been really chaotic, especially with work, so I didn't have time to really sit down and pen this.
So Friday I had the entire day off. Shocking. No, seriously. I really didn't think I'd keep the day off. Problems had arisen at my job, and there was a chance I could have still been called in during the morning shift. Nope. Wasn't called in (Thank god). Well, since I had the day off, I could do with it whatever I wanted. Well, Friday was the best day I've had in a long time.
I got a call somewhere around 5. It was Michael. He wanted to know if I wanted to get together. We had discussed earlier with hanging out and I was so happy to get out of the house for a bit and spend some time with him. The only times we get to see each other, these days, is during Teen Night. That's because of his work and college schedule, and my wacky, insane roll coaster of a work schedule myself.
After talking for a bit, we came to an agreement. I was ecstatic; I was going to spend my evening with him!
I met up with Michael around, oh, six or so. About then, give or take. Getting my "gear" ready- meaning collecting my various video games, Yugioh decks, etc- I went over to his house to spend the better part of the evening. Right away we plugged in Super Smash Brothers: Brawl, and we began to duke it out in the Zelda temple. He was Wolf, I was Falco. Let me tell you- I NEED to work on that game. I'm not saying I'm absolutely horrible, but, well, I was getting my arse handed to me big time. I thought it was funny, though. And, once or twice, I knew I pulled off a stupid move (which made me laugh even more).
Taking a break from that, we plugged in Bloody Roar: Primal Fury. Ever hear of that game, let alone the Bloody Roar series? Yeah. Didn't think so. Not a lot of people have heard of it. It's a fighting game (mainly 2 player action) where you choose a character to fight as. Thing is, these fighters aren't normal humans. They're called Zoanthropes, and they have the ability to turn into raging beasts in the middle of a fight. From wolves to leopards, from lions to even elephants or crows, these creatures hack, slash, bite and maul their way to victory. Of course, well, both of us are a big fan of the series. He excels at Yugo (the wolf, master of combo punches) and Alice (the rabbit, aka the most adorable dang "animal" there with the most spine snapping attacks. No kidding). My main player of choice is Long (the tiger, master of extreme linking combos and the 18 hit punch combo which I learned to pull off) and Uriko (the "half beast" cat. She's like Long, but lithe and faster. Instead of martial arts in general, she's mastered Kenpo). We were pretty matched in skill. When his wolf or rabbit form (whoever he was) would begin to destroy my life bar, I'd bounce back, and vice versa. It was amazing.
Youtube. That was a big thing we did last night. Do you know how many videos are on that thing that are just too funny? Yeah. Tons.
After supper (pizza, which I rarely get unless I'm with friends, etc), we broke out our decks. I admit I'm still sometimes forgetting what some cards do and others don't. I have to constantly remind myself. Michael is the only other person I duel really. That, and his decks are so highly constructed that there are so many traps and moves that he can pull of that can, very likely, cause me to loose my own personal traps. I love dueling him, though. So challenging! I believe he won more than me Friday night. I ended up using my Beast deck a little more than my Harpie. My Gladiator Beast deck? Not finished yet. I need some of the lesser "core" cards (dust tornado, monster reborn) in order to have it "finalized". Little stuff.
God... I had a blast Friday! I wish today was actually that night again. I had so much fun just hanging out with him. That's all we had to do- hang out- and it was the best thing in the world.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
Bloody Roar Official website: http://www.hudson.co.jp/gamenavi/gamedb/softinfo/br/en/home/
A few notes about "Bloody Roar"- storylines usually suck. Graphics are good. Number 4's cinematic voice overs are god frikkin' awful. Battling is fun, and survival CAN be challenging, but really, stay away from the movies or story arcade mode.
Also... from the official site, under some of the different description of the games in the series... I found these various sentences. Can you find the several flaws in them? (lol on bad translation) There are at least several bad grammar rulings.
"At the moment of guarding, it puts in in the direction of an enemy and an axis is shifted. Chain is exchanged and it is a counterattack!"
"ALICE along which she walks by the face which wore anxiety in twilight." (That one REALLY makes me laugh my a** off)
"Clear every day of fighting by beastorize!" (I should really shout this one randomly as some sort of "motto" to go by. It's too funny sounding)
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