I sent L0cke some art last night as a gift. He replied this very morning.
L0cke hehe, thanks a ton, its a fun pic ^__^ glad you are enjoying the site :] best wishes, -L0cke XDvandalDJ Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you or anything. But I felt like you deserved some art as a gift. Just consider it a thanks for the work you do on the site. It's a silly doodle in MSpaint I just did. But I hope you enjoy it, as I enjoy the site you help in keeping around. Thanks again.
I thought it was cool how fast he replied.
I have other news but don't really feel like typing at the moment. I guess you have to wait for another entry. surprised
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Mon Aug 29, 2005 @ 08:15pm · 2 Comments |