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Im A Glass Child's Journal [Duh]
The Two Zodiac That Were Never Supposed To Be ::Kyo::
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A young looking girl with blue hair walked up to the house that was in middle of the woods. The car that drove her there pulled off. The girl scanned the exterior of the house quickly with her eyes, then walked up to door. She knocked, one hand holding a luggage bag, and the other holding a small panda stuffed animal.

After a few minutes, someone opened the door. He was about a foot and a half taller then her. Which she already didn't like about him. He had piercing red eyes and orange hair. She blinked at him.

"Who are you?" He asked coldly, getting ready to slam the door in her face.

"Kairi Sohma. Now take my bag and move out of my way." She told him, putting her bag in front of him and walking past him into the hallway. She quickly took off her shoes and walked into the living room, seeing three people sitting at the table. "Shigure-nii." She stated, her voice unchanging from it's dead tone, and her eyes staying emotionless. She went up and hugged him stiffly.

The girl with brown hair and boy with Silver hair looked at her funny.

The silver head spoke first. "Um? Nii? Shigure, you have a little sister?" He asked, his tone polite yet confused.

Kairi opened her mouth to speak, when orangey burst into the room. "What the hell do you think you're doing!? Leaving me with your bags!?" He yelled.

Kairi looked up at him. "Ah. Thank you. Now, put my bag there and shut up. You're giving me a headache." She stated, turning back to the two teens sitting on the couch staring at her like she has two heads.

She cleared her throat. "Anyway. I am Kairi Sohma. Shigure-Nii is my uncle. Pleased to meet you all." She turned to Orangey, who looked like he was about to attack her. "Except you." The girl looked back at the teens. "Now, state your names. I don't have all day to sit here while you all gawk at me." She sat down on one of the cushions next to Shigure, pulling her Panda into her lap.

The girl looked at her. "I-I'm Tohru Honda. Nice to meet you Kairi-chan!"

Kairi looked at her and did a once over. "Ah. You must be that girl that Akito-chan always talks about. The one who knows about the Zodiac, and has seen all the members. Hmm. You can't say that anymore though. Well, I can't say that I'm pleased to meet you, but hello."

Tohru looked at funny. "You know about the Zodiac!? Are you part of it!?" She asked excitedly, making Kairi lean back, afraid she was going to attack her or something. Tohru thought for a secound. "No, you can't be. I've met them all already....." She pouted.

Kairi looked over at Shigure, disappointed. "Ah. Shigure-Nii? You told them the short story, didn't you? Why did you keep me out of it?" She asked, a little sad.

Shigure put his hands up. "Gomen Kairi-chan. I wasn't sure if you would want them to know. And, Akito said to keep it a secret."

"That maybe. But Akito-chan was the one who sent me here........ He..... Said that he wanted this to be a warning for the girl..... And the Cat. So, I shall tell them my story... And which Zodiac I am.. Weather I like it or not." She glanced over at the Cat, who was surprised that she knew what animal he was.

Tohru titled her head to the side, confused. "A warning? And, you are, a part of the Zodiac?" She asked.

"Yes Tohru..... I am..." Kairi started, but was cut off by a knock at the door. She sighed. "Cat, fetch who is at the door please."

Orangey glared at her again. "My name is not 'Cat!' It's 'Kyo!' And be nice to your elders before they knock some sense into you little girl!" He hissed back, although, he still complied, going to the door and letting in who ever was at it.

"Kyon-Kyon! Ah! What a wonderful surprise to see you! Is Yuki-kun home!" A deep voice sang, walking into the living room. He opened his arms and went to go hug Yuki, but stopped mid in his tracks when he saw Kairi.

"Ayame, Sit." She instructed, her voice still cold.

Ayame sat down on the couch next to Tohru, still in shock to see Kairi.

"Kyo-kitten! You come back in here and sit as well! I'm tired of being interrupted!" She called to him, glaring at Shigure, who was stifling a laugh. Kyo growled, but walked over and sat on the floor.

"Now," She started, clearing her throat. "Yes, I am indeed part of the Zodiac. Which one, the Panda Bear." As Tohru opened her mouth to speak, Kairi stuck up her hand, silencing her. "I grew up with Akito-chan and... he.. Sent me here to live with all for a little while. I shall be attending your high school and have all the same classes with you all. I do not wish to, but it is an order." Before she could say anymore, Kyo cut her off.

"High school! They don't let 10 year olds attend High School! And what's with this-"

"Did I not say 'Shut Up' to you once before Kitten!" She yelled at him, getting irritated. "I am 16 years old, one year younger then you! I suggest you be quiet before I shove my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal cords! Got it!"

Kyo shut up.

Kairi sighed and tucked a stray hair behind her ear and cleared her throat again, it was getting a little sore from yelling at Kyo. When she spoke again, she talked loud enough that she could still be heard through Kyo's low growls.

"Yes, I am small for my age, but I am 16, don't let my looks for you." She paused and glanced at Kyo. "If that were the case, then everyone would think that Kyo was a psychotic maniac with no manners." She sneered, looking back over at Shigure. "So, what room shall I be staying in?"

Shigure sighed. "You'll have to room up with Tohru, she's the only girl in the house." He told her, already knowing she was going to throw a fit.

Kairi narrowed her eyes at him. "No." He sighed. "I am part of the Zodiac, there for I do not transform when hugged by the opposite sex as long as they too are part of the Zodiac. I refuse to room with the one Akito has been having problems with. I will respect my friends judgement, no matter how harsh. I will room with either Yuki or Kyo." She told him firmly, standing up and walking over to her bag, Panda in hand.

It took a little while for everyone to recover. The first thing she heard was once again, Kyo.

"You're friends with Akito!?! Are you nuts!? What kind of person would be friends with him!?" He shouted, standing up.

Kairi looked over at him, her face expression not changing from her emotionless state. "The kind that shares the same fate as him. The kind that knows just what he has to go through, and has been with him all their lives. Akito took me in when no one else would. Akito saved me from being killed. I know what Akito has to go through. That's the kind of person that will be friends with Akito." She said coldly, picking up her bag and walking up the steps, going into the first room that looked liked it was a boys room.

Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru all sat there, looking at each other. Shigure sighed and stood up. "Yuki, you will have to room with Kairi-chan. It doesn't seem like the best idea to let her room with Kyo." He explained, going into his own little room.

Ayame stood up as well. He cleared his throat. "Please forgive Kairi..... She has the same disease as Akito does... Only, Kairi is due to... die.... In exactly one year from today. Akito gets to live a lot longer then she does.... I'm going to go talk to her. It's been awhile since I've seen Kairi-chan." He looked at the three with sympathic eyes as Tohru gasped and started to get teary eyed, then he walked up to Yuki's room to talk to Kairi.

Kyo had sat down, and had his hands balled up into fists, not saying anything.

Yuki was trying to comfort Tohru, who was on the break of crying.

"S-she only has a year to live! She's going to die so young!" She cried out, sticking her face in her hands.

Kyo tried not to think about it and then heard the phone ring. He looked over at Tohru and Yuki, who obviously wern't going to get it, and stood up, answering the phone.

"Hello?" He asked, wondering who it was.

"Ah. Kyo." The voice on the other side breathed. Akito. "I would like for you, Yuki-kun, and little Kairi-chan to come to the main house tomorrow. I would like to talk to you two, and Kairi-chan is due for her check-up with Hatori. Understand?" He asked.

Kyo nodded, his fists balled up once again. "Yes." He answered, then hung up the phone, standing there after wards, thinking about what Kairi had said.

Kairi woke up and yawned. Last night, she had slept on Yuki's bed. He had been kind enough to let her sleep on his bed, and he pulled out a sleeping bag and slept on the floor. Although, he may have been a little mad about it, because when she didn't say anything, just nodded and crawled right in bed, he scowled at her. Probably because she did't try to say, 'Oh no! You sleep on the bed! It is yours after all!' Uh, no.

So, she woke up, stepped over Yuki, who ended up rolling off the sleeping bag and was right next to the bed, and zipped open her bag. She pulled out the stuff she needed for the day. Tdoay she was starting school, and then she had to go back to Akito's to get her check up from Hatori. It's not like it her illness could get any better. But, if it made Akito feel beter about herself,then, she would do anything.
Sighing, she brought out her tooth brush, hair brush, make up, under garments, and her school clothes that Shigure had brought up to her.

Who knows what he did to it first.

Kairi would have snicked if it weren't for that fact that as soon as she stood up, Yuki tried to clutch onto her leg. Ew.

"Ug! Get off, Mouse boy!" She hissed quietly, not wanting to wake him up, but it was still in her nature to growl at someone when they're trying to attack her, metaphorically speaking of course.

After successfully getting her leg back, she walked quietly out into the hallway, closing the wooden screen door thing silently, not wanting to wake anyone, she went into the bathroom.

Kairi stripped and locke the door, getting into the shower and dooring all of her girly things. Including washing her hair, conditioner, shaving, body lotion. Although, she didn't really expect for all of the girly stuff to be in one of the drawers, evidently Tohru's --Hopefully, anyway.

Kairi stepped out and dried her hair, brushing it quickly but nicely. Her hair was naturally straight, so she didn't have to do all of that fancy stuff that took forever to finish. Yay.

There was a low knock on the door that interuptted her thoughts. "Umm. Could you please hurry up, who ever is in there? I have to take a shower." A voice called from the other side --obviously Tohru's.

Kairi sighed inwardly. "Yes. Hold on, let me get dressed." She slipped on the ugly School Uniform top and cute skirt, and opened the door, earning a gasp from Tohru.

"You look so cute in a school unifrom Kairi-chan!" She called, getting ready to hug her.

Kairi moved to the side, letting Tohru fumble into the bathroom. "Don't talk to me like I'm a child. I'm older then you." She said coldly, her face flushed from all emotion. She kicked the door shut, leaving Tohru to stand there on the otherside with a confused look on her face.

The blue haired girl turned and walked down the stairs, into the kitchen. She saw a crop of orange hair looking into the open fridge. I wonder who that could be. "Didn't you take a shower this morning? Ew. I thougt something smelled funny in the hallway when I woke up." She greeted, walking over and pulling out the Orange Juice from beside him. She walked over to the counter and reached up to get a glass --ah, just tall enough. She smirked at her triumph and would have gave alittle victory dance. That is, if a certain someone wasn't glaring at her.

"I'm a guy. Us guys don't need to take showers everyday. And by the way, me, Yuki, and you have to go to Akito's today after school." He retored, still looking into the open fridge.

Kairi stuck her tongue out at him, he couldn't see it anyway. She always acted mature in front of people, but she was a very childish girl at heart. "Yes, you guys do. You smell horrible. And that's, 'You, Yuki, and I.' Not, 'Me, Yuki, and You.'" She placed the Orange Juice back into the fridge, still standing right next to Kyo. "And I think that I'm aware of my own check up, don't you think? It is my body that is going to be diagnosed to see if I'm going to die or not, you stupid oof."

Kairi walked back over to the counter, grabbing her glass, and going into the living room to watch the room -another one of her 'Mature' acts. Psh. She could care less what was happening to everyone else. She was the one having the problems.

Kyo was left to stand there, starring dumbfounded at the place where Kairi had stoof just a couple of secounds ago. He was surprised at the way she could talk about her own death like that. Like it wasn't even something to worry about. He would have to ask her about that later.......

>>>FF To School>>>

Kairi walked into the school with Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru. She got many glares from girls. She was explained to, that it was just Yuki's Fan Club. So, she just glared right back at them. Her first teacher, even asked what she was doing in the high school. Seriously. She wasn't that short. She was like, 4 Foot 8 or 9, something like that.

Kyo just smirked at her, while she was obviously going through hell at the moment. She had never been in school before. Kairi had always been home schooled. She never under stood the point. She was going to die without being able to do anything anyway.

While thinking that, Kairi sighed, loudly. The teacher glared at her, and she just rolled her eyes, looking out of the window. She had been placed right behind Kyo, and Tohru and Yuki were sitting on the other side of the class room, copin down the notes on the board, or listening intently at the teacher's lectures.

The bell rang --thank god-- and it was the end of the day!

>>FF To Outside Of Akito's Room>>
[[Yes, I know I'm skipping quite a bit, but I don't feel like writting the whole freaking day. You'll live, I promise.]]

Kyo growled. Oh how he hated Akito. He was fairly sure that everyone did. Except for her. The girl looked like she wanted to see Akito. "Tell me why you want to see Akito so badly again?" He asked, really not wanting to walk into his room. Something bad always happened.

"Because! Akito is like my Si-Brother!" She explained for the fifthith time, corrcting herself before she said something she may regret. Akito had only hit her about three times before, she would surely hit her if she ended up telling Kyo and Yuki that Akito was a girl. Tohru already knew. She had talkin to her once before about it while on their way to school.

Kairi smiled and opened Akito's door, gaining a hiss from Kyo. "Akito-chan!" She called, running up to hugg Akito. Akito hugged her back.

"How have you been, dear Kairi-chan? I'm sorry that I sent you away. But it's for your own good." Akito explained.

Kairi nodded, already having heard this from Akito about ten times now. "I know Akito-chan. Now, don't be really mean today to Kyo and Yuki, they have been really nice to me." She asked, lying. But, Akito could never see through her lies. Not that she did it alot.

Akito smiled and looked over to Kyo and Yuki, who were now sitting on the floor under her, looking up at the two with confused faces. She had always had a soft spot for Kairi. "ow, have you two been nice to little Kairi-chan?" She asked, a fake smile plastered on her face. Before they could aswer, she turned to Kairi. "Kairi, dear, go get your check up. Maybe it's subsided a little bit." She told her.
Kairi gave a small smile, knowing that it was to good to ever happen, and walked out of the room, heading towards Hatori.

>>FF To When Kairi Is Walking Back To Akito's Room>>

Kairi sighed. Of course it would still be positive, what else did she expect? She was going to die in 364 days, weather she wanted to, or not. Tears were coming up in the corner of her eyes when she heard a smash.

"Oh no!" Kairi sprinted to Akito's room, throwing open the door and wrapping her arms around Akito's waist, pulling her back away from Kyo. "Akito, back away! You don't want to hurt them! They didn't mean it!" She yelled, hearing Akito chuckle.

Akito just pointed to the door. "Leave! Go home!" She yelled, her words escaping from in between her laughs.

Kairi ran over to Kyo and helped him stand up, Yuki on his other side. Blood dripped down the side of Kyo's head, hitting the floor. The remains of the vase she had hit him with were now on the floor aswell, broken into tiny little peices. Even though she knew she wasn't much support for Kyo since she was so small, she was determined to get Kyo out of Akito's room, before she could hurt him worse.

Just what had Kyo said to her, to make her so angry?

Kairi furrowed her brows together. She had been sitting next to Kyo ever since Yuki and her had brought him from the Main House. Since he had been hit right on the head, Hatori said that he was lucky to even be alive. He even had to pick out some pieces of glass from his skin. It was that bad.

Kairi blamed herself of course. She thinks she could have stopped Akito from hurting him if she were there, or if she walked faster to get back to Akito's room. She could have protected Kyo. It was all her fault.

Kyo hadn't even woken up yet. It had been maybe, five hours since he was brought home --to Shigure's home. Kairi had refused to leave his side, telling the household that she wanted to watch him die. Of course, she really didn't. She'd burst into tears if he had died. But she had to keep her, not-caring-about-anyone-else role into play. She couldn't stop now. In reality though, Kairi was actually kind. Even if she didn't act it. She didn't want someone to get hurt --let alone die-- because of her. It wouldn't be fair.

Kyo stirred in his bed.

Kairi opened her closed eyes and peered down at him, smiling happily. As soon as his eyes opened though, she put on her 'mask' that she wears all the time in front of people. Never showing emotions.

"Where am I?" He asked, still half asleep. He tried to sit up, but was instantly pushed back down by Kairi.

"You're at Shigures, in your bed." She paused for a moment. "Akito hit you really hard in the head with a glass vase. Yuki and I brought you back here." She finished explaining, leaving out the part where in her mind, she was begging for forgiveness. She was not going to look weak. The illness helped with that as it was.

Kyo half sighed, half yawned. "How did you get me here?" He asked, lying back down and turning his head to see her. For a secound, it looked like she had been crying, but he quickly pushed that thought away. She isn't one to cry over things. She talks about her own death like it's nothing.

Kairi tilted her head to the side a bit. "How do you think we got you here? We carried you." She stopped and blinked, then added glumly, "Well, Yuki did most of the carrying really. The a** pushed me away and carried you by himself, saying that I was to small to help." She narrowed her eyes, imagining kicking Yuki in the head. Hard.

Kyo started to chuckle, but the stopped abrubtly and groaned. It hurt his head to laugh. He took his right hand and touched it to the top of his head, where some bandages were wrapped around it firmly. "Owww...." He mumbled, accidently touching the softer spot, where he had been hit right on.

The edges of Kairi's pink lips pulled down slightly. "Are you okay?" She asked, taking her hand away from her side and lightly touching Kyo's head, not the spot that was bleeding profusly.

Kyo winced a little when Kairi touched him. Half from pain, half from something he couldn't identify. "I'm totally fine." He lied, knowing that she wouldn't fall for it, but it was worth a shot.

Kairi smirked. "Oh really?" She brought her hand on the soft spot on Kyo's head, where he had been hit the hardest. "Then this won't hurt any." She spoke with a tone of amusment in her voice. This was quite fun. She wasn't pressing down hard enough to kill him or anything. Just to make a point.

Kyo jerkered away from her, which actually wasn't very far. Saying that he was on a bed against the wall. "Ow! What the hell woman!" He shouted, and amazingly, no one came in through the room door. You would think that he yelled loud enough to scare the birds away that were in the forest next to the house.

The was a twinkle of satisfaction in Kairi's eyes. "I win." She said matter-of-factly. And indeed, she did win. This time.

-Angelus Delapsus-
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-Angelus Delapsus-
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