Thank you for your interest in my work! I appreciate all the business, support, and kind comments I have received very much. heart If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me at any time. Commenting is fine, too! Please excuse the block of text below the examples- I try to offer as much information as possible up front to avoid confusion.
Current work status: No longer offering on-call commissions after my current list is finished. The offerings listed below are what will be available for occasional auctions or very large bribes (i.e. bribes over 1m for a single character). Sorry peeps, but I've gotten very busy lately with paid, off-site work and need to prioritize. My old prices have been removed, as pricing will now be entirely on a case-by-case basis.
I am always offering commissions for real money. These never close (and have first priority). See my deviantart page for details on this.
What I'm Offering
(New ones, for the most part, are cash commissions I have picked up, although this is a fairly old style for me now, and different styles can be seen at my DeviantArt page as well)

Example of how one piece looks a few different ways:

Other styles are also available bribe only: if you have seen them here before, in the arena, or on my deviantArt page, please feel free to PM me to work something out.
Pricing and Payment
When we agree upon a price, please begin the trade and I will begin your art. Once I have finished your art, I will accept the trade. Make sure you're happy with your art before finishing the trade so I can fix things if it's not right. If you're the sort of person that is very particular about the details and would like to see WIPs, please make sure to read the WIP and Edit Policy below.
I love items, too! If you want to pay me in items instead of gold, I've got quite a few items on my wishlish that I would be willing to take as payment. I'll also take some things that are not on my wishlist, because they might be on my husband's (or I might not know I wanted them until I had them) ... it never hurts to ask. I will consider trades with artists who can offer quality art and are willing to fulfill this request (I am now considering trades involving some of my single characters - if you are interested I can let you know).
I can send you the original inks or pencils for $5. This covers postage and the cost of packaging it to make sure it doesn't get crumpled.
WIP and Edit Policy
If you have commissioned me, please feel free to PM me with questions or to see a WIP at any time. If you would like me to send you a WIP at a specific point, please let me know when you tell me what you want me to draw and I will be happy to do so. I can make changes to the lines until I have inked them (some changes can be made even afterwards) and will be happy to make small color corrections even after the work is finished. Larger color corrections (or all-out color changes) will be done without charge until the trade has been completed. After that (say, if you suddenly decide your character needs a different hair color six months later), I will repaint the areas that need it for a fee (depending on how much additional painting you are requesting). If you are unhappy with the work I have produced for you for any reason, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix it.
Turnaround Time: Turnaround time will depend greatly on how many pieces I have in line, where you are in the order, what kind of art you (and everyone in front of you) are getting, whether I have paid cash commissions from other sites, and what is going on in my life at the time. I'll do my best to give you an approximation at the time of your order and will try to keep you updated on the status if there are delays.
What I Draw/What I Need From You
Things I Love to Draw: Pretty ladies, fancy clothes, fantasy and historical costumes, sexy pin-ups, Orcs, big hair, couples.
Things I'll draw but am not as practiced with (but I am studying and learning): Men, children, small animals, modern styled clothing.
Things that may (or may not) increase my prices: Some furries (reptiles, kangaroos, meerkats, bunnies, some others), Light mecha, Heavy armor (light armor is okay ... light armor being things like shoulder plates, greaves, hip plates, etc), Heavily muscled men, WINGS* (oh dear gods, wings! ... unless they're tiny.).
Things I do not draw: Cluttered avis, Heavy mecha, Some other furries (I do badly with their anatomy and you don't want me practicing on something you're paying for), Vehicles, Horses, Fan art or fan characters.
Things you will have to visit me at DA or HF (PM me for my username if you want to visit me there) for (these generally require actual money): Erotica, pictures with more than two characters, pictures with complex backgrounds.
Please PM me with what you would like drawn and your offer if you are trying to get a bribe slot. If you have reference pics, please send them with your initial request so that I can see the general complexity of the design you're asking for before I commit to anything, especially if you've got a very complicated-looking character or detailed request. If you want something really specific (sketches in brown pencils, a blue background, a daisy growing out of your OCs head, your character's name on the picture, your characters name not on the picture, etc), remember to let me know that, too. ^.^ Otherwise I'll do whatever I think looks the best within the request you do make.
A note about avatars: Most of the fun of this for me is creating: I draw better and am more inspired when I have some leeway with the clothing and hair designs than when having to draw everything straight from an avatar or reference. If you want to offer an avatar and have me adjust clothes slightly, create a custom outfit based on the avi, add details, or otherwise decorate- awesome. If you want a faithfully rendered reproduction of every item on your avatar, I will charge you extra and may even decline the commission because I don't have fun with that. Also, it will probably take longer. If I don't like the avi you want faithfully reproduced, I will gently suggest you find another artist. Just letting you know.
A note about OCs: Please be sure to give good reference pictures, and if possible, a quick note about personality traits, what your character does for a living, etc. (see this journal for an example). It will be easier for me to choose a pose, facial expression, and props for your character, and you will be happier with the result.
What I Am Working On
Working on:
Gold commissions:
(These are left over from when I stopped taking gold commissions, and I am trying to sneak them in between off-site projects)
Tsuki no Tennyo Setsuna - status = [Avi 1 (full color): Done!] [Avi 2 (full color): finalizing lines with alternate method after original was destroyed by my toddler]
Melting Sugar (full color, shaded and colored lines on all) - status = [Avi 1: Done!] [Avi 2: planning] [Avi 3: planning]
Other Projects:
Too many to list
Gold Commission Wait List:
Closed, sorry.
heart Oh yeah, and if you really loved me, you'd go vote on my art arena entries. heart