Thursday 31 July 2008
Well for today update im going to start by saying i love you baby and give a kiss to kitty for me also as well im suppost to be flying back to rusty today around 1745/545pm i have been back
from leave from the 24th of July well thats when i left my wife and little one i got on a plane on the
24th got to dllas on the night of the 24th and stayed in a hotel over night where we flow to kwait on
the 25th and that is a long flight it is 9 hours 48 min to gremany and the another 4 hours and 54 min
to kawait we got to kawait and then i got stuck there for 2 days do to bad weather the 1st day they put
me on a plane at 4 in the mornig we flew around baghdad for about 2 hours and came back they said it
was to bad to land in biap so then we did the whole thing over the next day and this is where i am now
we have been trying to leave here for about 4 days now and do to bad weather my flight has been cancled
but i have had time to catch up on my sleep as well talk to my wife on gaia and on the phones they have
a nice chow hall where you eat at here and it is free for us to eat they have MWR where they have the
on line and spaware phones you have to have a credit card to buy the mins to use the phones but the
online is free to use and we get about 30 to 45 min on it befor we have to sign out and then go wait in
line all over agin i usally talk to my wife on line then i go to the AT&T calling center where all you
need is a calling card and then call my wife usally go to the chow hall after that and then back here to
the tent we are staying at untill later on in the day and do the whole thing over agin the chow hall for
lunch is about to open it is 1117am here so im going to get off here and get some chow and then go to the
MWR and talk to my wife later. Gambit09
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