All right, so it's actually been a while since I've written anything here. Boy, do I have a lot I could vent on here, but I don't think I'm going to bore you with a lot of it. The one thing that is pissing me off to no end is my dad and my brother (well, it's not really pissing me off, it's just sorta making me depressed).
My dad quit smoking a few years ago and stuff and I was really happy for him. But, he's started smoking again and he's become an alcoholic. Usually, I can't see the difference, but a couple of weeks ago, I went out to put a can out soda out in my recycle bin and I saw like ten or fifteen cans of beer and like three empty bottles of wine in it. It sorta made me a little depressed and stuff so yeah....
Now we get to my older brother, whom I would quite literally die for. I haven't heard from him in months. I mean seriuosly, no emails, no phone calls, nothing. The last time he emailed me was on my birthday. I'm both worried and sad cause I don't know what's going on. I don't know if he's okay or if he hates me for some reason....I'm completely out of the loop and when I'm having a really bad day, I freak out about it.
Oh and did I mention that my favorite aunt in the world died a couple of months ago? No? Okay...well, now you know if I seem a little depressed for a while, I'm just not doing so hot right now. Well, I guess that's enough spilling my guts for now. I'll post something else in a few days probably. Though, I'll probably start posting poems and stories instead of venting on my problems. Like other people really need to know, or really even give a s**t, about my problems.
Xxa_KISS_that_KILLSxX · Sat Aug 02, 2008 @ 04:34am · 0 Comments |