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The Heroes of Aeylion
Heroes starting from the first one to the most Recent

Siegfried Altenbret (b. 613 d. 660)
Famous for: Establishing the human colonies throughout the world and establishing the Heroes Trial.

In a distant land with slavers only known today as the Masters, both lost to time and history, humans were oppressed and enslaved. He was one of the only humans during the time to possess the natural ability of combat, and lead a small rebellion to free humanity. He held off a large hunting party sent out by their enslavers inside what historians believe to be, ironically, a shrine to the heros of the Masters. It is believed that during this fight, while the blood of his enemies washed over him, he was illuminated by the passion for freedom. After the humans started a new colony on another continent, Siegfried Altenbret established the Heroes Trial to bring forth new soldiers and Heros to protect humanity from the Masters and provide hope to the people. He died of illness during a widescale plague.

Main weapon: Gladius
Seconday: Dirk

No Children


Marcus Bauker (b. 638 d.667)
Famous for: Defending humanity.

Not long after the plague that took Altenbret did humanity once again face danger. After losing a large portion of their populace and able-bodied males, orcs living in the mountains near the colonies decided that it was the perfect time to kill off their neighbors. Marcus Bauker was Altenbret's squire and as the trainee of The Hero, all eyes turned to him. After driving off the initial invasion force, he successfully raided orc camps along the river until he made it to the mountains. Growing low on manpower, food, and supplies, he ordered his men to remain at the base of the mountain, and should he not return in a week, they should regroup in the city and evacuate the people. A week went by and Bauker had not returned. The group of soldiers he commanded returned to the city, but disobeyed his order. They gathered more men and stormed the mountain. When they reached the peak where the orc chieftain made his throne, they found the two corpses of Marcus Bauker and the chief, untouched, locked in their last moments: Bauker, yelling a war cry with a blade through his heart, parrying the orc's other axe in the air, and the orc, twisted in painful suprise, made its skull a home for Bauker's dagger.

Main weapon: b*****d Sword
Secondary: Dagger

No Children


Artur Pelonius (b. 668 d. 690)
Famous for: Killing the necromancer Draconis.

Apparently the true nature of both the plague and the orc attacks were deliberately caused by a necromancer by the name of Draconis. A half-breed between Master and human caused a mutation in Draconis, giving him power over the dead. He went on to serve the Masters as a spy and operative. During the rebellion against the Masters, Draconis infiltrated into the refugees, and went with them to the new continent. Since then, he was slowly gathering power to kill the humans for his masters. One day, during the orc battles, he discovered the Book of the Dead. From 679 on, humanity on the continent lived in sheer terror of the night and the dark forest, home of Draconis. With the powers from the Book of the Dead, Draconis was able to give his undead numerous powers that regular necromancy was unable to bring, such as the power of thought. One evening in 690, Artur Pelonius, a farmer and part-time militia member, was about to marry his beautiful girlfriend when Draconis' undead attacked, killing members of his family and taking his fiancee captive. Pelonius grabbed a sword he found on the forest's edge and took off after them despite the growing night sky. He made it to Draconis Keep, but was surrounded by the entire undead army. Reluctant to simply let Draconis have his fiancee and knowing that he cannot just walk away, Artur attacked with all his might at the nearest undead soldier. When the blade struck the helmet, a blinding light was released from the blade, and a burning column of light came down from the heavens, smiting down all of the undead. Draconis himself then came outside with the girl and challenged the lowly farmer. After a few bouts, Pelonius was able to cleave his head off, and started to walk away with his fiancee when Draconis stood back up with his head reattached. He stabbed Artur in the back and reinitiated the duel. After many more wounds, he was about to give in and die, and he gave it one last try. He managed to rip open Draconis' robe, which let the Book of the Dead slip out. Artur stabbed the book with his last ounce of strength and the sword once again let loose a giant ray of light. Draconis, with his only source of power left destroyed, burst into dust, and was never heard of again. Artur died a matter of minutes later. The militia surveyed the area later and found nothing. No bodies, no Draconis Keep, no undead, not even the sword. Bards later tell the tale that the sword was in fact the Blade of the Heavens, and that Artur Pelonius's fiancee was actually an angel and keeper of the sword, who went back to heaven to guide his soul through Heaven.

Main weapon: Blade of the Heavens (Claymore)
Secondary: None

No Children


The Prophet Lui (b. ? d. ?)
Famous for: Wielded divine foresight.

Through his tactical genius, the battle mages of Vera were able to erase the Euclid nation. After being inducted as a hero, he disappeared; many have theorized that the gods took him back due to the large amount of blood shed during the war.

No children


Tiny Lungren (b. 650 d. ?)
Famous for: Establishing the City of Heroes.

He built the first shrines to Altenbret, Bauker, and Pelonius. The last known contact with the City of Heroes was twelve years after the City's start and when the fourth statue, dedicated to the Prophet Lui, was started. Rangers have scoured the island, but have found no traces of the people. Mysteriously though, the City continues to function to this day, adding shrines dedicated to Heroes whenever they are inducted.

Main weapon: Warhammer
Secondary: Warhammer

Family unknown


Kaylyn Peltier (b. 721 d. 784)
Famous for: Removing the Mordock Empire and establishing the Kelsiv Empire.

One day when trying to express her concerns about the morality of the guards in her hometown of Redbee, Kaylyn Peltier was beat by the government offical for disrespecting glorious Mordock officers that "kept the peace and low peasants like you in place." What the offical didn't know was that she was the sister of government assassin, and had been trained by her brother to defend herself. After being arrested, she was greeted personally by the emperor, and was given the choice of being sexually assaulted for her freedom and life. She resisted and was ordered to be beheaded the following week, in case she reconsidered. Her brother killed the guards that night and broke her out. After a month in hiding, she finally heard that the government had caught her brother, and that he was given some of the worst treatment the empire had in store for traitors. After traveling around from town to town, giving herself a name in the underground groups, she gathered former officers, farmers, soldiers, anyone and everyone who had a bone to pick with the empire. With their help, she managed to wage an underground war against the capital, until she met her future husband. He convinced her that he could revive the spirit of the land's people, and asked for her permission to become emperor should they succeed. As the years went on and the emperor grew more oppressive to end the fighting, the war soon broke onto the very streets. Peltier offered the emperor a one-night cease-fire to talk about terms of surrender, and when they met in private, she seduced him into his deathbed. She took the throne for 6 months while her husband calmed the towns of the East down, and established the new Kelsiv Empire. Four and a half years before her death she started to recognize that the new empire was starting to point back to the Mordock aggression, and publically announced at court one day that she feels that her husband is turning into another tyrant. She "unfortunately" fell out of her window when she had the fever a few days later.

Main weapon: Falcata
Secondary: None

Had one Daughter and two Sons


Raven Rossdale (b. 724 d. 794)
Famous for: Helping establish the Bevel Kingdom.

In the beginning, the Kingdom of Bevel was nothing but a land of scattered lords. Servants who were not willing to live in servitude to their lord joined the ranks of outlaw mercenaries, warriors that were disdained due to their lack of loyalty. In Bevel, there are two different types of mercenaries: Outlaws, and Free Roamers. Free Roamers are mercenaries that, while are free to take contracts from others, have a partnership with a lord. The Rossdale clan was a well known band of Free Roamers that hailed from a village under the reign of a lord simply known as "The Baron." They only lasted two generations of servitude until they abandoned their lord and became mercenaries under the patronage of the Bevel family. Raven Rossdale was the fifth generation of Rossdale mercs, and was considered by many of his family to be a bit of a sensitive boy. He grew up under the mentorship of Sir Arthur Bevel, and became a mercenary of the people. One day, while escorting a VIP in a village under the rule of the Baron, a group of street children he grew fond of over the years were being executed for stealing. He tried to stop the deaths, but was too late. After expressing his guilt for not being able to save them to Bevel, he then decided to give up fighting if he was unable to save those that were oppressed. Bevel comforted Raven, and told him that although he was unable to save them, he could save future generations by helping to unify the land and put an end to the scattered lordships. Bevel and a few other lords formed the Griffon Alliance and named Raven their champion. For six years, Rossdale and his mercenary band waged war against the Baron's Alliance, ending in 756 with the suicide of the Baron. With the Baron dead, the Baron's Alliance surrender and annex into the Griffon Alliance, the lords looked for a new leader to guide them in this sudden military unity. When they elected their champion Rossdale to lead them, he declined, and bowed before Bevel. He offered his white spear, and said, "This tool forged a new beginning for us. Should I rule this land, history will be written with this lance drenched in blood. However, I know that in your hands, history will be written with this lance dabbed in ink." Died of infection from a wound he recieved from an assassination attempt.

Main weapon: Lance
Secondary: Claymore

Had two Sons and one Daughter


Tibarn Rossdale (b. 751 d. 832)
Famous for: Establishing trade routes to Bevel.

Although Bevel had amble mercenaries and the recent unification made it easier for foreign lands to purchase the services of mercs, the economy of Bevel was in shambles. Tibarn spent his entire life at court as the son of a Hero and heard the moans of the nobility everyday. He was mostly a politician representing mercenaries, but he also was a proud member of his father's band. He set sail to every nearby country and established trades with them. However, the Kingdom of Vera was reluctant to establish any trade, and told him that he must slay the dragon on Mt. Fulvio in order to gain their respect. After a long climb and a long battle, Tibarn was able to slay a medium sized black dragon, and then a few minutes later he faced the mother and the other brother. Many versions of this tale have been created by bards, and no one has been able to figure out how he defeated the other two dragons. The Kingdom of Vera was pleased with his work on defeating the dragon family, and increased their exports with a generous tribute for Rossdale's service, which catapulted Bevel into one of the richest continents at the time. Tibarn never talked about his experience on top of the mountain, and took the secret with him on his deathbed.

Main weapon: Kampilan
Secondary: Short sword

Had one Son and three Daughters


Commander Talonis (b. 751 d. 813)
Famous for: Sailing across the world non-stop to liberate his lord.

In 729, a pirate fleet of seven under the command of Captain Garganna Locks attacked the inland city of Jour and kidnapped the prince of Kelsiv. A blockaid was formed in the bay, but the pirates defeated the fleet, and went to sea towards their hideout. Commander Talonis was patroling on the Northern shoreline of the current day Elf province, Raleigh, and immediately set in pursuit alone after news arrived. The pirates were headed for their hideout, which was located in the Northwestern bay of current day Bevel, kingdom of the mercenaries. Talonis, deep with rage, pledged to return his lord safely, and forbid his crew to pull into any port until they liberated the prince. Two months later, Talonis managed to track them on the high seas, and stalked them until they made port. That very night he attacked them, and destroyed the hideout, hanging Garganna the following morning. He went on to serve faithfully to the Kelsiv cause, despite several of his close officers corrupted by piracy.

Main weapon: KRS Kelsiv's Pride
Secondary: Cutlass

Has three sons


Arche Clearwater (b. 932 d. 1032)
Famous for: Starting the practice of White Magic

Arche Clearwater was born into a family of famed nobles. However, she was different from the others in her family. She was born with platinum hair that glittered in the sunlight and bright blue eyes. The people thought that she had been an angel sent to them by the gods, and people tried desperately to see her. Because of this, her parents ordered that she be protected from the rabble of the commoners, and forbidden to leave their mansion. One day she escaped from her house and wandered into the nearby town, curious about what the outside world was like. Armed bandits attacked the town and she remained well hidden until the attack ceased. She came out of her hiding place and found bodies littered throughout the street. She saw a young girl bleeding to death not far from where she was and wept above her while observing the wounds. She felt power coming out of her hands, and when she touched the wound, she saw that it started to close up, and the little girl woke up. After returning to her family, she spent restless days cutting herself, trying to draw up that power. Soon after she discovered the way, she escaped the clutches of her family and went off into the area where Thomas Illiad would later establish the Sky Kingdom of Airoff. She taught many young women the power of healing, and when the Kingdom of Vera declared war on Kelsiv, Arche declared her school to be neutral, and established hospitals to help the wounded of both sides. However during some of the deadliest offensives of the war, she exausted her power to the limit, and passed out. Her body would not handle the continued stress, and she passed on, leaving her legacy to her students to pass on. Touched by her story, Vera stopped their offensive to memorialize Clearwater, and later signed a peace treaty with Kelsiv.

No children


Beatrice Hallows (b. 1130 d. 1145)

Famous for: Unfortunately becoming a martyr.

Dying at only 15, at the hands of Kelsiv soldiers, the little girl became the symbol of justice for the Kelsiv's crimes that brought together the world to war against the Imperials for more than a hundred years.

No Children


Thomas Illiad (b. 1130 d. 1157)
Famous for: Establishing the first Holy City, Airoff.

Coming from a poor, but religious family, Thomas Illiad was pretty much forced to join the clergy. However during his training, he noticed that there were no major factions devoted to the Gods. Mainly people were worshipping Heroes more than Gods. He knew that heroes were too few and too far apart, with only 11 heroes in 517 years. People needed faith in more than just heroes, and he set out to try and spread religion. After recieving much resistance, he was about to lose faith when Ellendall came down from the heavens and told him of what he needed to do. He must build a holy city in the sky devoted to Aliedite, the god of the sky. Ellendall gave him an orb that promised to help him create this floating church. One day, when he was looking for a suitable place to start building his city, Lyondite, a mischievous god, made Illiad stumble on a rock, and made the orb stumble out of his bag. It rolled out into the market square, and stopped at the foot of a statue of Arche Clearwater. The orb floated up into the raised hands of Clearwater, and an earthquake ensued and the town started to levitate into the air. So far since the development of the City of Airoff, the Women's Institute of Clearwater has headquartered there, and religion has gotten a huge boom in faithful members. It is currently one of the most guarded cities, and can be seen from far away in the night sky. It is unknown how he died, and his funeral was closely guarded from the public. It is said that he was inducted as a Hero to help bridge the gap between the followers of Heroes and the followers of Gods.

Main weapon: Staff
Secondary: Bare knuckles

Has one Daughter


Oswin Thunderbane (b. 740 d 1236)
Famous for: Opposing Odin by himself when he went mad and establishing
the Dwarf Colonies.

Oswin was the leader of the dwarves and was part of the Settlers War and was bitter when his countrymen were defeated. After establishing a foothold for his countrymen he began working in the mineshafts. It was because of his people that the best known armor in the world was produced. For the better part of his life he lived quietly, never having to pick up his warhammer. Then the god Odin sparked trouble, not only for the humans, but for his people as well. He picked up his warhammer and declared himself the one who would defeat the God. The populace thought him mad as he went into the void to take on Odin. He emerged from the void victorious, but missing his left arm. The bards made his name sacred after his incredible victory. He went back to live in solitude, but was later approached by Mearite ambassadors asking for the Hero's aid in the 100 Year War. Despite the loss of his arm, the Hero accepted the offer and later became one of the most feared foes of the Beatrice Hallows Alliance. Age started to catch up with the seasoned veteran however. He died honorably doing one of the things dwarves love, beating the all-time drinking record of Ulmar Belchalot. There was a temporary cease fire to honor the Hero that could defeat the Gods.

Main weapon: Warhammer
Secondary: Throwing axes

Had two Sons


Eliwar Dunisvane (b. 1072 d. 1126)
Famous for: Establishing the elven colonies and holding off the enemy.

Eliwar was famous among her bretheren for establishing the Elf Colonies after Odin's mindless rampage. She was able to hit a target as far away as two miles with her bow and was a natural born leader. However, Eliwar was a quiet girl who prefered hunting rather then warfare. The war soon reached the lands of Raliegh and the elves were soon forced into the 100 Year War. Eliwar was made one of the five generals of Raleigh and was dispatched to help the self proclaimed hero Oswin Thunderbane. She made a name for herself with her pin-point accuracy and taught the humans how to keep a steady hand to improve their archery skills. The Emperor tried many times in vain to convince Dunisvane to defect. One night the Kelsivs launched a night raid on the elven camp. One of her scouts was able to warn her in time that an army was approaching, outnumbering them 5:1. Dunisvane knew that her comrades were in no condition to win, and ordered a retreat. She and five of her best archers, including her human husband, stayed behind while the bulk of the elven army retreated to the BHA Fort Illuminous. After killing more than 1,000 soldiers with their bows combined, the six defenders continued to fight with their blades, killing an additional 800 before they felt the cold steel of a Kelsiv blade piercing their hearts. Many elven people blame her human husband for her death, saying that his influence made her more reckless over time. While she saved her army from certain destruction, her death damaged moral of the BHA, and historians believe that is one of the main reasons why the BHA lost Fort Illuminous the following few days after.

Main weapon: Longbow
Secondary: Dagger

No Children


Dillon Beggart (b. 1206 d. 1251)
Famous for: His military inventions.

For more than 30 years, this elf had been creating fortification designs and inventions for the Kelsiv military. His ingenuity kept Kelsiv forces two steps ahead of their rivals during battle, but he could not help his country invent a way to deal with the problem of being outnumbered. He met his doom in his lab against Mearites weidling his inventions.

Main weapon: Longsword
Secondary: Primitive gunpowder grenades

No family


Millenia Jezavar (b. 1223 d. 1243)
Famous for: Defeating the Dragon God of the sea.

During the 100 Year War, the Kelsivs tried to tip the balance of power on the seas by employing sea creatures under their powers. One such creature was a dragon by the name of Nagadadar, considered by most to be invincible. A few years roaming free, Nagadadar started to attack all ships on the water, BHA and Kelsiv. This started to hamper the BHA since they were unable to reinforce their troops. Millenia Jezavar was a recent graduate of the Vera Battle Mage school and started to roam around the world as a mercenary naval captain. One day, during a smuggling trip, she came across Nagadadar, and immediately engaged him. Nagadadar was impressed, as every other ship he had encountered tried to speed away like cowards. She started to conjur thunder spells to shock him out of the water, and after a bolt penetrated through one of his scales, he swallowed the ship whole. Jezavar was thought to have rushed towards the gaping mouth, down his throat, and into his heart. A pirate ship in the area surveyed the area and found nothing but a large patch of dark dragon blood and the floating carcass of the dragon. Jezavar was later inducted as a Hero, and adopted as the patron Hero of the Seas by sailors around the world. Priests say that the god of the sea, Orphues, is jealous of the attention Jezavar steals from him.

Main weapon: Thunder-enchanted halberd
Secondary: none

No Children


Reno (b. 1216 d. 1241)
Famous for: Taking out more than 50,000 troops during the 100 Year War

From a young age the mysterious Reno was taught the way of the sword. Since there was no room for weakness or mistakes, he was brought into the harsh life of a samurai from the moment he could walk. He trained in all styles of fighting, but he was fond of his swords. At the age of 18 the samurai ventured off into the world to hone the edges of his fighting style. The war was the perfect chance for the samurai to display his skills and he joined with the BHA as a hired sword. He earned the title "Demon Blade" for his no-mercy approach to battle. He was even feared among his BHA allies as well. In the year 1241, Reno was given orders to attack Fort Braska, headquarters of the Kelsiv Elite Guard, with an elite commando unit. However Reno went alone and faced the Kelsiv's finest himself. He rushed into the base, and slaughtered all that opposed him. More than 50,000 troops of the Kelsiv Elite Guard perished on that day, and Reno intended to reserve the same fate for the commander of this unit, the famed and young Jarvis Lafayette. When Reno reached the Commanders Suite on the fifth floor, it was empty with only a note left on the desk:

"Hope you like ambushes, samurai; too bad you won't live to enjoy another one. It's a shame I won't be able to rip out your throat myself, but fire does the job a lot quicker. I needed a new base of operations anyways."

Reno quickly looked out the window to find Jarvis peering back at him from the ground. His men had been pouring gunpowder and timber around the base while he was inside slaughtering people. The fire started to spread throughout the building quick, destroying the supports. Fort Braska collapsed, and killed the BHA's strongest warrior.

[When the fire reached the top floor, Reno was given no choice and he jumped out the other window. He fell five floors down into the river. He knew he had to wait for Jarvis and his troops to leave before he could escape, but Fort Braska fell on top of him as it collapsed.]

Main weapon: Katana
Secondary: Katar

No Children


Jarvis Lafayette (b. 1220)
Famous for: Killing the Hero Reno and murdering all of the warmongering generals and leaders of the 100 Year War.

Jarvis Lafayette was born and raised by the Kelsiv military during the 100 Year War. He is one of Kelsiv's finest warriors, tacticians, and champions. Many have compared him to the Heroes Lui and Marcus Bauker for his cunning fighting style and tactics. Although he was a front line commander of Kelsiv's elite unit at a young age, his battle plans were top-notch, and the Emperor took him as his left hand. The war effort was going well for the Kelsiv's until 1239 when the samurai Reno started to defeat every soldier that Kelsiv threw at him. One day, he heard from his spies that the warrior was going to attack Braska with a small commando unit. The emperor told him to keep Fort Braska under their control, however knowing that he could not possibly defeat Reno, he decided to sacrifice the base and several thousand of his recruits in an ambush attempt. His elite division camped secluded in the nearby forest, and when Reno entered the fort, they blocked all the exits and started to set fire the the place. After the death of Reno, Jarvis was punished by the emperor, but not harshly, since the emperor could not argue with the result. One day, while returning with the emperor to the capital, BHA soldiers attacked the convoy. The emperor escaped, but Jarvis and the BHA commander Aven Avarti were seperated from the main fighting when they fell down a steep hill into the forest. Avarti let Jarvis go, despite knowing who he was. Near the end of the war, almost every country was blind with the lust for blood. Jarvis knew that the leaders and generals of all of the countries were to blame for causing the blood-lust. He organized a peace talk on Kelsiv soil, inviting the emperor, and all the top generals and leaders from every country, including Aven Avarti. Everyone had arrived except the emperor, who thought something was going on and turned around towards the capital. When the others got anxious, Jarvis knew he had to do it. He took out his weapons and started to kill all the famed generals and leaders. When only Avarti was left, he lowered his weapons and gave him a curt respectful nod.

"I spare you for two reasons, Avarti. First, we are even now. You spared me, and now I spared you. Second, I did this to end the war. With the leaders and generals dead, everyone would be too damaged to continue fighting efficently. However we have one leader missing, our favored emperor. Take your troops, storm the capital, and end the emperor. The hatred between our countries may never end, but with the death of the emperor, we can leave the choice to continue fighting with our children."

After the war, he surrendered himself to the new Mearite king, who, ignoring the protests of the entire BHA, gave Lafayette a pardon and a noble title. He was later inducted as a Hero of Kelsiv and the world. Although he is currently one of Mearite's top advisors, he is still hated by the world. He has a son named Harken who recently ventured off into the life of an outlaw.

Main weapon: Shamshir
Secondary: Shamshir

Has one Son


David Birkenau (b. 1230)
Famous for: Leading several successful raids against the Empire supply lines

Hailing from a barbaric tribe, David sought to change his ways and traveled from his clan to seek a life of peace. He settled in Garrisworth, where he met his future wife. He finally settled and had a son whom he cherished. He was drafted into the war and left his family behind to serve his country. He met Aven and Salen and soon became fast friends. He was feared on the battlefield for his power and passion. He was only known by the Kelsiv soldiers as the "Mearite Jackel" for his constant hounding of their supply lines. He returned to his home in Garrisworth after serving for four years only to find that his wife was murdered and his son was missing. He re-enlisted in the military to project his anger on the Kelsivs, but was discharged due to a nervous and mental breakdown. He disappeared from the world to find his son.

Main weapon: Battleaxe
Secondary: Mace

Has four Sons


Salen Delgar (b. 1231)
Famous for: Rebuilding the lands destroyed by the Kelsivs world-wide.

A draftee of the war and close friend of Aven Avarti. After the war ended, Salen went around the world to see the atrocities that were brought about since the 100 Year War started. He made a vow to the people to help rebuild what was lost over the years. Within a few years, towns that he visited started to rise out of poverty. He spent several years away from his family and finally returned in 1279. A few weeks later after his return, Aven Avarti approached him with a request. Aven was ordered to sneak into Kelsiv and observe the succession of the new Kelsiv emperor and deem if this new emperor might be trouble for Mearite, and he wanted to know if his friend would be willing to go with him. Delgar accepted and went with him. An incident however caused the two to be discovered. Salen barely escaped, and with deep regret, he had to leave his friend behind. He went back and reported what he saw to the king of Mearite, but was told that he could not risk sending a rescue team since it would harm the fragile peace. In the year 1280, Delgar took it upon himself to free his friend, but witnessed the execution of Aven Avarti after his mockery of a trial. He returned to bear the news, and the Beatrice Hallows Alliance once again declared war on Kelsiv.

Main weapon: Lance
Secondary: Longbow

Has one Son and One Daughter


Aven Avarti (b. 1233 d. 1274)
Famous for: Leading the offensive against the Kelsiv Empire

A Mearite mercenary who loved to travel the seas. During a fierce storm he was cast from his ship and was left afloat for a week while his crew searched for him. He washed ashore an island and started to search for any signs of habitation or landmarks that signaled where he was. He then came across a shrine dedicated to the heroes and knew that he was at the City of Heroes. He sat down in the middle of an insignia on the ground and admired the statue of his hero, Raven Rossdale. The statues of the heroes came to life looking down upon Aven. The heroes named Aven a hero of the people despite his protests. He emerged from the temple to find his ship off the shore. He reunited with his crew and set sail for Mearite where upon arrival he related his experiences with the king after debriefing about his assignment. He was then convinced by the high council to lead the alliance against the Kelsiv Empire. He soon became a popular icon of the people and fought many campains against his foes. He almost ended the war by unknowingly attacking what was thought to be a regular supply convoy. However after the attack commenced, he discovered that it was in fact the Emperor's transport. There he sparred with the Emperor's advisor, Jarvis Lafayette. They became isolated from their units and the two settled with a truce. The two made camp and rested, making small talk while they gained their strength. When Avarti's unit found him, he let Jarvis go. Years passed and soon Aven became a proud husband and father. The war was slowly starting to turn in the alliances favor. After long years of strife, the main fighting in the war finally came to an end in 1265 when Jarvis Lafayette, the same man that Avarti met during the war, murdered all the warmongering generals and leaders. The Emperor was the only one that did not attend the meeting Jarvis set up. During the final assault on the capital, Aven lead the forefront and captured the Emperor, who was later hanged. Aven then spent the rest of his days in happy seclusion with his family. He was about to retire from the military when the king approached him with one last mission to Kelsiv.

Main weapon: Claymore
Secondary: Dirk

Has two Sons and two Daughters


Current year: 1283

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