Yep another work week for me to get through. I woke up just in time to go to work. It was freezing but I got dressed and went anyway. I just want my work schedule to return to normal. So I'll go all the days I should this week. I'm looking forward to the weekend already. Eh anyways I did a lot today at work actually. I help drain the state forests water tank on their fire truck. Which meant I pretty much sat in the thing and held my foot on the break. So it wouldn't roll back down the hill into the fish pond we were draining it into. After that I went inside and painted a couple more signs. Then I went to an old house and helped take it's well pump out of it's well.
Then we went back to the shop and grabbed a chainsaw. The next guessed it. We went and cut some fallen trees up. Fun times isn't it? Anyways I'm home now and anxiously awaiting the mail. My girlfriend mailed me a disc with pictures from the week she stayed here. So I'm going to wait for that. I'll just share one silly thing and update again when I know if I got it today. <img src="" height=225 width=200" align=left> I doodled this the other night out of boredom in paint. I spent like 5 or ten minutes out it...yep it's a silly thing alright.
Huzzah! I did get it in the mail today. So I'm going to share the pictures over the next couple days. I'll start of with pictures of Julia and myself of course. heart So now let me go uploud them... there all rather large size and I don't have a photo editor anymore. Hmm I'll have to upload them and just change their pixels through html. That won't change their file size though. x.x Oh well I can't fix everything. Anyways onto the pictures!
<center><img src="" height=490 width=470></center> That picture was taken by Jacob in his basement. We were sitting on his couching having a pretty intense tickle war with one another. At the moment the picture was taken we both stopped and was waiting for the other to make their next move. It was fun heart
<img src="" height=375 width=350 align=right>
Theres a close up Julia took of us. She's making a silly face in it and I do so as well in the next picture. I really liked this picture but can't recall what day we took it or where we were at. Ah wait I think that was in Jacobs car. I can see the car seat in the background. 3nodding
Well thats enough for now. I'll share a couple more tommorow. Well I'm going to save this and go about the night. I'll just go see whats happening on gaia. Hopefully I'll get a hold of my girlfriend soon. She stayed home today because she was sick. So I'm worried about her. Well I texted her cell hopefully she get's that soon.
Well she got online at around seven and we moved to the phone. She wanted to go to bed earlier so she could get over the flu. Well I did everything I could to cheer her up. We joked about our little things we joke about. Like me rolling around on my bed and blaming it on the wind...which ended up getting a name at some point. "Creakin Shtinkin Rainin Wind" It might not make any sense with me explaining it. It's just one of those inside things you have to be on to understand. Anyways we talked for an hour or so and she went to bed. I really hope she's feeling better tommorow!
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Mon Nov 08, 2004 @ 11:01pm · 7 Comments |