I think my puking problem is only getting worse. I watched the whole thing of School Days a few months ago and felt fine. I just decided to re watch it and on 11 I was gagging and on 12 I hurled. This is really becomeing a problem. I am starting to get sick on smaller car rides that last only thirty minutes too. Drepomine is starting to go from my friend to my worst nightmare because I get SO drowsy it gives me headaches and makes me puke more. Stupid medicine. It dose the opposite of what it is suppose to! I put coconut in my last batch of Pecan bars just to piss off my dad. It worked. =) That's what you get~! He is going to have to start liking it because he won't get another pastry from me without something he hates in it! I even made the popcorn smell and residue in the microwave worse (My brother blew up popcorn in there and left it there for more then a week) so now all the instant tea he makes is going to taste buttery and smell burnt! =P If he wants tea he will have to boil some water to get some! I can't wait to go see the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 this weekend! I am a die hard chick flick girl and I was sobbing for the first one! If it is any good as the first one I am going to have to buy myself another stuffed animal to keep me from crying myself to sleep over the silly movie X3. I am such a girlygirl I realize! =D I don't care though! I like orange and hot pink and ponies and stuffed animals! You can't COUNT the number of stuffed animals in my room right now! I have a stuffed animal dog that is furry and black and looks like a lab and it is bigger then me! It is so cool! Half the times I go to bed I just lay on it's back with it's head as my pillow. Then I have a bunch of small doggies and kitties and birdies and bunnies and one monkey (I don't like monkeys though so I shaved it and drew with sharpie all over it and took it's voice box out and stomped on it. It was soooo annoing! Whenever you hugged it it went EAAAAA! EEK EEK! EAAAA! EEK EEK! The first time I heard that I slammed it against the windown and it went off again and so you can guess it did not last long.) I also have lots of bears! My favorite bear is this barns and nobles one that has a book bag on it's back where I put my diary! =) I have a cow one but it got messed up from my old dog Buster the first. I have Liebe too! She is my favorite doll! Well, Annabell is my favorite doll but Liebe is the doll that I sleep with almost every night! She is so small and I had her since I was a baby! She is this light pink color with gold hair maid out of knitting stuff and a little bonnet and furry shoes. Her dress is white and pink and she has pantyhoes that are so cute and frilly! There are ripps in the frills where my baby teeth bit them though. Then there is Annabell. I comb her hair at least twice a week and do it in different styles. She has a quilt thing over her that is black and white with a red ribbon in her hair. Her eyes are bright blue and her shoes really come off and on! The clothes can be replaced so I want to make her more to dress her in. She is fragile though, and already her head is coming off the base of her neck where the glue is getting old. Her shoes lost their bottoms too. There are scratches on her aswell. I can't sleep with Annabell the way I do Liebe so she just sits on my desk watching. She used to have a cozy crib thing but I stepped on that and accidently broke it. It was one of those small cribs a foot high so it was hard for me to not step on it one day. I have had Annabell since I was five or six. It was given to me by my great grandmother on my fathers side. She made it herself. She died of breast cancer and was my favorite person in my family next to my brother so I was sad. That is why Annabell is so close to me I think. I can't remember what Annabell looked like when I first got her though. I barely remember what I looked like. Actualy now that I think about it I really did forget what I looked like. I had dark hair and it was long then shorter then long then braid long... Then it turned blond but I don't remember when those things happened at all! I remember my eye color changing from blue to dark green to blue green then to green then to green hazel, but I don't remember what I wore or anything else. All my clothes were left at that awful house after what happened and I was sent here so I would not know. Same with all my pictures and my baby book. The only picture I have here is the one in my yearbook from when I went to Twin Oaks a long time ago in first grade. Then just pictures from sixth grade and up. Nothing between though. Or before. All my clothes were probably donated and the pictures thrown out by the county so There is no point in worrying now. I do have Aaron's pictures though, and that is a big thumbs up. We looked like twins when we were younger, almost identical twins but our genders were different so everyone was supprised by us. We were even only half blood so it was a real shocker. Aaron always had light blond hair but when mine turned blond then my eyes got that hazel tint somewhere between 1st and 6th grade we were the same. Same hair and eyes and face. He used to spike the front of his hair up then leave the back silky smooth. Then he grew out his bangs and went for the emo look. Yes, my brother did go emo for a year or two. He had the bangs, the lip ring, the clothes even. He once borrowed my jeans, sice we were the same size. If you go on his myspace you will see how he changed though. First our dad ordered him to tear that ring out. then my brother started to find soccer fun. Then football. He did not have the build for football though so he just fell in love with soccer. Then he cut his bangs. He started looking like when he looked like when he was younger. His eyes dulled a bit too. See when my brother was really young he had ice blue eyes. Then they started to dull to a brown color. When he was about in third grade something amazing happened though! His eyes brighted to not hazel but yellow! His eyes were the most bright yellow you could imagine. Like a cats! People said it scared them it was so unique and bright. Everyone agreed that it was also beautiful. It dulled to plain old lighter then usual but still hazel hazel. That was only a year or two ago. Eyes sure are funny huh? My eyes look hazel when my puple gets smaller and the mucles compress to keep light out. But when my puples inlarge in darker places and the mucles get smaller they look darker and darker green. My brother got his eyes from his father, the hazel his just turned out lighter. Mine are from my mothers for the most part. My dads eyes are dark brown and my mom's are dark green. The most beautiful color of green ever. Then it makes me wonder where my hazel shade came from. My mother's mother and her mother both have green eyes and her father had blue eyes and her grand father had brown. My father's father has blue eyes (The racist punk), and my dad's grandfather has been dead and I never met him so I would not know. Then my father's mother has brown eyes. Lastly, my father's grandmother (the one that gave me Annabell) had blue eyes. I think it came from my mother's side anyways because my mother told me that my eyes are just like her brother's. My now passed away uncle had hazel green eyes like mine so it must have been a hidden trait that was given to my mother then passed to me and her brother from some generations ago. I wish I knew my Uncle when I had these eyes then because I would have liked to seen his. I don't remember him at all. Mom still remembers him though. She talks about him on the phone. She said things about going into highschool with her brother a year infront of her and later feeling better because he was in a few of her classes and so were his friends who came over a lot and she knew well enough to be her friends. I wish I could have gone to highschool with Aaron but that seems impossable since he graduated and is gone. He is going to not go to any collage that I know of any time soon so that idea is gone already. Plus I want to go to a special Univercity so I can get my MD (Medical degree). I won't loose! I will then go to a reabilitation hospidal and work there till I get my license to be a theropist and help people. I always wanted to do that. To help people with those problems. My dad thinks it is because I am just so in love with my theropist but he is wrong. I don't care about my problems. I have been told so many times by Dr. Robyn that I can take a lot without crying or breaking down and that I was one of the strongest girls she has ever met. She said that no other girl my age or girl much older then me that can tell her their problems with a strait face and be involved with those problems for a hour or so without one tear or tremble or hiccup. She said that I would make a great theropist. My dream that I never even told her seemed just a little bit closer so I got more and more into it. A theropist has to be practical and firm. I also can be minipulitive. Just ask My-le, I do it all the time on the internet and it's success rate is high. "Please, I am ever so sorry if I bothered you and this message might bother you just reading it so I am sorry for that but just please hear me out!" Heehee everyone on chat boards gets mad at whoever I am talking to for "bullying me" and that person goes on a rampage of sorries in seconds. Thats what I do half the time when I meet someone I particularly dislike on chat boards. =) Even when I am the one to start a fight I can end it with everyone on my side. Crowd minipulation or something like that, right? No one likes for someone not to like them and so when the other person sees so many they try to make up. They never sign out before they do because even if they never met the person it hurts anyone to be hated. I also minipulate my father just so we can be a normal family and for my own personal gain. I never do it much with my friends, although I have done it in school twice against the same person. Both times everyone around her got real silent and she turned red and pretened nothing happened and so did I. Once in an academic class oand once in my elective. Nicole was there when I did it in elective class. I don't think anyone found out though my motive for what I did. For some reason that reminds me of a person I know. I'll put it into terms so only people I want to know who I am talking about can. "Me too" Anyways I wonder what will happen when school starts. Will that person keep doing what she did so many times in 8th grade? The little flirt. I would not mind if (insert name here) and her went out because he likes her but she dose not want to hear that. she dose not want to hear about people liking her probably so she wont have to turn them down and be forced to be unable to flirt with them anymore. So all she is doing is taking his feelings and making them stronger when she has nothing for him. It makes me angry and pity him. The poor thing. Don't you think so too? Lets put it like this: "Joy is a girl that is obsessed with another boy and everyone knows it. Bobby thinks that that may not be the case because Joy flirts with him all the time. So Bobby flirts back and comes to like Joy. Joy likes the attention and keeps Bobby liking her but still likes the other boy. Soon when Bobby is already in love Joy will have to break his heart. Bobby will be lovesick. Joy will be sad that she dose not have her "toy" anymore to flirt with." Poor Bobby. When that time comes all his friends- I wonder what they will think of Joy. Will they still like her or will they see how she has led him on. Poor, poor Bobby. Enough remorse though! Hey! I think this may be my longest journal entery! I have been typing for an hour strait and my fingers are starting to get all tense. I barly talked about anything important though! Something important... I think I quit summer X. I hated going so much it was so annoing so I stopped going. Plus I had to walk home from Springview to my house that is near granite oaks. My legs just about fell off last time I walked. I did stop for a starbucks though. It helped. So I will be free the rest of summer to do absolutly NOTHING. =D Yay? It is better then what it was before anyways. I am going to take a minute breather from typing... Thats better. I got a new freckle on my left hand! I just realized that =) Heehee! It will never beat the cute on on my lip! Or the one I have only seen on the computers at the optomatrist that is in my eye. 1/20 people have a freckle in their eye did you know? One more reason to love my eyes! I want to get color contacts to make them one color you know? If I asked everyone in the world what color my eyes were 40% would say Green 40% hazel, and 10% green hazel. I don't even know what my eye color is. I go to make lil avatars on doll makers that are like me and I always do ine meni miny mo between the hazel and the green. I would rather them be hazel because I don't want to look too much like my mom and want to look more like I was related to my brother. Now it is hard to get someone to even think we are related we are so different. I am going to go and read some shoujo on onemanga so byebye and if you read this far I am going to give you a cookie for your efforts =) No really, if you did I will make you a cookie and send it to you via mail 0.o I am seriouse I have only made coconut things for a few weeks and am in need to make something for someone else without coconuts so let me give you a gosh dang cookie! >=( Byebye.
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