Reading this may spur new and unwanted fears and cause readers to rise onto a new level of being neurotic.
Rant of the day
Kay, so last night, I couldn't sleep.
Once again.
I think to much. Way too much.
And it's a problem.
Because I can never let things go.
And I just can't stop thinking about them.
Especially if I'm thinking about something scary.
Thats why I can't watch scary movies.
Because they'll scare me for life.
Unless they're the old black and white scary movies.
Cause those are hilarious!
Like the original House on a Haunted Hill with Vincent Price.
That rope crawling across the room at a snails pace,
and the woman just STOOD there.
And screamed.
Burn the bugger you stupid woman!
But Horror films these days are far to gory and realistic for me to get a good nights sleep.
For example.
I am Legend.
Good movie.
Will Smith was great.
But if you ever want to find something more scary than Zombies and Vampires,
just put the two together. gonk
Oh my god.
People that aren't really people that have their own flesh, FALLING off them.
The Light burns
Their ubber fast.
And mighty strong.
Freaking hell.
One of them repeatedly head butted bullet proof glass!
And now I'm wondering if it's such a good idea that we find a cure for everything.
After all, if there was no such thing as illness, we wouldn't really appreciate being healthy?
Would we?
A couple months a go there was a Dispatches documentary.
But apparently a cure for Cancer has been found.
"But why isn't everyone celebrating?"
Those words on that god damn advert.
Oh my god.
Oh my good god.
Oh my freakin' god
There was a snow balls chance in Hell that I was going to watch that.
And my fear of mutant zombies is up to another level when my so called 'best friends'
tricked me into watching one of those helicopter police heat ray things.
What they use to follow criminals.
Well this one guy was getting chased by 'police'
And he had a gun.
They circled him, and he was shooting at them.
But they kept running at him!
And then they all dove on him like they were in a rugby match.
His head was ripped off.
Ripped off.
********, ripped his head off his shoulders.
His head was ripped off.
And I know that it can't possibly be true, no matter what Ben and Chris say.
But, I'm scared!
Really, really scared.
I hate youtube.
I hate my best friends.
And another example.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The one where the girl,
pulls out a GUN
Out of her v****a!
And shoat herself in the mouth.
And then that freak of a man beast cut off someones face,
and sewed it onto himself!
And then he cut off someones legs, and poured salt on the end.
AND then hung him on a Feck off big meat hook.
And then, once we watched that.
The radiator started grinding, making chainsaw sounds.
I've never ran so fast in my life.
And my friend wants me to watch Saw.
Current mood: Freakin' Terrified!
Currently writing:[/size:715f553635]
Saga of Storms - The Coming of Rain
Saga of Storms - The Coming of Rain