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The Darkness Isn't Always Within (Chapter One)
My hand slid accross his face like a knife to butter, leaving a red mark on his cheek. He laughed and I continued to stare at him angrilly.
"How DARE you speak to her like that Daemon! This is not like you at all!" I said balling my hands into fists.

He laughed again and walked away. I looked behind me to to see Hina still crying. Her brown eyes red and puffy. I would cry too after what he just did. I really thought he was better than most men. Boy was I wrong. I sighed and walked over to Hina, putting an arm around her shoulder. Her blond hair catching on the niches of my chain braclet. I sighed once again and began to push her empty feeling body to school.

At School

"Good Morning Class." Ranka-Sensei said as he walked into the class room.

"Good-morning Sensei!" We all said in muse and the lesson for today began.

I paid no attention to what she the teacher was saying. I was already ahead of human inttelect by almost 500%. The fact of me being several types of beings always helped out. My mother, a were-wolf. My father, a vampire. Making me..Pretty much a half-breed. But, to my entertainment I managed to get myself cursed with a fox demon. (Never practive Witch Craft at a small age). Never showing my ears or tail.Not to mention the fact I proclaimed myself a pirate. So I'm like...A quater breed..Or..something. I sighed and started hoping that lunch would come soon. There was a sudden tap on my shoulder. Looked to my side to see Daemon. He handed me a small piece of paper. I opened it and began to read.

Does this mean you hate me? It read in his robotic like hand writing.I grabbed my pen and began to write my reply.

More than you will EVER know! Why would you do that to her? I wrote taking one quick look at Hina.

Because I had too. Theres some things that you need to know before..... Nevermind. I dumped her for YOU Nagisa-chan.
I felt my eyes go wide at the last sentence and continued to write

that makes no sence Daemon. WHy me? You don't....Like me? Do you?

No Nagisa. I don't, but you will find out soon enough....

I read the last sentence anf dropped the conversation. The rest of the day would be hell, I just knew it. The days lesson went on as normal and lunch quickly came around.

"Hina-chan? Hina-chan would you like some lunch?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. She shook her head. I sighed and decided to get her some anway.

I came back with our lunches as quickly as possible. She had not moved from her position on her desk. I put my hand on her head and smilled when she looked up at me. She smilled back.

"Lets eat lunch outside." I said moving my head towrd the door, she nodded and we headed outside.

We found a tree and sat under it. The sky was filled with clouds, showing that it was going to rain. I sat down and handed Hina her lunch and we began to eat.

"OI! Nagisa! What you eatin'?" I looked up to see Aina Akane lookind down at me. Her pink eyes looked just as demonic as usual.
"None of your bee's-wax Aina! Go away!" I shouted at her. She jumped back, her short pointed pig tails bounced as she stepped back.

"How dare you speak to her like that." I heard a deep voice from my side say. I knew that voice.

"Ruko-Nii-san!" Hina said as she looked at her brother. " Why are you defending her? After she has been so cruel to us!" She stood up to face her brother.

"Because she's mine now." He said, I an eye-brow, not under standing what he meant.

I watched as Aina walked over to Ruko wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing his cheek. My stomach began to churn as he picked her up and wrap her legs around his waist so they could look at each other face to face. Both of them smilling like love struck idiots. I stood up grabbing Hina and out lunches, walking away with a look of pure hatred on my face. We found another tree and finished our lunches.

The rest of the day passed by as usuall. Until it began to rain. Hina headed straight home after school, and managed to get home before the rain came. I was just a little to late. I rushed into the store that was on my way home, barely escaping the rain. I shook my hair, shaking some of the water away. I needed to do some shopping anyway.

I grabed a basket and walked into one of the isle's. After about 20 minutes I had found everything that I needed. English Tea mix, eggs, Butter, Milk, and some fish for dinner tonight. I paid for it all and walked outside. Still raining. Great. I sighed. I guess I'll just have to walk. I stepped out into the rain, knowing my house was about a 15 minute walk from here. I sighed as felt the rain pelt down on my head...And coming to a sudden stop. I stopped my walk and looked up to see a dark purple umbrella over my head. Daemon I thougth. I turned around to see him standing behind me saoking himself in the rain so I stayed dry. I smlled and walked closer to him, the umbrella following my every step. I made sure I stood as close to him as I could so we would both remain under the cover of the rain.

"Thanks Daemon." I said as we began to walk to my home.

"Its my plesure Nagisa-chan." He said happily, swtiching the umbrella to his other hand so he could put his arm on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off. I heard him sigh.

"What wrong Daemon?" I asked looking up at him. He shook his head. "Daemon?" I asked again.

"Nagisa....I'm sorry." I cocked my head to the side. What did he mean?

"Daemon. I don't under stand. You shouldn't apologize to me...You need to apologize to Hin-" I was cut off.

He had dropped the umbrella and pulled me into a tight hug. He was taller than me, so my head settled into the center of his chest.And he laid his head on mine. I pulled myself away and picked up the umbrella, moving both of my bags to one hand. I lifted it up and held it over our heads.

"C'mon. We can have some tea at my place." I began to finish our walk home.

Once we got home

I walked into the huge empty house, Daemon right behind me. I closed his umbrella and laid it against the wall. I walked off to the My bags in the kitchen, leaving Daemon in the front room. Once that was done I walked back with a tray in my hands. I arrived in the front room, moving my head to signak Daemon to follow. We walked into the main sitting room. I placed the tray on a coffe table and sat down, Daemon doing the same.

"Are you gonna tell me what today was all about now Daemon?" I asked crossing my legs and looking at him.

He sat there craddling his tea cup in his hands. Runnig his thumb over the rim of the cup. His black purple tinted hair covered his whole face and he looked like death was about to come and take him away. I knew he wasn't going to tell me.

I felt a sudden shock a fear shoot up my spine and Daemon shot his head up, throwing his cup on the floor. He craddled my face in his hands.

"Nagisa. You must PREPARE youself. Life is never going to be the same. You herritage of forrbiden love has-" I cut him off before he could finish. I pulled me self away and ruffled my eye-brows.

"Forrbiden love? What are you talking about Daemon?"I asked in shock

"Your Vampire father. Were-wolf mother." I felt my eyes go wide as he spoke those words. How could he know? Suppernatutal creatures like me are unknown to the human world. Impossible.

"No, its not impossible Nagisa." He said, I looked at him with a confussed face. "I can read your mind. Only I can. I am your protector." He stood up and knelt down onto the floor, placing on hand behind his back and the other around his waist. "I am here to serve you."

There was a sudden clapping noise. I looked up to the door way and saw Aina. And evil smile on her face.

YAY! Thats all I have for now. Took me forever too. *rolls eyes* Make SURE to tell me what you think

Follow this Link to see the Prolouge. http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/journal.php?mode=view&post_id=21221295&u=10136597

This is my best friend, Hina Hiroshi
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My Parents
My mother, Yasu Honoka, I take after her Mostely. She is the werewolf, and like to show it
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My Dad, Akio Honoka. Hes the the Vampire
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And Heres Daemon Dieion
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Ruko Hiroshi
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But heres what he looks like in the story. He just doesn't get that outfit till later
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And Heres Aina Akane, just without the Demon wings and tail okay. I'll show you her demon side later!!!

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User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Sun Aug 17, 2008 @ 06:45pm

hmmm . . . . . . Intresting.
Oh and just to let you know for my story on Chapter 5, I have a feeling that it's gonna be pretty long. Prepare yourself!

User Comments: [1]
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