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The Blackhole---> @
One word: mangos are good.
You Are My Friend? Aaaah~ Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah-Blah.

Alrighty, children, gather around.
Time for some kissing up friendship nonsense.

Stolen from Ultimate_Skittels.
And raped repeatedly.

Now for the rules:
Copy and paste the template below.
Then proceed in filling out the seemingly endless questions.

Sounds easy, right?
Show me just how deep our bond is.


Am I sweet?
Am I hot?
Am I crazy?
Am I lovable?
Am I funny?
Am I ugly?
Am I psycho?
Am I annoying?
Am I a good person?

~~~~~~Would You...~~~~~~~

Hug me?
Miss me if I was gone?
Listen to my problems?
Hug me if I cried?
Be a good friend?
Bone me?

~~~~~~~If You Could...~~~~~~

Give me a new name it would be?
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.)
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?
Do one thing with me it would be?
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?

~~~~~Just A Few Questions~~~~~

What do you like about me?
What do you honestly hate about me?
What is my best quality?

~~~~~~Explain Yourself~~~~~~~

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Have you ever had a crush on me?
5. Nickname me and explain it:

~~~Show Me How Much You Care~~~

6. Describe me in one word:
7. What was your first impression?
8. If you could give me anything what would it be?
9. When you last saw me what was I doing?
10. If you have a secret crush on me and don't want me to know, write "YES" here.
11. Does my taste in music offend you?
12. Will you put my version of this questionnaire in your journal so I can comment about you?

Please be sure to make it a decent size font.
I just made it uber small for the sake of space and my perfectionism.
Can't have an ugly wall of text now can I? ;D

Remember: have fun with it.
I love you guys


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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 07:39pm

Am I sweet? Yeah; have you seen how patient and polite you are even when you're clearly pissed off? I have.

Am I hot? Um, DUHR. You have the perfect oval face shape, your hair is thick as hell and completely straight (and never frizzy) your eyes are big and green and amazing- do I need to go on, or do you get it?

Am I crazy? Sometimes- not loud crazy exactly, but you do the stupidest things. LOL, LIKE THAT ONE TIME YOU AND NAIHA MADE CHOCOLATE MILK AT MY HOUSE... FOOLS.

Am I lovable? Yeah; the cool thing about your personality is that you're not overly sweet (like a prude) but you're still really nice and genuine- oh hell, do I have to actually rant on all of these questions? screw it; I'm just gonna say 'yeah' on every one. XDDD

Am I funny? Indubitably

Am I ugly? No... just, no.

Am I psycho? Nope; even when you're hyper you still have this mellow thing about you.

Am I annoying? Only when you beg for food... "Rabia..." "What?" "Feed me..."

Am I a good person? Yeah. Duh.

~~~~~~Would You...~~~~~~~

Hug me? What the-? what the ******** kind of question is that? Of course I'd hug you~

Miss me if I was gone? Another dumbass question? Who makes these? Duh, I'd miss you. I wouldn't just miss you. I'd crave you, like a girl on her period craving chocolate. :3

Listen to my problems? Don't I practically beg you for heart-to-heart talks and emotional release? XDDDD

Hug me if I cried? Yeah, unless... YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO D<

Be a good friend? Well, I don't know if I could always be a good friend, given that I'm an a*****e beyond belief, but I try my hardest to be~

~~~~~~~If You Could...~~~~~~

Give me a new name it would be? Zaine... Lulz.

Hook me up with someone who would it be? Myself. :3

Hook me up with a celeb who would it be? Matt from Foster's Home for Imaginary friends. LULZ.

Do one thing with me it would be? White water raftng...? Sky-diving? ********, there's so many possibilities- oooh, it definitely comes down to these two: Catch pokemon, or defeat a huge-a** boss IRL. >D

Drop me one piece of advice it would be? Never be best friends with anyone else... or you'll regret it.... (Whoops, that was a threat. XDDD) Hm, seriously speaking, I guess... Idk? Tell you to take up religion, lol?

~~~~~Just A Few Questions~~~~~

What do you like about me? You listen to my rants, you think more than other assholes, you're mellow, but still retain that comical aura around you. If I tried to list them all, not even Gaia would be able to list all that text. >3

What do you honestly hate about me? You're inability to express your emotions- then again, I don't really mind it now. I like guessing :B

What is my best quality? All of them are great- how could I possibly choose one? Well, if I had to choose one off the top of my head, I'd say it's your unwavering loyalty to people.

~~~~~~Explain Yourself~~~~~~~

1. Who are you? RibZ-Kun (lulz) Rabia Ali

2. Are we friends? Dumbest question ever. That's practically a ******** insult. D< I refuse to answer.

3. When and how did we meet? It was summer- I was five and my mom had just told me to go make new friends with the next door neighboors. I was ecstatic and ran to your house wearing my flowery little sundress; I met Carla first, introduced myself (like the babbling baboon I was- I must have sounded so, so stupid). Carla was nice about it; she didn't seem to mind how idiotic I was. Then you stepped in the door.... wearing this hesitant 'oh s**t' expression on your face...
And instead, I grinned, stuck out my hand and said, 'wanna be friends?'

4. Have you ever had a crush on me? TWICE... or was it three times? XD

5. Nickname me and explain it: Auko. Self-explanatory, lol.
JK. Um... I'd call you Carlota/Paco. THOSE ARE MY FAVORITE NAMES, AFTER ALL~ okay, okay, in all seriousness... Qua-chan-desu. Short for Quagsire-chan-desu

~~~Show Me How Much You Care~~~

6. Describe me in one word: It's not ******** enough~! D< Um, I'll use five instead. Loyal, amazing, cool, beautiful, GAMER.

7. What was your first impression? Like, when we first met? I thought you were gonna be loud and obnoxious and run around with me. Lulz; I was wrong. But then again, I was wrong and you proved to be even better. >3

8. If u you could give me anything What would it be? A beaten down, rusty sword with a mysertious aura that vanquished- PAH. ******** NO. Probably the passage into the pokemon/final fantasy world.

9. When you last saw me what was I doing? At my door... ready to leave... D;

10. If you have a secret crush on me and don't want me to know, write "YES" here.
I don't really think I have a crush on you~ I'm just overly posesive. >D

11. Does my taste in music offend you? Nope; everyone's got a personal taste. I'm not one to judge... not all the time, at least. XDDD

12. Will you put my version of this questionnaire in your journal so I can comment about you? DO YOU REALLY WANT ME TO? Y/N?

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 08:12pm
I almost had a hernia laughing.

You'd hook me up with Mat?
But...I thought...I...was Mat D:

And yus, hun, I want you to.
So I can express my gushy feelings for you.
Where aaall Gaia can see ;D

[ Stupidity Unleashed ]
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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 12:45am

Am I sweet? ******** no. D& ( kidding ;D)
Am I hot?Yes, but, not as hot as me. ;]
Am I crazy? Yeah, crazy enough to be in a mental hospital. Give this girl some ridulin (sp)
Am I lovable? Yush, like a dinosaur.
Am I funny? Very.
Am I ugly? Pssh, if you were, would we be friends? ;
Am I psycho? In a good way.
Am I annoying? No, only your sister is. ( Don't tell her I said that. ;D)
Am I a good person? Indeed you are.

~~~~~~Would You...~~~~~~~

Hug me? Only if she takes a shower first.
Miss me if I was gone? i always miss you. ;_;
Listen to my problems?Yep.
Hug me if I cried?Ughh...Yeah. 8D
Be a good friend?Of course.
Bone me? This wasn't one of the questions in my journal. D&
But, yes, I would. ;D

~~~~~~~If You Could...~~~~~~

Give me a new name it would be? Ughh...Nya! ;D (meow mixplease deliver)
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) Me, bby. ;o
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be? Chuck Norris, because you and him make a cruddy couple.
Do one thing with me it would be? Sex!
Drop me one piece of advice it would be? Don't talk to strangers. D&

~~~~~Just A Few Questions~~~~~

What do you like about me? Your smex.
What do you honestly hate about me? Ughh, there is nothing I hate about you. :3
What is my best quality? Her sense of humor.

~~~~~~Explain Yourself~~~~~~~

1. Who are you? Your father.
2. Are we friends? Yep, I sure hope so.
3. When and how did we meet? From Angelica..
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? No. She isn't my type anyways. talk2hand
5. Nickname me and explain it: I don't know. Xenia? :/

~~~Show Me How Much You Care~~~

6. Describe me in one word: supercalifragileisticexpiallidoucious. ( I don't know if I spelled that right, so, don't hate. D& wink
7. What was your first impression? Ughh... D:
8. If you could give me anything what would it be?My cat. D:
9. When you last saw me what was I doing? We were at Angelicas party screaming when we saw a roach.
10. If you have a secret crush on me and don't want me to know, write "YES" here. No. D&
11. Does my taste in music offend you? Nope, because we have the same taste.
12. Will you put my version of this questionnaire in your journal so I can comment about you? I already we have it there, you gang raped me for it.

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 01:33am

Am I sweet? - you seem to be
Am I hot? - good looking? yes. hot? not really
Am I crazy? - yeah. crazy people rule!
Am I lovable? - depends what you mean by that
Am I funny? - yeah
Am I ugly? - no
Am I psycho? - not as psycho as me
Am I annoying? - you haven’t managed to annoy me yet. so no.
Am I a good person? - you seem to be

~~~~~~Would You...~~~~~~~

Hug me? - depends
Miss me if I was gone? - don’t know
Listen to my problems? - well, I would ACT like I’m listening. which is more than I give average people
Hug me if I cried? - yes
Be a good friend? - yes
Bone me? - no

~~~~~~~If You Could...~~~~~~

Give me a new name it would be? - not good with names
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - not good with that crap
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be? - not good with that crap
Do one thing with me it would be? - dunno. you seem like a cool person to hang out with
Drop me one piece of advice it would be? - I honestly can’t think of anything I would advise you in.

~~~~~Just A Few Questions~~~~~

What do you like about me? - you seem to be a fun and cool person
What do you honestly hate about me? - not sure. like I said, you haven’t given me much to get pissed at.
What is my best quality? - your off-the-wall sense of humor

~~~~~~Explain Yourself~~~~~~~

1. Who are you? - the2ndirishsamurai (aka: Nate, the psychoteddy)
2. Are we friends? - I hope so, or this will be akward as hell…
3. When and how did we meet? - I randomly commented your profile
4. Have you ever had a crush on me? - no
5. Nickname me and explain it: - not good with nicknames either

~~~Show Me How Much You Care~~~

6. Describe me in one word: - crazy
7. What was your first impression? - you seemed to be a nice and funny person with a good sense of humor
8. If you could give me anything what would it be? - not quite sure yet
9. When you last saw me what was I doing? - I believe glomping my friend Derek cosplaying as Tobi… *laughs*
10. If you have a secret crush on me and don't want me to know, write "YES" here. - no
11. Does my taste in music offend you? - seems pretty good. not a big fan of Cobra Starship though.
12. Will you put my version of this questionnaire in your journal so I can comment about you? yes, although I doubt you will fill the sucker out.

Live, Love, Laugh, and ROCK HARD!!!!!

"Nobody can tell what is right or wrong, what is righteous or evil. Even if there is a God, and I had his teachings before me, I would think it through and decide if it was right or wrong myself." - Near

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[ Stupidity Unleashed ]
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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 01:53am

You noticed my edit ;D

And it sounds like I'm good at the smexing.
I'll have to put it on my resume.

Wait, you're my father?
But I thought I was your mother/lover?
Society these days... :I


That's alright.
I'm not good with that stuff either.
Kinda useless.

You think I'm funny? :'D
*happy face*

And yes.
We are friends C:

Oh, and I'll fill it out.
Just because you doubted me >D

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 02:16am
Well, truth sucks.
And I wanted to tell you before but, you were too young to understand.

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[ Stupidity Unleashed ]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Aug 19, 2008 @ 02:21am
I never should've underestimated you, my child.
You are surely wise beyond your years,
Conceiving me while in my womb.

You must've been one sexy fetus.
It runs in the genes ;D

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