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because boredom sucks and i cant sleep at work
1. Do you love someone? Yes
2. What does your name mean? Little King
3. Would you date someone younger than you? If its someone i cared about
4. Favorite month? I say... june
5. What's your phone ringtone? the oneups Bossa De Link
6. Have you been on drugs? have, yes, are, no
7. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? no
8. Can you write with both hands? uh, badly
9. Have you ever been expelled from school? almost, but im too good, lol
10. Last phone call? uh... josh? or my mother?i dunno
11. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? all the time
12. Who is your newest friend? uh.... Pingu lol
13. What's the most common name you know? Ryan or Josh, both are common
14. Do you like thunderstorms? very much so
15. Do you ever cook? yes, i like to
16. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Yep
17. Have you ever been on a snowmobile? yea
18. Are you good at imitating accents? uh...no
19. Do you have a crush right now? i guess ^_^
20. Who have you met online? oh geez, lol, like 3/4 of my friends or more?
21. What is your favorite emoticon? hmm... XD
22. Do you have a cell phone? yep - 510 907 7000
23. Who DID let the dogs out? uh... your mom
24. Happy or depressing music? i like happy... depressing is well... depressing
25. Would you die for your friends? aye, for my friends and those i care about my life is but a tool
26. Do you have any tattoos? not yet
27. Do you read much? not nearly as much as i used to
28. Favorite food? sushi ^_^ so good ^_^
29. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? cheese burger
30. Do you like having your picture taken? Why? not really, dont know
31. Do you own a camera phone? yes
32. Lace or satin? Satan ^_^ wait... thats satin... satin then...
33. Do you study the Bible? i really hate the catholic faith but i know my enemies well
34. McDonalds or Burger King? md d if had to choose one
35. Have you ever been toilet papering? Why? its hella boreing...
36. Have you ever cried in public? yea
37. Have you ever met a celebrity? yep, he saved my life and hes in town
38. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? if it was required for something
39. Have you ever written a song? yes, a few....no they suck
40. Do you eat meat? i love meat
41. French or Italian? italian
42. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
43. Burial or cremation? hmm, hard one, burial, that way i can lead the army of the dead when it rises, lol
44. Do you hate someone? not really
45. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? whitman
46. Your best friend: varies depending on mood
47. What would you change about the past? too late now....
48. Last person to make you cry? uh... Ida i think
49. What is one thing that annoys you? ignorance
50. Have you ever gone to a mall? yea
51. Who is the quietest person you know? hmm.... quietest... king...mabie max....
52. Bagels or chicken? how can you compare those??! but bagel
53. Do you have a girlfriend? no =`[
54. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? all of them... alot
55. Favorite type of shoe? nice boots ^_^
56. Coke or Pepsi? COKE bitches
57. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? pssh, all nighter, try all weeker
58. Do you believe in free will? how can you not??
59. What's your favorite store? bookstores in general
60. Last time you cried? few weeks i think
61. Have you ever been to college? yesh
62. Would you flip off the pope? YES, NO QUESTION
63. Have you ever broken a bone? yea.....lol, ima idiot
64. Lonely or lovesick? they both suck a**!!!! but... lovesick
65. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? like almost two weeks
66. What's your favorite car? Mustang, old ones
67. Would you go skydiving? mabie....not sure yet
68. How do you usually dress? however the hell i want
69. Have you ever left the house naked? no, haent left naked
70. Tan or pale? pale is better!!!
71. Do you like the band The Shins? they could be alot better
72. Have you ever driven a Ferrari? i want one so bad.....
73. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? not this school... my dad screwed himself on that one, he said hed pay for the trip i want to take ^_^
74. Would you go skinny dipping? yea
75. Logic or art? logical art, or art from logic
76. Do you believe in hell? yea
77. Do you like to learn? yes, very much so
78. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: i like me lol
79. Do you wear cologne? not often
80. Kiss or make out? i say kiss...generally more passion in a kiss
81. Would you chug beer? of course not! im not 21! haha
82. Do you like poetry? um, only the really good stuff
83. When do you go to bed? like 4 or 5
84. Who did you last talk to? manny...er some lady on the phone
85. Do you like celebrities? nope
86. Have you ever moshed? yea...poor guy
87. Who can trust you? friends
88. Do you like tongue twisters? heck yes
89. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? Waldenbooks/Borders cuz il have enough books to keep me entertained for a long a** time
90. Do you like dogs? meh
91. Do you own a car? yea
92. Do you believe that animals have souls? ....yes
93. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? not really, just be annoying
94. Have you ever considered suicide? saldy yes
95. Have you ever shoplifted? i plead the fifth
96. What are you listening to right now? computers and keyboard
97. Who is your enemy? uh, none as of now
98. Say something annoying. cheese?
99. What is your lucky number? 13
100. Do you like the band Radiohead? theyre ok
101. What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for? "plenty of money for whatever i wanted" "something that i can do for a vrey long time and not get bored with" "i wish you didnt grant this wish"
102. What was the last compliment you received? i really dont remember
103. Do you believe in ghosts? yeps
104. How do you align yourself politically? ******** em all
105. Do you look like your mom or your dad? dad
106. Sneakers or flip-flops? shoes
107. Do you like dancing? i like the waltz ^_^
108. Last person to make you laugh? uh... no idea...
109. Have you ever licked a battery? (and if you haven't WHY NOT, it's fun!) yea, lol, it is fun
110. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? train to east coast and car back
111. Gym or music? gym if its a real gym music if its school gym
112. New York or California? CALI
113. What would be the worst way to die? old in a bed unable to do anything
114. Do you get along with your parents? ...no
115. TV or movie? movie
116. What would be the best way to die? remembered
117. Last time you used the bathroom? uh.... dunno? lol
118. Explain your political beliefs. what ever i like
119. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? who and when?
120. Do you have any piercings? no
121. When is your birthday? June 9
122. Kleenex or Puffs? theres a difference??
123. Do you believe in magic? yeps
124. You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? anyone who makes me happy
125. What is your screen name? tatersalid07 (aim ppl)
126. Best April Fool's joke ever? dont much care
127. Do you celebrate Christmas? yes ( i like the free stuffs biggrin )
128. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? 2
129. Do you get motion sickness? no
130. Are you good at dancing? the waltz ^_^
131. If you could punch one person, who would it be? s**t! only one? dont know
132. Have you ever performed on stage? yes
133. Would you give me $5? uh....who are you?
134. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? oldest friend or one iv known the longest? Mike
135. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? he probably alredy got it
136. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? i like the mics, free u kno, but cells too, convienent
137. Do you cry a lot? no
138. Do you observe Easter? yes
139. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? little plastic things
140. Do you like cats? yes
141. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? hahahaha, i i say yes will i?
142. Do you have long or short hair? short now, used to be kinda long
143. Are you artistic? uh, depends but not rly
144. Do you have a blog? yea
145. Have you ever done yoga? ugh, poorly
146. Do you believe in God? yes
147. Group or single dates? dunno
148. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? i looked at myself in the mirror today??
149. What is your favorite name? Emrikol
150. What is your favorite sport? uh...to play, soccer, to watch......boxing
151. You or your love? my love
152. Do you believe in miracles? vaguely
153. Have you ever been homeless? kinda
154. Rebel or goodie-two-shoes? depends on situation
155. Pain or no gain? pain, duh
156. Would you run from the police? depends wat i did
157. Are you color blind? ....dont think so
158. What is your hair color? almost brown
159. Status quo or radical change? either i guess, it depends
160. What do you wear to bed? depends...
161. Worst April Fool's joke ever? dunno
162. Are you a health freak? not rly
163. What's the best concert you've seen? porno pandas ^_^
164. Would you do drugs? i have...
165. Dogs or cats? cats
166. Have you ever sworn? ******** no
167. Do you like arcades? hell yes
168. Are you a neat freak? not even
169. Have you ever committed suicide? yea...
170. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? put em all in a giant box and say its a free for all
171. What name brand do you wear the most? levis
172. What does the world need more of? non stupid ppl
173. Do you believe in aliens? its hard not to with the evidence they have supporting life on other planets
174. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? yea
175. What is one bet you've won? dont remember any lol
176. Disney or Warner Brothers? WB FTW
177. Do you want to have kids? eventually
178. Do you have any pets? Why? yes, a cat and racing pidgeons, because i want to
179. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? because of gaia i have XD
180. What are your thoughts about life? read dantes blog
181. Do you stop to smell the roses? sometimes
182. Favorite comic strip? dominic-deegan.com
183. What is something you wish you were better at? if life a good answer?
184. Who do you trust? many people
185. Do you sleep naked? sometimes
186. Have you ever slept on a rooftop? yep
187. Can you cook? yea
188. Do you want to die? sometimes
189. Would you date someone you met online? yea
190. Would you date someone older than you? if it was someone i cared about
191. Have you ever gone streaking? lol
192. Rock or rap? Rock
193. What's your favorite animal? feline
194. Do you like the band The Arcade Fire? meh
195. Have you ever been camping? yep yep
196. Name one person you love, and why: im not gonna name ONE cuz ppl might get mad
197. Who is the stupidest person you know? uh, depends, could be Lane, could be Vince, could be Bisiegel
198. Mints or chewing gum? gum
199. Yoga or pilates? yoga.... but neither
200. Can you whistle? yep

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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 24, 2008 @ 09:47am
because boredom sucks and i cant sleep at work
1. Do you love someone? in many ways yes
2. What does your name mean? little red panda also know as cat bear or the real one the white the shining one
3. Would you date someone younger than you? i guess its about maturaty
4. Favorite month? autumn months
5. What's your phone ringtone? hells bells or miss marple
6. Have you been on drugs? yes every time i meet erich
7. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? no
8. Can you write with both hands? right good left hand cryptic
9. Have you ever been expelled from school? no i dont think so just kicked out of the re lesson cause we asked a priest for homosexuality in the catholic church too much
10. Last phone call? mummy
11. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? no need good parents
12. Who is your newest friend? actually a new collegue at work
13. What's the most common name you know? michi and stefan
14. Do you like thunderstorms? so much especially when im inside in the warmth
15. Do you ever cook? yes, i like to but my brother and mum try to avoid catastrphes
16. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Yep
17. Have you ever been on a snowmobile? no just extreme sledging downwards grandpa's hill
18. Are you good at imitating accents? im great at that gb think im from black country and some us asked me if i were from the east or west cost
19. Do you have a crush right now? maybe =)
20. Who have you met online? at the moment more than in real world
21. What is your favorite emoticon? an elk
22. Do you have a cell phone? 0043/664/9178886
24. Happy or depressing music? deep interesting with lots of shades so it can be both depressin and happy dependin on your own mood just when im deeply depressed cheer up doors flogging molly pearl jam or pumpkins
25. Would you die for your friends? id rather die myself than let them die ive gone thru too much s**t than see my life that important
26. Do you have any tattoos? getting one on the 19th of sept this year
27. Do you read much? ALWAYS in any situation
28. Favorite food? veggies
29. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? none im afraid of meat
30. Do you like having your picture taken? no
31. Do you own a camera phone? yes yesterday i took a picture of a lady talking to the dead doggie of maria theresia the empress THE SOG IS STUFFED OUT
32. Lace or satin? frottee cuddling into it in winter
33. Do you study the Bible? actually i was brought up religious and i still believe in god but i trust science a bit more and nature is the most fascinating thin for me
34. McDonalds or Burger King? mc donalds has cheaper coffee but i dislike both cause they are disgracing human tastes with the normed so called food - does any fast food fan really know who a cucumber tastes or non spiced and sauced meat or does he know the adventure of eating a durian?
35. Have you ever been toilet papering? no but somebody stole a whole pack out of my toilet
36. Have you ever cried in public? often
37. Have you ever met a celebrity? yep, he saved my life and hes in town (who was that) yes just yesterday i worked in the celeb region of vienna
38. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? thats funny especially when its the same gender and the other person is shocked
39. Have you ever written a song? many
40. Do you eat meat? meat is dead eyes in my parking space at my parents and feeding my deers before daddy puts them in my parking space - no never
41. French or Italian? i love france except for the fact that its full of french people
42. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla im dying for it
43. Burial or cremation? i want a crypt and a death horn in cases im not really dead
44. Do you hate someone? people talking about things pretending to know but i know better
45. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? dostojewskij
46. Your best friend: my books always
47. What would you change about the past? beeing born these days
48. Last person to make you cry? brother
49. What is one thing that annoys you? ignorance
50. Have you ever gone to a mall? think so
51. Who is the quietest person you know? nini
52. Bagels or chicken? does it count when i say bananas i love them
53. Do you have a girlfriend? no
54. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? mail and gaia
55. Favorite type of shoe? waldviertler
56. Coke or Pepsi? both just colored water with sugar TEA
57. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? i guess but i didnt really understand all the phrases
58. Do you believe in free will? sometimes
59. What's your favorite store? bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores bookstores and i guess bookstores
60. Last time you cried? thursday
61. Have you ever been to college? university? still
62. Would you flip off the pope? see nr 57
63. Have you ever broken a bone? twice
64. Lonely or lovesick? im always lonely
65. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? 2 days
66. What's your favorite car? fiat panda or jeep styled ones, well and by money driving ones
67. Would you go skydiving? ja sure better now than yesterday
68. How do you usually dress? comforty
69. Have you ever left the house naked? no
70. Tan or pale? working class brown
71. Do you like the band The Shins? my tool and pearl jam and elvis ones seldom lie in the cupboards
72. Have you ever driven a Ferrari? no but mercedes 1952 cabrio
73. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? yes if its not the right thing for me
74. Would you go skinny dipping? dont understand that
75. Logic or art? im not logic at all
76. Do you believe in hell? im living there
77. Do you like to learn? by reading
78. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: illness and psycho
79. Do you wear cologne? parfum my fav is lilac
80. Kiss or make out? i say kiss...generally more passion in a kiss me too
81. Would you chug beer? i dont drink alcohol anymore since i found myself totally drunk vomittin into neighbours garden after hitting my face in a dead bleeding rabbit in my parkin space see question upwards
82. Do you like poetry? yup so much
83. When do you go to bed? most 12
84. Who did you last talk to? mum
85. Do you like celebrities? some
86. Have you ever moshed? moshed??
87. Who can trust you? books and nini and ilse
88. Do you like tongue twisters? do we talk about the opposite of ear movers?
89. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? none
90. Do you like dogs? ya so much
91. Do you own a car? i brought richard into a field 3 yrs agon since that time hes a garden dwarf but my own car
92. Do you believe that animals have souls? damn yes
93. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? dont use it
94. Have you ever considered suicide? only every moinute
95. Have you ever shoplifted? yes
96. What are you listening to right now? disney timon and pumba
97. Who is your enemy? my big black shadow
98. Say something annoying. eat more
99. What is your lucky number? 423
100. Do you like the band Radiohead? mas o menor
101. What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for? one of all ever published books in the world beeing healthy and i job i dont have to force myself out of bed every day
102. What was the last compliment you received?im bright
103. Do you believe in ghosts? only the ones in my head
104. How do you align yourself politically? ******** lyers
105. Do you look like your mom or your dad? both
106. Sneakers or flip-flops? bare
107. Do you like dancing? yes but no standards
108. Last person to make you laugh? customers
109. Have you ever licked a battery? yes
110. What's the longest car ride/road trip you've been on? thru europe by bus
111. Gym or music? music and sports
112. New York or California? australia or island
113. What would be the worst way to die? a metal box bound around your belly with a hungry rat in it thats only way out is to eat tru you
114. Do you get along with your parents? most times
115. TV or movie? movies cinema tick
116. What would be the best way to die? leaving something others can use too
117. Last time you used the bathroom? aaaaa wait a second ...... now
118. Explain your political beliefs. fair circumstances for all
119. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? fridays are my work days but all days can be used properly
120. Do you have any piercings? just earrings
121. When is your birthday? dece 20th
122. Kleenex or Puffs? kitchen towels if necessary
123. Do you believe in magic? sometimes
124. You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? ilse nini but most times now emri
125. What is your screen name?magrathea or panda
126. Best April Fool's joke ever? dont know
127. Do you celebrate Christmas? yes family clinch
128. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? 1
129. Do you get motion sickness? yes
130. Are you good at dancing? i never see myself good luck
131. If you could punch one person, who would it be? could tourists count as one (group)
132. Have you ever performed on stage? yes
133. Would you give me $5? i dont own dollars
134. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? judith my closest
135. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? he sold it to me cause he didnt want it
136. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? old fashioned letters
137. Do you cry a lot? yap
138. Do you observe Easter? yes
139. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? dingsdas
140. Do you like cats? no so m,uch as dogs im a dog person cause daddys a hunter
141. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? dont understand the word again
142. Do you have long or short hair? easy but longer on guys
143. Are you artistic? in chaos definitely
144. Do you have a blog? yea
145. Have you ever done yoga? no
146. Do you believe in God? yes
147. Group or single dates? single
148. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? ******** i need coffee .......... quickly
149. What is your favorite name? nautilus
150. What is your favorite sport? swimming bikiing runnin extreme reading
151. You or your love? should be coming together if its real love
152. Do you believe in miracles? vaguely
153. Have you ever been homeless? mentally always
154. Rebel or goodie-two-shoes? hm? comforty ones
155. Pain or no gain? always in pain
156. Would you run from the police? no id tell them to call max their chief and that hes a friend of my parents so i got out of the last razzia
157. Are you color blind? whats a color

158. What is your hair color? dirty brown which i hate so i colored
159. Status quo or radical change? changes are hard but i try
160. What do you wear to bed? shirts
161. Worst April Fool's joke ever? your grandpa died ... it was true
162. Are you a health freak? EY IM ED
163. What's the best concert you've seen? pearl jam directly followed by sigur ros
164. Would you do drugs? i have..
165. Dogs or cats? dogs and snails
166. Have you ever sworn? §$/)%§$& wink &"=)&/$& id never do
167. Do you like arcades? no too little books
168. Are you a neat freak? in all shades
169. Have you ever committed suicide? i tried to
170. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? take them with me
171. What name brand do you wear the most? flea market
172. What does the world need more of? intelligents
173. Do you believe in aliens? no too much coincidence
174. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? im adoring
175. What is one bet you've won? i know whats the meaning of shakespeares romeo and juliet morning dialogue
176. Disney or Warner Brothers? latin cine
177. Do you want to have kids? id forget them in undergrounds i guess
178. Do you have any pets? guineas 2, dog 1, deers 7, brother 1
179. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? just a bit of gaia
180. What are your thoughts about life? emancipate from my shadow
181. Do you stop to smell the roses? too often
182. Favorite comic strip? hägar and megatokyo
183. What is something you wish you were better at? keeping friends
184. Who do you trust? many people
185. Do you sleep naked? no
186. Have you ever slept on a rooftop? no park bench
187. Can you cook? yea
188. Do you want to die? often
189. Would you date someone you met online? yes
190. Would you date someone older than you? i guess but not too much older
191. Have you ever gone streaking? dont understand the word again
192. Rock or rap? Rock
193. What's your favorite animal? pinguins sea snails guineas horses
194. Do you like the band The Arcade Fire? dont know
195. Have you ever been camping? sure
196. Name one person you love, and why: ilse and nini they keep me sane
197. Who is the stupidest person you know? uncountable
198. Mints or chewing gum? dried figs

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 24, 2008 @ 09:49am
no wait i wasnt showed the last 2

yoga i guess
i whistle a lot

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 24, 2008 @ 11:14am
hahaha, i like your responses, would you like me to clarify the things you didnt understand?

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 03, 2008 @ 09:00pm
do it

ähm did you just receive a sms at your cell phone

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