I got this from a customer at work:
It says "Could I trouble you to give this to your wide grinning Adonis of a colleague?"
I got 92$ worth of tips on Wednesday, it was from a bunch of days. I was the only buser for that day so I stayed to till the end and got my tips for that day too, and that day alone I got 105$ and then I got 20$ from the bar. Twas a good night, perfect pace, I could just keep up and I wasn't being worked past my limit and 125$ too!
I was clearing a table and I dropped a knife, but for once, I caught it, and they were like, "wow, nice catch" =3 I'm getting good cool
OMG I got some coconut whipped cream from my work, it was so so so good, and I don't even like whipped cream. I was like aw damn wheres Megan, dirty dirty thoughts. 3nodding
Then me and margar talked about good places to put whipped cream on people and lick it off, besides the obvious of course blaugh
I'm trading art with a girl from work <3
Anyway here's her website, she makes pretty stuff out of recycled materials:
It doesn't seem to be showing images, I have a feeling I need to be on a mac...
Air Gear is getting good. They have to do a simulation battle with the old sleeping forest and they are poisoned and if they lose they don't get the antidote.
I want to check up on the other manga's I read, five and XBlade
I want to buy paint markers tomorrow =3
My dad just said he'll meet me on south street and we can get them. Then we might go try to work on the house. Its might be dark by then, but I want to try to work anyway. I might also buy a can or two of spray paint. I'm working on a new tag, I'll sketch it out real quick in paint one sec...
Ehh, it looked better in pen...
Story Tiems!
I was on the bus going to work, I think it was Sunday or Tuesday... There was this lady with really big hair sitting on the sidewalk. So I was looking out of the bus window check out her giant hair, and she leans over and her dress blows up and she not wearing underwear, and I see her old white a**... There was a tattoo on it... rofl
Mellisa told this story about a guy that grabbed her a** and then he grabbed her a** and "Checked the oil." According to the guy that she was telling the story too rofl Anyway, she smashed a full try of glasses she was holding over her head onto his crotch, and then the bouncers threw him out lol
Oh oh, on the topic of work, MEGAN next summer, you should try to get a job at the restaurant across the street from your house. I think your prettiness will help you get the job =3 As long as they are hiring of course. I think you could be a bartender after a while, its a good job to have during college, you can make some good money. But yea, see if they need a buser or a server, and if they can train you. 3nodding
Ok this lady was walking bye when I was locking up the cafe and I over heard this.
"I though I was self conscious, my boyfriend made me turn around when he took off his shirt to get in the pool... Yea, like my d**k is that big."
This morning Megan called me, and we got into something about sex.... Damn I was so sleepy I can't even remember but she made a joke about me not being able to c** that ended with "um errr eehnnn..... insert squirty noise here" All I remember is making lots of cat noises in my sleepiness... I swear everything is cute to me when I'm half asleep, I want to snuggle with everything rofl
A Dream
I slept over margars house; I had a bunch of dreams. The one I made myself remember was... I was staring into my own eye, and my pupil was really small, like a little bigger than the dot on this i, and possibly it was a cross hair. I think it looked like the paintbrush tool in Photoshop, when you have the paintbrush on the second smallest size. neutral
I want to know what it means, I know that I was seeing with both eyes, but the only thing in my vision was the eye. It took up my entire window of vision and I was staring directly at it. The dream only lasted a few seconds and then I woke up. I've never had a dream that was just one steady image, and I've never had a dream that woke me up when it ended...
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