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stuff.... things....ppl....places.... & junk
~love & pain set in motion~ chpt1
Love & Pain set in motion
********************~*~*~Chapter 1~*~*~***********
A fight between her parents dragged on as Cherice listened numbly sitting in the far corner of her room. Dimly aware of the hateful shouts down stairs she slowly dragged herself across the room to sit on her bed. 21 days, she thought eyes turned blankly towards the window. A merry tune drifted through, barely noticed in her ears as people on the street below crowded around an ice cream cart with a wined up music box on the side . Lazily wandering her eye caught sight of a child her age, being yanked away from the crowd by some lady scolding him; “What did I tell you! Did I say you could run down here! Do you no how dangerous that was, did you even look both ways when you crossed the street?”
“Of course you don’t get ice cream!” the mother yelled under her breath smiling at all the staring strangers. “Just keep up that crying. Do you want to look like a baby in front of all these people? Well maybe next time you’ll ask before you do something…What did you just say to me!?... That’s what I thought you said!”
Chrice looked past it all gazing into space through her deep blue eyes holding 5 years of childish innocence. 21 days she thought again, she didn’t know why but all of a sudden things got different. All of it got bad. Always she tried to put the pieces together none of them fit she didn’t get what they meant, all she new was it had been 21 days since it all changed, she’d been counting. At first it was scary, still it was scary but also, expected like watching the same scary move multiple times, you know what happens next but you still jump. Staring at her through round grey eyes was Luna her silky smooth white wolf pup. Luna’s ears twitched at the loud clash of something down stairs, sending a shocking rumble through the house.
Chrice threw her head into the pillow & screamed with confused frustration. Everyone had tried to tell her what it meant: her dad said that her mom wasn’t listening to reason; her mom said her dad was just being difficult, Nikko said they didn’t mean it, & they all said every thing would be over soon, & it was all ok. All of it felt like lies, it was not ok, everything wasn’t over. If they didn’t mean the yells, the scary voices, the throwing, the crying, and the looks they gave each other that made you wish you hadn’t walked out of your room, then why? It frustrated her more to feel like every one but her knew the secret, Nikko knew, he was different, his eyes were sad, he was… quieter? Her parents’ faces those had changed that was certain, changed how, was a mystery but changed all the same, it was not ok, & it was not better & that’s all that mattered, it was all a lie.
“I DON’T GET IT!!” she sobbed. Chrice sat up swiping at her tears with her green T-shirt, glancing past Luna, who now had a bright white glowing mist around her, it shined divinely against Chrice’s blotchy blue walls, Luna’s fur fluffed up in soft tuffs. Sniffing Chrice’s head shot back towards a now medium sized wolf in shock jaw partially open & astray. “Ha, I can’t believe I’m still not use to that…” she whispered a small glum grin poking the corner of her mouth, she ran her fingers through smooth warm fur, clinging to what little comfort it offered her now. Looking up vision disarrayed by tears she looked at Luna’s long furry face, studying the wide round unknowing eyes, unknowing like her own. Even though Luna was her guardian, & their mental/emotional connection was fairly strong for her age & ability, she knew that Luna would, no could never get this …..What ever this was.
“I know you’re my-my guardian & stuff …. But I-you cant help me…. I-I don’t know what it is … b-but all I know is, it hurts, & you can’t help!” Cherice cried, the river of her blue eyes winding down her cheeks, she wished Luna could help & could take it all away. She knew that much, Luna couldn’t help save her, couldn’t protect her, & couldn’t comprehend the extent of her emotion, at least not while she her self couldn’t either. Now sitting curled in Chrice’s lap (puppy sized) was Luna, again Chrice busied herself in stroking Luna’s fur gently, awaiting what comes next, with the sad expectant silence.
The house fell into a tense aching stillness, & she thought it had ended, for now at least, like all the others had. Just then her mothers flesh crawling cries tore through the air shredding that hope to bits, sending a slow shudder through Chrice. Attempting to drown out the sound her hands flew to her ears pressing hard; she hummed & forced her mind to retreat. She wanted to break to scream, & for the whole world to shatter she wanted it to know how she felt; she wanted everyone to feel it too. Failing to imagine some place else, something better, she settled for making it all seem numb to pretend it didn’t matter, to hate it all, & not care. Such a routine had now become habit over the last week or two it now came easy to her, to be numb, to hate what was now. Frayed & muffled shouts slipped past her ears from the melt down, down stairs, but she couldn’t even tell whose voice was screeching evilly, she was so far gone in her own world,(so she liked to believe), for all she could tell it was her self screaming.
She didn’t feel like caring any more, yet she couldn’t stop caring. Why does this all matter it’s a waste of time, & I hate it, was all that boldly burned through her mind. Her feeling on all of it, her thoughts about it, blazing like a gigantic fire cracker growing to the finally of its explosion. Other strong feelings were trying to force their way up as well, all pulling at the edges of her mind, she invisibly shoved them away, & hit them with a base ball bat. Still they would remain lurking in the back alleys of her consciousness so eventually in the hours of darkness, in a large swarm they would jump her as she hurriedly attempts to pass through. Thinking of such a time like the midnight hours when surly that would happen sent a long slow chill like cold dead fingers crawling up her back, in response her body rose sitting ever straighter as the sensation worked its way out of her body. The hard slam of the front door cracked echoing through the house, she jumped, more of a reaction than from fright. Something shattered, & that seemed to be the end … for now.
“Maybe that was the picture….” she said absently moving to the window. Her father walked hurriedly down the street steam rising from his body, (as it always does when his anger has control). Rage quickly swelled in her head penetrating the rest of her body in a mad rush, the firecracker had reached the peak of its explosion, & it hurt physically as well, in the form of a brutal head ach. Luna watched curious, as Chrice sat head bowed crisscross on her bed, deep in thought. Hot tears oozed from her eyes sizzling on her cheeks, she fiddled with the stringy ends of her cut off jean shorts, again trying to put the pieces together, only deepening her frustration, hell she hardly had anything to fit together at all. Hastily swatting aside a black strand of blue tinted hair, hovering in her face, she turned to Luna expression hugely changed, part sulky childe, a bit frightened,(something said it wasn’t for the obvious reason a child would be), & a little too much of a confused adult appearance hung on her face,(hard like that of her fathers), to look upon with comfort .
“I DON’T KNOW LUNA!!!! WHY DON’T I KNOW!!!.......Aaraaagg! W-what should I do ….” She sighed shakily, leading to a sob. She was done with this whole situation, her emotions had been through the ringer & she was done with it all she wanted it to be over. “WHAT EVER, I HATE IT!! HATE!! HATE!! HATE!! I HATE IT!!!!” she wailed through the stuffing of her pillow. Apparently it didn’t end there so Luna sat patiently by the door, & watched her master unravel, first she flopped around on the bed like a large tortured fish, next a boxing mach with the air took place, then viciously smashing her beloved teddy bears face in, kicking him off the bed, aggressive growls fell from her mouth in quiet rumbles, & tears from her eyes in a flash flood. Chest heaving, steam rising, words squeezed past the knot in her throat “I don’t care…. I DON’T CARE!! WHO CARES!?! I DON’T!! I...I-I…I want my daddy!” her mouth quivered her voice a forced squeaky whisper, “H-he said, he said it was her…. its moms fault. It’s her fault, it’s her fault everything!”
It was silent for moments & this was over she would make it be over, all of this was going to be gone just as she wanted, “Come on Luna this wont be, like this any more. I don’t want this any more, I don’t want to be changed like how everyone is, I don’t want it to hurt, I want to go back but…. 21 days,” she whispered. “Since it all got different, & I don’t want this any more…”
Crying softly Crystal began to clean the shards of glass remaining from the fight. Putting the kitchen chair up right, she slowly dragged her self to pick up the family portrait broken at the frame from the after shock of the slamming door. Slowly the unsettling silence began to crawl over her. That moment she was filled with instant dread, as her mind shifted to her children. Rushing up the stairs she hurried to Chrices room to the far right of the stair case. Grasping the knob a feeling of cold worry & despair jolted through her & she found her mind praying nothing more than, “s**t pleas be behind this door”. She wanted to see her daughter wailing in this room rather than her missing from this room, bursting through the door with her new influx of worry she also prayed she knew what she was going to do.
Flying open the door swooped around wildly bashing into the wall, Crystal shuddered at her over reaction, but it was dropped the instant her eyes began to soak in the empty room. With every racing beat of her heart it sent panic coursing through her veins, it threatened to over throw her. On a psychotic worried mom rampage she raced around the room searching high, low, left, right & no sign of Chrice. With a sudden surge of fear she looked out the open window relived to at least not see her daughter splattered like Humpty Dumpty across the side walk “All the kings horses & all the kings men couldn’t put Chrice together again,” she shuddered at the thought. About to race around the house yelling making it known to the world Chrice was missing, she spotted a note on the desk before made an a** out of herself. Written in bold chicken scratch across the top “mom read this”. Her panic fled as she read the note but, embarrassment replaced it her cheeks turned red & she felt stupid after reading it.

Hi mom i wnt 2 Eclairs hows 4 a whle I B bak at 4:00 or 5:00 it 12:40 naw I C U latr
I luv U

In more than 1 way Crystal felt relieved Chrice was gone & had left before the fight. How stupid she must have looked busting in, like the S.W.A.T. after a mass murder, what if Chrice had been in here what would you have told her to that, Crystal rolled her eyes she didn’t even want to consider the thought at the moment. Blind to the fact Chrice had been there, to the fact her daughter was bitter & confused, the time of her departure actually 3:40 PM…. her mind shifted instinctively to Nikko. She now power walked,(so as not to look crazy charging through the door), half way down the hall before realizing her 15 year old son was on guard duty near the ports. Every thing seemed fine, she felt light headed but everything seemed fine…but no it wasn’t something was present, an unsettling feeling, what was it?
I really am some difficult crazy broad aren’t I? she thought, feeling overwhelmingly stupid, head reeling as she stepped heavily down the stairs. Dropping her self down at the kitchen table she buried her head & submerged her self with her sorrows, burdens, & self pity. Head throbbing thought clouded her mind, moisture her eyes, & there she sat in the glum stillness of her kitchen, a some what alien & unfriendly place to her now, wanting an escape.

Gliding in slow strides up a flowery walk way, Nikko made his way through a green lawn to the front porch of a white house with a dull black roof. Walking up the black wooden steps he paused for a moment before raising his hand to knock. For a time his hand hovered & a fall of tears bled from his eyes. Regret replacing anger, self hatred siding with guilt, everything was against him & it sucked, even he was against himself. Repeatedly waves of every bottled emotion, truth & reality, that hurt & stabbed the deepest washed over him in repeated waves drenching him in sorrow, drowning him in hurt, spraying him with lonely agony, it all weighed him down & pushed him under, he felt them collapse against his lungs pressing the air, the life of all happiness from his consciousness. Moments passed & freely he let his eyes pour his emotion, faster than gravity could pull them down his face, straightening up he roughly swiped them away, a tad shameful. Everything is so very happy, so wonderful & perfect but not for me never for me, always the s**t end for good ol’ Nikko hu? He thought coldly head bowed.
Studying the welcome mat on the floor he went to knock again, his fist came down but not on the door. Looking up he caught himself staring transfixed, into his brothers solemn grey green eyes, quickly he stepped back & withdrew his hand. “Oh…hey Neal you surprised me,” Nikko said not sounding at all surprised.
“Wow Nikko! What's wrong? Did something happen?” Neal said bluntly staring his brother down with worry & concern.
“……I-I didn’t think, it was that obvious… I guess I’m just getting soft…” he murmured with a sad broken smile, it hurt one to look upon it, his brother half winced in response. Bare foot Neal stood level with Nikko, in his dark jeans, shirtless, & flushed looking, with sun burn? No he had been working out, damp with the radiating stale, metallic stink of sweat. The absent thought of, deodorant couldn’t kill him, crossed Nikkos mind more than once being in Neal’s presence. Brushing a deeply tanned but not bronzed hand ,(like that of his brothers), through thick dark hair, Neal's eyes slid down Nikko in his sad present state, resting on the beer bottle clutched loosely in his hand. Nikko caught his nervous stare.
“Don’t think on it much Iv only had 2 ….. I… I-I just…Its…” he couldn’t finish or meet Neal's deep eyes.
“Yea, alright. Come on in, we need to have a talk,” he said snatching the bottle from his hand & ushering him through the door way. Nikko felt the knot of guilt twist violently in his stomach, he shouldn’t be here he shouldn’t bring Neal down with him, but…
“I’m sorry..” his words felt lame as they pressed past his lips.
“That’s alright brother that’s what big brothers are here for. To help ya when your down & fix what you screw up,” he tried to teas but Nikko smiled weakly, walking through the door way. Neal patted him on the back, taking a seat across from the comfy cream couch that Nikko chose to rest on, in a large black chill out chair standing near a small coffee table. To Neal's right a modest rocking chair sat nobly looking out over the room facing the window, great sophisticated carvings wound through its ash oak wood, a quick attention getter, Nikko just stared Blankley at his hands folded limply in his lap. Neal rose slowly walking past the rocker to toss the beer. Well then…. Lets see what your dealing with Neal, you gotta come to the rescue, so don’t screw this up, he thought on his way back eyeing his sad plop of a brother slouching on the couch.
“S-sorry… again fore this,” Nikko breathed, Neal settled back in his chair silently. Glancing up Nikko was forced into the kind seriousness of his brothers eyes. For a time they gazed locked, trying to see into each other, unsure of the others thoughts. The soft thud of small feet approaching quickly from behinds reached Nikko’s ears.
“HEY UNCLE NIKKO!!!” Éclair yelled happily throwing herself onto his lap.
“Hey your self Little Fire Ball,” he said cheerily hugging his niece. Éclair squeezed tighter, listening to her uncle grunt. Her grip was so tight he began to see black splotches of nothing ness, & he was turning pale, well that was one quick way to distract him from present matters.
“E-Éclair, air…. I need air!” he gasped releasing himself of her death grip. Giggling she smiled at him with a wide grin of innocence, at 6 she was now missing a tooth. Éclair & Chrice might have been mistaken for twins if it wasn’t for a few subtle differences; Éclair was older with fire red eyes & a slightly darker tan, her black hair,(like that of her dads), held a glossy red tint, hers flowing in soft waves to her mid back, she wore a purple tank top, & cut offs with an embroidered flower on the side.
“Éclair leave your uncle alone,” he said softly his stern eyes glaring at her. How he used his eyes with such force but looked so light hearted puzzled her. Immediately she stepped back,
“Daddy, can I go out side?” she asked walking towards him. “Pleeeeas!” she whined, with her round pouty face,(it worked every time). Neal looked up at the ceiling so as not to be persuaded, but he caught a corner glance that was hard to resist
“Ummm….weeell, Yeea, sure. But you have to put on a sweater, it will get chilly soon …. & you have to pick up that pigsty you call a room,” he said after consideration.
“Bu-“ her mouth protested, a hand quickly shot her down, he shook his head lightly, & a stare from those eyes, followed. Éclair took a step back & sighed,
“Yea, fine…” she murmured striding past her uncle she flashed him a bright smile, he returned it with a slight grin, & she hustled up the stairs feet lightly thudding on the carpet. Once in her room Éclair shoved the scattered mess on her floor under the bed, tugging the sheets down a little to hide it. Franticly running around she stuffed random cloths, piled here & there, into her closet. Éclair listened intently to Chrice who was talking,(or rather thinking), to her on their mental bond, like a telephone call, where you happen to know what the other is feeling most times, or perhaps get a memory or two like a preview for a movie.
“Chrice just stop its hard to get what you tell me I wish you would just hurry up, plus I gots something to tell ya too!” Éclair thought annoyed.
“Sorry, I had to use the bathroom on my way, I coulda had an accident!” Chrice thought snappily. Éclair continued her hunt for her sweater, too busy to pay any mind to Chrice’s rants.
“Uh oh!” Éclair thought realizing she had crammed it into her closet.
“Yea, uh oh, I woulda got all wet & then needed pants, & then-” once again ignoring Chrice, Éclair prepared her self as she yanked open the closet door. Barley having time to shield her face, a mountain of clothes buried her in a loud avalanche, pounding her into the floor with a thump. Éclair took a sharp breath rubbing the back of her head, as she tunneled out of the pile,
“Ow… Shut up I wasn’t thinking about that…”
“Éclair, what was that noise are you ok?!” her fathers voice called alarmed.
“Uuuh-it was nothing daddy… I-I tripped, but I’m fine.”
“Alright, be careful,” she waited for her dad to speak again, he said nothing & she began tearing through the clothes. Kera,(her black guardian wolf), pushed herself up against the farthest corner of the room, dodging clothes being flung at her left & right.
“Soooorry, what happened anyways?” Chrice thought soundlessly sneaking through the window, Luna raced head bowed under the flying cloths to Kera. Éclair tossed the last of them before spotting her grey hoodie at the bottom of the pile.
“There ya are! I found ya,” Éclair smiled slipping on the sweater, turning she came face to face with a gigantic clothes monster from hell. Its stale putrid stench rolled on to her in waves & she swallowed hard heart skipping a beat.
“Ahhh-” her cries where quickly muffled by a small hand extended from the ‘monster’.
“Yea here I am, ya found me… Now get your stinky cloths off of me!” Chrice growled in an angry whisper, removing her hand. A thin smile of relief crossed Éclair’s face, & her heart beat returned to normal, as she crammed the stuff back in her closet, wow just Chrice.
“What did ya wanna tell me?” Chrice asked lazing on the bed.
“What?” Éclair’s head shot up, & she wiped sweat from her brow, “Oh. Tell you… Your dad is here.”
“He is?! How long has he been here?” Chrice asked popping up, like shed been shocked by an electric volt.
“I don’t know, kinda long” she couldn’t tell time like Chrice could, even though she was older, “Why, does it matter?”
“Come on,” Chrice said sneaking out the door.


Nikko watched his niece rush up the stairs then turned back to Neal.
“Nikko?....” his brother began.
“Yes, I Know…. Sorry, I just… I don’t know, where… Where to begin,” he sighed burring his face in his hands.
“Here I’ll give you a moment to gather your thoughts….. Do you want something to drink?” he asked walking to the kitchen. “We have; soda, lemonade, Kool-Aid, orange juice, water-” he was cut off.
“No its alright, but thanks.” Nikko heaved another sigh & Neal sat back down with two tall glasses of lemonade.
“Ya know just in case ya change your mind,” he said gesturing towards the second glass, Nikko nodded his thanks. Neal sat patiently in the short silence mentally preparing for what ever Nikko might throw at him, his eyes revealed no note of his anticipation showing only a timid, open, kindness.
“I-it’s, everything …. Everything that’s been sorta ….. Sorta building up recently, ya know?” Nikko began hesitantly, watching his brother take a swig of lemonade, sincere green eyes never parting from his own hazy sinister eyes.
“How do you mean?” Neal asked brow furrowing in contemplation, as he wiped his mouth.
“Well … everything, like…” he sighed again, he was glad Neal was the type you could go talk to, & get things off your chest, even if it took you a million years to do it. “All the complications with the war, &… & our father, its ….. Its all just getting to me real bad Neal, I cant take it….I-I cant do this! I cant Neal! Now what, with the Iceland’s Gramp dying & stuff, damn!” head bowed Nikko clenched his hair, eyes screwed tight, overcoming his stress. He continued slowly trying to piece his rapid current of thoughts together, “Crystal becoming queen made every thing worse ….. Oh Christ, Neal there is just so much s**t going on right now bro it, pisses me the hell off! …. I guess its all the big stuff, like, meshing with all the little stupid stuff. Every thing just exploded! Or something,” he made a majority of hand movements from short slicey ones, to the flailing of his arms for the exploded part, along with a few rounds of facial aerobics.
“Yea I got ya I know what your talking about. Me & Jasmine are goin’ through the same thing.”
“Ugh-I know that’s how I-er, we, handled it for so long. Knowing you both were goin through the same sort of thing, but…. With all this added pressure & the-the, the everything just pushing.” His volume began to increase. “Everything is just pushing & building, & the kids, & the war, & Crystal, & her gramps …..Ahhhgg!” Nikko clenched his sore fists, he grinded his teeth & heaved another deep sigh, steam steadily flowing past his nose & mouth. Neal was studying his brother when a loud thud from up stairs caught his attention.
“Éclair, what was that noise are you ok?” there was a short silence.
“Uuuh-it was nothing daddy… I-I tripped, but I’m fine.”
“Alright be careful,” he called turning back to Nikko. “Gosh my daughter, I swear sometimes I wonder…” he said sipping his lemonade.
“Yea I know what you mean,” he replied burring his head again. Nikko propped him self up on his elbows & stared at his brothers, strong, sturdy, smooth, & easy features, a thin scare trailing gently down his left cheek. He caught himself lost in the deepness of Neal's quizzical green eyes, they always said every thing with out him having to utter a word. Neal looked up from the coffee table & the half empty glass he had begun to fiddle with.
“Nikko how do you feel?” Neal asked submissively.
“ Feel? …… I don’t, I don’t really know what to feel I guess. Maybe, maybe mad, real mad, I don’t know who I’m mad at … At myself maybe, at the world, at everything.”
“Not at Crystal?” Neal raised a questioning eyebrow.
“No I guess not, not really anyways… I-I feel a million freakin’ things pounding down on me I feel…Sorry, overwhelmed, guilty, stressed, the whole world is against me.” He listed making a half effort to count on his hand. “ Most of all though, I feel …. I feel really awful Neal, gosh it all sucks, I have to make it right… Its all my fault… Damn I hate it all. I hate everything! It freakin sucks big time.”
“ Its not your fault you know that, but your right everything about this sucks. It sucks big sweaty balls.”
“Your wrong about one thing right about the other, it is my fault for being so-so, so ignorant & stupid! To put a big friggin I told ya so cherry on top, every thing is getting more dangerous as I sit on my lazy a** running my diarrhea of the mouth to you about all my sorrows. You know this, that its getting dangerous, I'm sure you & Jasmine have been talking about it.”
“ Well…” Neal looked down running a finger around the rim of his glass.
“See, ya see there! Its my fault if I would have been all like; Move to the Iceland’s of waves, sure yea of course, what ever is beast for the family! Lets hop on the band wagon & go! …. I wouldn’t be in this mess.”
“Nikko you cant always put things on your self more than they are already, your not the only one who finds this hard to do your not the only one who, who has to face this. Remember you & I are always in nearly the same boat with things. Its hard for me to do this as well, but-“
“Yea see with you, the ‘logical one’, there is a but, which probably contains something like; I have to think of my daughter or-or this is what is right, I know when I have to do something even if I don’t want to. With me there is no but, with stupid me, my but was; Why should I? Cant we this? Cant we that instead?” Neal sat patiently a grin curling his mouth as his brother paraded around the room.
“My no butted brother are you quite done?” he asked arms crossed. Nikko smiled slightly,
“ No, I can tell you want to say something, so I’ll just say I am for the heck of it all.”
“Well then, I was actually going to say; but my wife doesn’t take the ‘no I don’t want to do that, lets talk about an alternative’, response too well.” they paused grinning at on another for a time the first real smile to cross Nikko’s face in a long while, it was charming, a smile he & his daughter shared.


Éclair walked behind Chrice as she tip toed cautiously down the hall, soundlessly edging towards the stairs.
“ What are ya doing, you look stupid walking lik-“
“Shhh, shut up, come here, but shhh though.”
“Bossy much?” Éclair said sarcastically, biting her toung before Chrice bit her head off.
“Just listen,” Chrice said sounding distant, she could see her dad between the two wooden bars of the stair case pressed against her face.
“Ch-Chrice, I-I wouldn’t do that if I was-”
“Shhh” she said pressing harder against the bars so she could hear better, her dads low rumbling voice came to her ears.
“Your wrong about one thing right about the other, it is my fault for being so-so, so ignorant & stupid! To put a big friggin I told ya so cherry on top, every thing is getting more dangerous as I sit on my lazy a** running my diarrhea of the mouth to you about all my sorrows. You know this, that its getting dangerous, I'm sure you & Jasmine have been talking about it.”
“No serious Chrice, once a few weeks ago I-” she tried again.
“Hush up I cant hear,” Éclair whispered swatting her hand as if to shoo the words away, her head squeezed further into the bars she strained her ears, why is it so hard to hear up here… what’s dangerous. Éclair’s eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen, a billion thoughts crossed her mind at once, the urge to wail STOP, to blurt & say Chrice your head’s going to get stuck in the bars, the opposite urge to shove her head through the bars & say ha that’s what I wanted ta tell ya, hush me up now! She muffled the, OoOohm uuhh!, that was going to come out instead with her hand as she took hold of Éclair’s hood & yanked hard.
“Ugh ahhh-oomph” Chrice flew back colliding with the wall behind her, losing her air. Her eyes began to water & she looked up at Éclair hurt & surprised.
“I-I…. your head is gonna get stuck in the bars,” she burst out slow to react, now if I could have said that earlier.
“Wh-what?!” Chrice still looked taken out.
“ECLAIR! What are you doing up there!” her father called Éclair threw Chrice into the shadows of the hall before he could look up at her.
“ I was on my way out when I tripped, I tripped… I tripped over Kera cause, cause she ran in front of me &-…. that’s w-what happened.” She stammered petrified.
“Ya know if you keep hurtin your self like this maybe it’s a lil dangerous for you to be going out side today.” Dangerous Chrice thought still slouching against the wall, what’s dangerous my dad said dangerous, she had totally dropped the matter of being slammed into a wall.
“N-No daddy! Pleas, pleas, pleas, pleas, pleeeeaaas! I wont get into trouble pleas, pleas!” she had fallen into a big dramatic act & a voice that sounded like this was her one last dieing wish being denied, like she was pleading for the life of her first borne.
“I-I-uhhh…E-Éclair stop crying… Éclair!” she continued to cry , but not in a bratty I want candy way, but silently letting the tears slowly trickle down her cheeks. She cried with her heart breaker face & the sorrow of a newly widowed wife, she knew she had to watch it if he detected any hint of brat it would all back fire & she would in turn be punished. She couldn’t over play this card she had to do enough to have him hooked, but not enough to be over the edge. “Ok, Ok, everything is fine just be careful when you go out ok stay close, no strangers with candy. S-stop crying Love its all fine, you can go out. Have fun don’t bother people, its alright stop crying my Love,” he gave in, he always gave in. Nikko Watched his brother melt in front of his eyes, did he really? Did he really?! Oh my gosh Neal you are such a sucker, your being played like a fiddle, wow your actually oh my gosh… Oh my gosh if Chrice did that to me- is he falling for this really?.
Éclair wiped her eyes & sniffled, running down the stairs to her father. They embraced & she took a few sharp breaths to add a little oomph in there. Even though she wasn’t really torn up about almost not being able to go out side, (she would have snuck out any ways), she liked hugging her dad even if she had just pulled one over on him. She soaked in the warm love even after he stopped hugging her, she still clung on forcing him back into the hug for a bit longer, to her it was a way of saying, sorry I tricked you, without giving herself away. Nikko watched in silent half shock half expectancy, as they released from the embrace & Éclair walked through the kitchen out the back door.
“Hmmph what?” Neal said turning annoyed to Nikko.
“Nothing,” he exaggerated his word. Neal tapped his foot impatiently. “ Its just I thought I was going soft but when I saw that… Man you were soft as melted butter, jeez I'm surprised your not in a puddle on the floor, I mean-”
“Yea, yea I get it ok!” Neal stomped to his seat & plopped down pouting, Nikko’s smile broadened wide & toothy.
“Ha, ha, no matter how your eyes make you look, your still a big softy, bigger than I thought you were.”
“Yea & your still my peas for brains little brother, so respect your elders & stop hassling me,” he crossed his arms & looked away irritated but playful. Nikko's smile was softer as he fell in to memories of his & Neal's child hood.
“Ha, & I always listened to you cause you looked scary when you got mad, but if I had know I could have pulled one off like that, lets just say there would have been a lot less getting grounded & belted in my life.” His smile faded as the silence wore on from pleasant & ok to, Oh yea back to reality. Slowly but steadily Nikko's face sank as he settled back in to his previous state of mind, he sighed, it all sucked. Éclair had climbed back in through her window & snuck into the hall, poking Chrice in the side she whispered,
“Come on, lets just go you know how many times you got me in trouble already?” Chrice jumped in response & just managed to stifle & surprised yelp, but did not turn & continued to stare. Éclair rolled her eyes & put her back against the wall next to the stairs away from the grown ups she had, had enough of them for today.
“Alright so how do I fix it?” Nikko asked.
“Lets start from the beginning so we can sort it all out.”
“What! That’s what we’ve been doing, or trying to do! Me & you me & Crystal, over & over & nothing!” his eyes were wild as he flailed his arms over his head. “Neal I don’t know what to do, but I need to do something, cause I need to fix it, this-this thing, or what ever.”
“Nikko your not listening to me, your trying to find solutions to problems that lay just beneath the surface, answers to questions you haven’t even asked yet. Shut up & hear me ok with your head not just your ears, just start from the beginning where…. Where the problems started becoming something you both couldn’t handle. Like …when something was fine with you but it wasn’t with her & vise versa…” Nikko was silent with his arms crossed he refused to make eye contact if he did he knew the war was lost. “I'm not trying to be a smart a** but it’s the best way.”
“Yea I know… I guess I'm just being stupid again… Its just-“ he sighed. Nikko was studying the lines on his hand when he heard the back door slam & a loud worried voice follow,
“Neal, Neal, is Nikko here! Neal I said is Nikko-!” Nikko's heart skipped a beat & lodged in his throat for a moment, Crystal? Oh s**t is Crystal here? That was his first thought it came automatic in spit of his knowing it would be Jasmine Neal's wife. One couldn’t blame him much. Crystal & Jasmine are the spitting image of one another, literally they are twins, Crystal oldest by 6 minutes, (that shouldn’t make much a difference but it did in personality & it means every thing in royalty). Chrice caught sight of her aunt & hot tears raced sizzling down her face, red with rage. Éclair watched Chrice silently slip back into the room & gladly followed. Éclair entered her room & Chrice was already half way out of the window, aided by a ladder, she closely followed.


Jasmine walked slow & cat like towards Neal eyeing Nikko with her peripherals. Turning sharply she attacked,
“So what did you do to my sister this time,” she didn’t quite yell but Nikko shrank back all the same. Neal tugged on her hand, her body turned quickly towards that pull but her face was still gazing at Nikko, Neal forced her into his eyes telling her to relax, when she turned back she realized just how down in the dumps he really was. Taking a step back she began with a lighter expression & a slightly better tone. “So you guys had another fight,” it sounded stupid even to her but that’s what chose to come out of her mouth when she opened it, frankly he should be glad that’s all that came out. No s**t Sherlock, Nikko thought irritated with her presence.
“Yea but I bet you coulda figured that on your own, couldn’t ya?” Nikko rolled his eyes. Jasmine seated her self on Neal's lap,
“Well knida sort of, not really, maybe … I knew something was wrong she blocked off her mind to me so I just made a wiled guess & happened to be right about my assumption. Which was it being you, with your stupid jerk ness being an a** to my sister treating her bad. Like the dog you are you should-“ Neal put his hand over her mouth, loud mumbles squeezed through, which were sure to be profanities. Nikko ignored this he knew she had anger issues he was just glad his brother could put up with it & that Crystal wasn’t like her other than appearances, but Jasmines hair was different braided in wild designs close to her scalp & left flowing & long in the back, her style in clothing was a bit more rugged & on the edge.
“So ‘you assumed’ you didn’t ‘know’,” Nikko said.
“Well yea & no. Both…. I guess it’s a twin thing you wouldn’t get it.”
“Yea a twin thing,” there seems to be a lot of ‘its’ I don’t get, he thought, Nikko dropped his gaze from her open vibrant eyes, very different from Crystals, but if you had just met them some what the same. There was a pause, & he felt all thought had been numbed as his eyes shifted lazily around the room.
“So what are you going to do about it now?” Jasmine asked the question he was afraid to answer but had come here to get the solution. Nikko slouched like a bird perched on a post.
“Well what can I do… I mean every thing is all messed up why make it worse?” Neal stayed silent this was Jasmines game now he should only interfere if needed.
“Well yea you probably would screw it up more wouldn’t ya, that’s just how you are, you'll just hurt her more hu? For starters you could apologize, that’s just one thing for you to say & do in the least.”
“Yea what for it wont change nothing, then what after?” Neal sat back, well at least they are discussing what to do, Jasmine was the type that got you going & going fast, she moved to rest on the arm of the chair.
“What for?! Hello! For every thing, every thing you did & every thing you’ve done! All I know is you better go to her on hands & knees & beg forgiveness you don’t deserve her!” he knew she was just mad probably not just at him or for the reason she was taking her anger out on, but it still kind of hurt & was hard to ignore. Now instead of a lady sitting on the arm of the chair, to him she looked more like a cheetah about to pounce & rip some defenseless animal to shreds bringing her prey to a horrific death. Neal rested a calm hand on hers & she settled.
“Well… Yea then what?” he said quietly, feeling guilty. “Its not as if its all of a sudden going to get better… I wish it would, but it wont, so what good will it do?” he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Its just a start. Did I say it would fix everything? No I didn’t so we start there at the part where you beg forgiveness-&-&” Jasmine got a slight sparkle in her eye then stopped & looked dead on into Nikko's eyes, no longer was this matter some alternative release it was deep serious. “Nikko Crystal is on her way here, what are you planning on doing for real, it better be good I don’t want her hurt like that again….” Neither did he but right this second she was coming… talk about pressure.
“s**t what do I do?!” he was nervous, nauseous, panicky, puckey, & he was drawing a blank.
“Acutely I think that’s great we can all sit & talk this through all 4 of us. I know it affects you & Crystal more than Jasmine & I, but it does still concern us maybe it will be better this way,” Jasmine was completely absorbed in Neal as he spoke as if the whole thing was just willy-nilly. *********************************************************************

Jumping past the last two steps of the ladder Éclair felt a slight twinge run up her leg as she landed. Chrice quickly turned her back to her cousin, wiping tear drops from her eyes. Éclair some what sympathized with her cousin, but could find any comforting words so she remained silent giving Chrice her moment. A light warm wind swirled the scents of her mothers aromic spice garden through the air, tickling their noses. Chrice’s head jerked forward & a muffled achoo squeezed past her hand. “Bless you,” Éclair said instinctively. Her head shot back a second later “Eww did you use your hand to cover your nose?!”
“Yea, so” she replied bluntly.
“That’s nasty, gross!”
“What am I suppose to use my arm pit?! Would ya have liked it better if I sneezed on you?”
“Eww now your hands have germs. Don’t touch me Ill get your boogies on me !” Éclair wrinkled her nose
“Oh, really?” Chrice said mischievously before chasing Éclair around the back yard. “ Boogie hand, boogie hand, your gonna touch my boogie hand!” she taunted.
“ Chrice stop!..... Chrice…. No fair you run faster!.... No for real …. Ahhh, stop! Chri-” She whined before stumbling, scraping through a rough patch of gravely rock. Skidding to a halt her face crinkled into annoying sobs, Chrice halted & ran towards her.
“E-Éclair, I'm sorry!.... I-I didn’t, I didn’t mean ta… I'm sorry. Do you want me to get your mom?”
“Nu-nu-nooooo, ahha ahhaaa!” she whined in a wavering bouncing sob. Chrice sat back helplessly half wishing she would just shut her pie hole, half sorry it was her fault. A few minuets later Éclairs scrapes began to scab & her weeping had ceased.
“Sorry, me & Luna will just show you the place we wanted ta show ya now. Ok?” Chrice mounted Luna’s back, “Follow me.” Éclair slowly got on Kera & they were off. Éclair closed her burning eyes feeling the gentle rise & fall motion of Kiras sprint. Why do we always have to do stuff like this I don’t wanna I'm the oldest I should get to say what we do…. Ugh what ever she always does what she wants…She thought grumpily, sleep slowly gripping her with each stride, holding tight, she embraced its comfort. All of it was a haze dark figures & a bunch of movements, she didn’t get what was happening but it all felt crowed & scared she wanted to sc ream….She wanted to scream but- suddenly the whole left side of her body had a dull hard pulse, she was dazed.
A weak groggy “Uuummmm” fell from her mouth, as she rolled on her back, realizing some how she was now on the ground.
“Sorry about that, but you sleep like a rock…. You wouldn’t wake up, I tried to-” Chrice was bent over her. Éclair tuned her out & stared at the leaves far above her head dancing & glowing with lush colorful greens, she could track traces of blue sky brilliantly burning behind them. She stared mesmerized by the hypnotic swaying & rustling, right in the midst of this short daze a small shadowy figure slowly fluttered across it all. Blanker than paper she jut laid there watching when at last it registered, exactly like some one shining a flash light on a dark corner she saw it all illuminated & clear & she realized it was bad.
“You took us to the forest!” she said it loud & startled but the words felt a little empty. Chrice grinned sheepishly offering to help her up, at first Éclair hesitated before taking her hand. Once up right she dusted off before really absorbing the reality. Her eyes drifted around in a deep daze, I'm in the forest? Looking about Éclair found her self to be in a grassy-ish clearing surrounded by dangly vines & tall looming trees. Chrice watched her cousins wide eyed head turn every which way as she took in the scene that laid out before her with anxiety like she was a criminal looking to find a quick place to duck out of the polices eye. I’m in the forest... “Ok, were in the forest…” she finely excepted, inhaling deeply she rested her eyes & pulled in the fresh surrounding scents like a vacuum sucking in every thing from just the plain radiant air to surrounding flowers & tree blood.
When she was done she found Chrice to be up in a tree, body stretched along the length of a thick branch & her back pressed against the trunk, she seemed quite at home. Kera & Luna were wrestling in a flower bed near the center of the clearing around a small oasis of water. Trotting through the wild over grown plops of grass, leaves, rocks & flowers, Éclair sat her self down near the waters edge. It was so sparkly, so clear & luring not one ripple touched its flawless clean surface, it shone so heavenly in the summer light that drifted from a clearing just above it atop the trees; she was ever so tempted to glide her fingers across the glistening water. In fact they hovered just above the surface but it looked so perfect she didn’t want to ruin its beauty disturbing its perfection by diseasing it with harsh ripples.
“It wont bite, touch it no one is stopping ya,” Chrice called from her tree top watching Éclair. Her hand crept ever so close & she realized just how much cooler it was here being surrounded by all these trees. So suddenly she couldn’t even try to stop her self she was forcibly plunged into the, thick precious water. Quickly the water dissolved through her cloths & she could feel the cool pressing moisture around her, some how this felt more like a pool than a pond type thing it was clean & spacious. She kicked towards the surface against the pull of her heavy sweater & broke through the waters skin wildly spitting, splashing & wiping her eyes. As she crawled out on to the grass it was no surprise to her to see Chrice rolling doubled, maybe tripled over with laughter, thanks for pushing me she thought to her with sarcasm.
“I-I HA HA HA… Not me HA HA. Y-Y-You …. The w-w HA HA!.... And. And- K-Kera…..I cant… I cant…. I ca-…. B-breath!!” Chrice's face was red as she gasped each word, she was in such hysterics although her head & body were making convulsive laughing motions no sounds escaped her grinning face. Éclair turned glowing red to looked down at a cowering Kera, it made sense. Kera & Luna pushed her in while they were messing around, but knowing this didn’t really help the fact that she was annoyed embarrasses wet itchy & cold. Éclair plopped down in the nearest patch of sunny warm grass & crossed her arms. Your wolf was the one that did it, turning she stuck her toung out & mouth farted at Chrice,
“Pffffttt,” then she turned back to the water now wavy & wrinkled, its ruined, her brow furrowed as she felt her hair drip down her face. Chrice slowly got up aided by a near tree, a wide spread smile still planted on her face, she climbed back to her branch.
“Here Éclair you can use my sweater,” Chrice slipped it off & threw it at Éclairs turned head where it landed perfectly draped.
“Thanks,” she huffed aggressively brow still furrowed, taking off her sloshy wet sweater, slipping on Chrice’s, her wet shirt quickly leaving its mark on the sweaters dryness.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Aug 27, 2008 @ 10:39pm
Quite incredible, Artist-dono.

You should really congratulate yourself.
I congratulate you. I would give you a medal if i could.

No, seriously. I would.

Xephial be with you.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 02, 2008 @ 10:52am
wow baby u wrote this, amazing u r truly talented
keep up the amazing wrk baby i love u heart heart heart

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