Guten Nacht meine Freunde! I'm not sure if I've been missed or not but I thought I'd let everyone in on my recent absence. You see, My father was finally able to talk our landlord into giving us our deposit back (we've battle with the man from day one about repairs that needed to be fixed) and we are booking it out of there as fast as possible. We've finally settled on an apartment near my pop's job but my cousin and I will hopefully be getting our own place (in the same complex so we don't have to buy groceries and can just bum stuff off my folks razz ) in the next month.
That being said I have a new job (I get a lot of these huh?) I'm a hostess at a upscale bar in Tampa. Great pay, kinda seedy. It remind me of places the mob bosses would hang out in. The customers are all kind of older gentleman type too but I like that since my last job was around a bunch of young punks are don't realize that belching is public is rude as hell (and my biggest pet peeve) I was so glad to find a new job. It's 10pm to 6am, last call is at 3am but I stay and do cleaning and counting the registers down with a few other people. It's a nice gig I guess. I've meet some interesting people.
Should be getting the internet turned on in a few days. Fiber Optic cable baby. WOOT! I'm at the library right now, the good one with privacy covers on the monitors. I hate nosy people -.- Ahh... lets see OH! The hurricane, I've gotten a few comments on whether my personage was in any danger. Got a lot of rain and it's been pretty windy (pulled a palm tree down in the front yard) but for the most part we've been spared. Sand is everywhere. Driving down the coast made a mess of my car. Sand and sea water replaced the air. It was madness I say!
We'll I am working on some art for people, it's all drawn out but I haven't unpacked my scanner yet so it's not colored. I'll let everyone know when I've got the internet again razz
Edit: Any else having some clerical errors with Gaia. Sometimes when I click on a link all I get is a blank page. It happens every other link or so and it's beginning to wear on my nerves.
and...anyone play the MMO Perfect World? I only got to play one day before we started moving but it's probably the best f2p mmo you'll EVER see. Looks soooo much better the WoW too. Hurrah... I'll be so sad when they start open beta and my character gets deleted T.T
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And I don't think I have ever seen a soul so in despair, so if you want to talk the night through guess who will be there...

I'd love some ART right about now.
Edward x Louie - Gaia Made Me A Fangirl
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I'd love some ART right about now.
Edward x Louie - Gaia Made Me A Fangirl
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