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Soulless Affections Chapter 8
So here it is everyone! Soulless Affections Chapter 8!
I thought up ideas for this story during second period today of course!
I really hope that all of you enjoy this one!!!

Soulless Affections Chapter 8

I am bored.
For once at this place, I am bored. It was around evening time. We all already had our dinner in silence.
I sighed. I guess I should give the bird the letter I wrote back to Aniki.
I took it out of my desk drawer and flattened it out as I read it out loud.

Hey Aniki.
I must admit that letter surprised me. I’m glad to hear that everything is going well.
Everything is going well here, too. Well . . . .kinda. The town I was living in before,
Winter Night town was destroyed due to some SuperNatural Creatures and their enemy.
I’m definatly surprised to see you right in such elegant handwriting. The king of that kingdom must be kind enough to teach you.
But I must ask. What made you want to write a letter to me all of a sudden?
I hope you don’t think of me as a weak person. I’m physically weak but I’m mentally strong.
Please do not think so lowly of me anymore.
I miss you a lot. I want to see you but I fear that our reunion would turn out bad.
I must leave now. Be careful and be safe.
I love you dearly, Ryu-Nii. Please don’t forget that.

Love your little sister,
Aerean Hikari

I sighed and walked over to the balcony. I whistled and the falcon that belonged to one of his friends’ came and landed on my left arm. I put the folded paper in a round case that was strapped to it’s back. I patted its feathers gently. I then raised my arm in the air and it flew off.
I sighed. Just then, a knock came on my door.
“Come in.” I answered.
The door opened then closed. The person came and stood beside me. I looked at him to see that it was Nya.
“I’m just saying out of curiosity but I was sure I heard a bird fly off from your room.” He said, looking up at the sky.
Sharp hearing as always. “Yeah, Just a bird randomly coming out of nowhere. So what’s up?”
“Nothing much. How do you like it here so far?” Nya asked, curious.
“Oh. It’s good. I don’t mind living here and it’s actually pretty fun living here.” I replied, smiling.
“So have you gotten lost yet or accidentally went into someone’s room?” Nya asked, grinning.
I laughed. “Do you seriously expect me to do that?” “Well, looking back to all the things you’ve told us about yourself, actually I do.”
I laughed again, remembering the memory when I actually went into one of their room on accident, getting lost and all that.

I was in the kitchen, alone. . . . Again.
I didn’t know what else to do. I don’t really feel like listening to my I-pod. I don’t feel like sketching, playing video games, or anything. I was just . . . . . just bored. Really, really bored. It was night and I was bored.
I didn’t know what everyone else was doing but I didn’t want to bother them. I sighed. “This just isn’t my day. Oh!” Something hit my mind that I always wanted to try out.
I stood up quickly and smiled. “Time to explore and get lost. With this house so huge, anyone would get lost easily! Well . . . . except for them of course. Yosh!” Hmmm. . . . . . . . I wonder how long they’ve been living here. When I came to the school, which was when I was my sophomore year, Hikaru was already at the school. Plus Kasumi said that they’ve known each other for quite a while. I wonder . . . . . .
Oh well! I walked out of the kitchen and looked around in the living room. Across from me was another door. I cocked my head to the side and proceeded to it. I grabbed the doorknob, twisted it, and walked inside. There stood before me was another hallway. At the end of it was a door. I looked at the walls and saw wall lights lit up faintly. I closed the door so that no one would suspect anyone else coming in. I walked over to the door and stood there. I hesitated a bit until I made up my mind and raised my hand up to knock on the door. I knocked once and the door cracked open without a sound. I pushed the door open gently and looked around. The room was faintly lit so I could make out part of the room. On the right side of the wall (my right), was a bed with black covers and was outlined in a dark red color. There were four pillows on the bed and the bed seemed to be nice and tidy. There was a nightstand on next to it. To my left, there was a big picture there. I couldn’t see it very well. On the left corner of the room was a white rocking chair that looked kind of old. Ahead of me was a window that was open and the black drapes blew gently and gracefully as the wind blew in. I walked forward until I was in the middle of the room.
I looked at the nightstand again and saw a picture frame that I never seemed to notice. I cocked my head to the side and walked over to take a closer look at it. My eyes softened as I looked at the picture. I took it in my hands examined it.
The picture had a picture of a young boy with black hair and dark blue eyes and he was smiling really big. He was holding a woman’s hand. Compared to the woman, he was only up to her waist. The woman seemed to have blonde hair that reached to her waist with some curls as it reached the bottom. The woman had blue eyes and she was smiling. Though, her expression, her eyes, and her smile seem to indicate that she looked exhausted. She wore a pink flowy dress with a white scarf around her arms. I looked at the boy then. He seemed to have some of her features. Same eyes, same pale skin color except that the boy was paler then her. The two seemed so happy together. I took a closer look at the boy and realized who it was.
“Wait. This is . . . .”
“It’s a picture of me and my mother.” A voice said.
I gasped and looked around the room. There, sitting on the windowsill with his arms crossed across his chest, was Ein.
I then realized that I trespassed into his room. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to trespass into your room! I swear I didn’t know!” I apologized, panicking.
He sighed. “Yeah, yeah. It’s okay. Just calm down girl. He was at my side in an instant. I realized that he took the picture and set it back down. I looked up at him to see him looking at the picture with sad eyes. He sat down his bed, keeping his eyes on the picture.
“My mother died a long time ago when I was like 14 years old. My father was killed in a battle and that led my mom into a kind of depression. I did whatever I could to make her happy. The demons wouldn’t accept her since she was human. Everyone always picked on me because I was a child of a human even though I was a full-fledged demon. One day, an evil creature came into our village. That creature was a kind of creature that no one has ever seen before. All I remember is that it had huge wings, it’s legs and arms were scaly and that it had claws. There were male and female. The village elder asked what they were doing here. They said that they smelt a human in the village. Then, they attacked, destroyed, and killed. The survivors blamed my mother. They all said that if only she wasn’t alive and married my father, then their home wouldn’t have been destroyed along with all their loved ones.
“We were homeless then and we had nowhere else to go. We went to countless villages but no one wouldn’t accept us either because my mother was human or because of me being a demon. Then, there was this person that crossed our path. He seemed like a kind and nice guy. He decided to take us in so he took us to him home. His home was really huge and it looked like a vampire castle. He had us do some chores and he fed us well. Until one night, that’s when it all happened. I heard from one of the servants that the guy that took us in summoned my mother, Risa.
“I went over to his room and saw that it was cracked open so I peeked in to see what they were talking about. I saw him grab her and pushed her onto the bed. She resisted but he was a million times stronger then her. She screamed for help and instinct took over my body. I ran inside the room and knocked him off of her. I stood between him and my mom, ready to fight him. It all happened so quickly. The next thing I knew, I was bleeding crazily and he was holding me by the neck. As I struggled to breathe, mom came up to him and hit him on the head with a sheath that had a sword in it. He snapped then. He dropped me, pulled the sword away from her and then he stabbed her in the heart. She fell to the ground and looked at me. I saw her mouth the words “I love you, Ein”. He then kept stabbing and slashing her, blood splattering everywhere. He turned to me, looking at me with wild red eyes. He tried to kill me but I succeeded in killing him thanks to some help from the servants that hated him. I took a sword and trained myself with it. I got stronger and stronger. It was one day when I was in the middle of training in the mountains. I was 18 years old then. It’s been many, many years since my mother was killed. I stopped aging at the age of 18. It was then I met Hayate. I had a habit of fighting everyone I see that looked strong or was armed with some kind of weapon. I fought him but I lost which was utter humiliation at the time. He decided to take me into his pack. Along the way, I met everyone else. We met a lot of enemies and gained new allies. We then came to this town, met you, then the town was destroyed. And here we are now.”
I looked at him. His eyes were filled with sadness. Then I looked back at the ground. I reflected on his story then I noticed at how soft his bed was. Yes, I had sat down while he was telling me his story because I got tired of standing.
“Your mother was killed in front of you. I’m so sorry.” I said in a soft voice, trying to comfort him.
Then there was silence between us.
“What were you doing in my room in the first place?” He demanded, though he didn’t seem angry.
“I was exploring. I’m sorry I came into your room though. I didn’t know.”
“Gah! That’s three times you apologized to me today!”
I looked at him, surprised. “What . . . . .? Don’t you want me to apologize to you for coming into your room without permission?”
He sighed. “Just shut up girl.”
I looked at his expression. It still looked so sad.
I looked at the door. “Um. I could leave if you want me to.”
He didn’t respond.
I sighed. I don’t blame him. I’ll give him some alone time. I stood up and walked over to the door. I opened it and looked at Ein. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.”
He still didn’t respond. I smiled then left.

“So did you actually get lost and went into someone’s room?” Nya asked, still curious.
“Actually that really did happen. Curiosity always gets the best of me.” I grinned.
He laughed. “That’s our Aer!”
Just then, there was a knock on my door. I turned and walking over to the door. I opened it to find Makoto standing there, looking down on me.
I stood there, surprised.
“Huh? Makoto! What’re you doing here?” Nya asked, cocking his head to the side, knowing that he of all people wouldn’t knock on my door for fun.
He looked at Nya then at me. “I was wondering if you would like to go to the store with me so we can buy some food for breakfast and so on?”
I stared at him, stunned. I didn’t know what to say. For all the time of me being here, we haven’t really talked or been hanging out except for the parts when we’re eating or in the game room.
In truth he kind of intimidates me. His dark blue pale hair was tied down and it reached down to his waist. His bangs covered part of his gray eyes. He seemed to wear a black long sleeved collar shirt that had a V shape connecting, dark blue jeans with white and black tennis shoes.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. It won’t hurt my feelings.” Makoto said, smiling for the first time at me.
“Uh! No! Of course I’ll go with you.” I said, stammering a bit. I turned to Nya. “I’m sorry for ditching off on you like this.”
Nya smiled. “It’s okay. Actually, I prefer for you to go with him. You and Makoto rarely talk to and hang out with each other.”
“Thanks Nya!”
“Get a jacket or sweater. It’s pretty cold outside.” Makoto said.
I nodded and headed over to my bed and grabbed my favorite sweater and put it on.
“Okay! Let’s go.”
“So we got everything we need?” I asked Makoto as we walked out of the store.
He nodded. “Still clueless?”
I nodded. “Yeah. What ARE you going to make with those ingredients? Me and my mom usually don’t use those ingredients for food.”
“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll like it. If the others like it then I’m sure you will to.”
“If I get sick after dinner, I’m blaming your special food.” I said.
He laughed.
I smiled and we continued walking.
I glanced at him. He was a few feet in front of me, still looking ahead. He then must’ve noticed be looking at him because he turned and looked at me.
I quickly looked away and continued walking.
“You look like you want to ask me something.” He said, stopping.
I accidentally bumped into him. I looked up at him. I really just went up to his eyes.
“W-Well yeah. Kind of.”
“Kind of?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Well what is it that you want to know?”
“You’re an elemental, right?”
He nods.
“I would like to see you use your power.”
“Are you that interested?”
I nodded. “Hell yeah!”
He smiled at me as I grinned. Then he seemed to look behind me and his smile vanished.
I blinked. “Makoto?” I asked.
“Shh!” He hushed. There was silence between us. He seemed to be waiting for something or something.
“You can come out now. I’ve already sensed your presence.” He said.
“You’re clever as always, Makoto.” Said a deep voice from behind.
Makoto stiffened. Then, he grabbed my arms and jerked me to him so hard that the bag of groceries fell on the sidewalk.
I was close enough to feel the warmth of his body. I looked up at him. He seemed angry. That expression on his face seemed very . . . . . .frightening.
“What is it that you want, Terain?” Makoto asked, more like demanded, in a harsh voice.
“Well what do we have here? A human that you seem to be protecting?” The man that Makoto called Terain asked, ignoring the question. Then, I heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed. How do I know? I never forget the sound of a sword being unsheathed.
Then, Makoto clutched my arms tighter then pulled me to his chest, hugging me gently. “Don’t be afraid.” He whispered in my ear. “I swear, I will protect you from this person.” Then, he wrapped his arm around my waist and twirled me around him and he stood protectively in front of me. I took a good look at this person named Terain. He seemed to have pale purple and blue hair. His eyes were a mix of blue and green and his pupils were shaped like a cat. He’s really, really pale so I presume that he’s a vampire.
He grinned evilly, keeping his eyes on mine.
He took a step forward and then out of nowhere, Makoto stepped forward and shot out a blast of fire out of his hand.
Terain leaped out of the way and ran forward, sword drawn. Makoto put a hand on my shoulder, beckoning me to move back.
I stumbled back as Terain’s sword clashed with a dagger that Makoto swiftly pulled out. A saw a flash of lightning aura around the dagger. Then, Terain flipped back.
“Hehe. Your Storm Zorlin, eh?”
“Terain.” Said a voice from somewhere. I then saw a person standing on top of a roof building; it was a girl.
The girl seemed to have dark pink hair that were tied up in double pig tails with a blue and white ribbon, pointy ears, and blood red eyes. She seemed to wear a red ribbon that was tied around her neck. She wore a white spaghetti strapped dress that went down to about half way to her knees. She wore a kind of blue bracelet that had a reddish pink sphere connecting to it.
Terain stood straight and looked at the girl. “Yuri. What are you doing here?”
“Master is getting really impatient and wants you to hurry up. So he sent me here to help you.” She then focused her eyes on me.
Shock over-whelmed me. “A-Are you telling saying that your Master sent you guys here just to kidnapped me!?”
The girl nodded. “Yes. That is correct. For some reason, Master seems interested in you. I don’t know why but it is his wish for us to bring you to him.” She raised her right hand and a black scythe appeared in her hand. “Since there is only but one person here to protect you, we’ll use this opportunity to kidnap you.”
Suddenly, Makoto collapsed to his knees. I stood there, shocked. I stumbled forward to him. “M-Makoto?”
“Stay Back! Don’t come near me!” He looked up angrily at the girl. “So that’s your power.”
The girl laughed a chilling laugh. “That’s right. My name is Yuri. I am one of Masters’ loyal servants and one of his strongest soldiers. I rip everyone to shreds with my scythe and I can send electric waves, chills, and burns through your body. I can even mess with your minds, showing you and telling you things that you don’t want to be shown.”
Makoto then let out a blood-chilling scream.
“Stop!” I yelled without knowing what I was doing. Yuri and Terain looked at me. “Just stop! Please! I’ll go with you! Just please! Stop hurting him!”
“NO! Don’t go with them!” Makoto begged. He turned to me, sadness and pain showing in his eyes. “Don’t go. . . .”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, Makoto”
Then, out of nowhere, I was suddenly in the air. I looked up to see Terain holding me tightly around my stomach.
I was sure that Yuri had stop hurting him but Makoto let out another painful, blood-chilling scream. My eyes widened with horror. I turned to Yuri.
“Stop! Stop hurting him! You already have me in your hands so stop hurting him!” Then Terain tied a cloth around my mouth to stop me from yelling. “Shut up, girl.” He said.
Yuri turned to me, grinning evilly. “Master ordered me to kill anyone who was with you.”
I let out a muffled scream. I punched and kicked, struggling to get away from Terain to punch Yuri in the face. Then, I felt something hit the back of my neck. I fell into unconsciousness as I watched Makoto suffer. The last thing I heard was someone screaming Makoto’s name and mine.

Now here are Pics of Terain and Yuri!

Terain! He's hot!
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And now here is Yuri! The b***h that tortured Makoto!!! Oh wait. . . . . I made her do that. . . . Well it ain't my fault! Well, partially. It's part of her personality that she's ******** evil!
User Image

Okay everyone. I've been doing a little thinking in second period today(of course) and I decided that I'll be nice since I'm in a happy mood.
Thanks to the motivation I got from having Bella's Lullaby in my head all day, I decided that I'm going to put a part here. A little sneak peak on what's going to happen later on in the story.
I think that it's going to be in the next chapter. I'm not really sure yet. It all depends if I think up a lot of ideas or not.
Enjoy this lil Sneak Peak!!!


I hesitated, standing behind Ein’s door, my hand raised to knock. I shook my head and made up my mind. I knocked on the door softly, only to find it crack open. I’m surprised he didn’t bother to knock. I put my palm on the door and gently pushed it.
“Ein?” I whispered softly. I carefully took one step into his room, partially behind the door. I saw Ein then at the window. His hands were balled up into fists and he was leaning down.
“E-Ein?” I whispered again. I crossed the room carefully to him. I raised my hand up, about to place it on his back.
“Stay the hell away from me!” He yelled. I flinched. Hesitantly, I rested my hand gently on his back, trembling.
That did it. “WHY THE HELL DID YOU STOP ME FROM KILLING HIM!?” He yelled at me as he turned around and looked at me with hatred and anger in his eyes.
“That wasn’t the time to be thinking of killing him. You said that it was first priority to get me out of there.” I said as calmly as I could.
He shook his head angrily. “You don’t get it, do you!? He almost KILLED you!! If I hadn’t done anything then you would be dead right now!” He shook his head again and turned. “I knew it. I knew I shouldn’t have saved you that time! I should’ve let Blondie kill you! If you were dead then we wouldn’t be going through all this trouble to save one stupid little human!!”
I stared at him, shocked. I looked down at the floor, shaking, holding back my tears. “Well I’m sorry for crossing into your life. It’s not like I actually chose to live.” I said as calmly as I could, but I broke of twice along with my voice trembling.
I turned to leave but then I felt a warm hand wrap around my left wrist.
I turned to see that it was Ein. Suddenly, he pulled me into a tight hug. I blushed a deep shade of red since this was the first time I’ve ever been this close to him. I was speechless due to the unexpected move he made. My hands were on his chest and my head was tucked under his chin. He kept hugging me tighter and tighter. Then I felt his nose and lips on my hair. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry . . . . . Aer.”

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