Going green can be very easy you dont really have to do much if your not to into changing your life style.
-When u leave a room turn off the light
-Buy and Extension cord instead of always pluging things into all of the outlets in your house
-Dont throw paper out!!! Paper is recyclable and plastic water bottles are too so recycle them too.
-When u brush your teeth dont leave the water running
-Dont keep the water going when u go to the bathroom
-Change your light bulbs to luminescent light bulbs
-Dont use aerosol hairspray (dont use anything aerosol)
-Dont take an hour shower try and limit it to 10-20 mins that gives you enough time
-(For girls) when u shave your legs do it over the tub eather put a bit of water in the tub or when u need the water turn on the tap but dont leave the water running for all that time. It might be easyer to do it when your in the shower but u waste a lot of water doing it that way. unless u turn off the water and only use it when u need it for your legs.
-DONT USE FERTILIZER FOR YOUR PLANTS/GRASS!!! and dont use weed killers! The chemicals go into the soil and the soil leads to the water and animals drink that water and live in it! Also we dink it! And rain is from that water!
-(For girls) for your makeup brushes try and get natural brushes most are made with animal fur.
-Try carpooling places. Instead of taking 2 cars to the same place with 2 people in each car put everyone in one car.
-Fur jackets are really nice but someimes people dont remember what people have to do to get those jackets!!
Even if you just do a few of these things u are already helping the world!
my-sweet-love08 · Sat Aug 30, 2008 @ 09:20pm · 0 Comments |