Hi little journal~
So here's what's going on:
1.I wanted to get the Terra-Twist, I have it, exept, I wanted it blonde .
2.I' hungry but I'm to lazy to do anything about it (I know what youre thinkin' *Why is she complaining to me then?*) BECAUSE I AM!.
3.I'm constantly forgetting how to spell things.
4.Two people are trying to get me ticked off,but, it's not working razz heh >_>
5. By selling y invatory, I lost most of my clothing items. Causing me to look like a 'noob'.
6.I'm complaining and it STILL makes me hungry.
7.My cousins are in Florida. Hopefully nothing will happen to them.
8. If you know anyone in the way of Hurrican Gustav pray for them. No matter how much if an enemy of yours is there. They're still human. Especially the pets!
9.I broke my ankle.
10. I have to get my car when my ankle heals. Its going to take FOREVER!( Or t least it feels like it.
11.My parents are about to wake up and they're gonna be so ticked off if they found out Im still on at 6:00am I'll lose my computer privaliges D: (not really but I've done this a bunch of times with the knowing/not knowing)
12.I like pie biggrin
13.My Cousin Jackie Caballero,21, Died of a seizure due to diabeties... crying
14.Im in the worst part of NJ ever.At least it's not Newark >_o
17.I'm addicted to Gaia biggrin
18.I cant have a myspace but I dont really care because I don't plan on having one.
20! Flamingala~

Well, thats 20 random problems 3nodding