Aw crap don't you hate it when your trying to time something, and your waiting for the second hand to come around, and then you miss it... never mind I have to write for 10 minutes strait, and since I can type faster than I can write by hand I have to, wait never mind I lost my train of thought again. Whatever I have to be able to write a lot and I don't know if I can come up with enough, ******** I'm starting over. [ 1 minute ]
Alright let me take a second to explain whats going on here, one of my classes requires us to keep a journal. Every day we have to write for 10 minutes strait, it doesn't mater what we write, we just have to keep it going for 10 minutes. I like the idea, I think it will make my normal journal more interesting. I'm going to be linking my gaia journal to my teacher, everyday.
Aw Yea! I'm eating a muffin =3
They are so good, I can't stop eating the little buggers gonk
I think I've eaten like 10 of them in the last 2 days.
Alright I'm jumping into the activities of today. Sorry about my odd format, its how I keep my journal organized, although I have this problem where at the end I have a bunch of random stuff that doesn't fit under any of the bold titles.
College Life - 10 minutes READY SET GO! scream
I got physics homework yesterday, but like I said I slept threw most of the day and I didn't really do to much of it. I did read a bit more though, well, I reread. Today I got English homework. Chinese hasn't given me any work yet, but I need to get these cassets... Maybe I can find a torrent for them or something.
I can't organize my thoughts very well with this non stop writing stuff. I'm going to leave it all jumbled like it is though, I think it would kinda be cheating if I when back and changed everything around. I'm the only person writing on a computer as far as I know. This is part of my English homework, I'm actually doing work =D
I was kinda hoping I would run into Matt after school but I had to go copy some pages out of our English books for homework. Hopefully I'll be getting my books on Monday.
I actually should go back to the beginning and say I went home after Chinese class and did some laundry, which I may or may not have moved to the dryer... Crap. I made it back to school on time for English class. I don't think I grabbed any buses or cars... Wait.. I may have, yea I grabbed onto a truck for like 5 seconds XD
Now to where I left off on the way back, lets keep this part a secrete ok. I have this odd anxiety because Professor Coleman, aka Clare, is religious and stealing is a sin, ok this is stupid, I stole an over priced can of glow in the dark spray paint, but I bought one too, so I don't feel as bad about it. I don't know what pushed me to do this, I wasn't that desperate, but I guess what pushed me over the edge was my mom calling me and yelling at me when I was about to do it. This morning she got mad at me for not doing all of my chores. She told me I hadn't done any of my chores, but I did the dishes last night so talk2hand
Also one of the Mexicans at my work stole my paint marker, and then I got fired so I couldn't hunt them down. lols
Whatever, I'm just making up excuses for myself because I feel bad, the last time I stole something was in 7th grade, by accident. I got a wawa hoagie and a bag of chips for my friend and I picked up the hoagie before I got the ticket stamped, I took everything up to the counter, he scanned everything, put it in a bag, and then I asked him to throw my receipt away and I walked out without paying... Odd I know. I missed the [ 10 minute mark ] but I'm going to keep going. My sister was telling me about all my cousin dana's friends stealing adventures. I've always looked down on thieves. I feel sick now. Karma... Negative Karma, I can look at this in a different way as well though, Yin and Yang, I'm allowed to do a little evil as long as I balance it out with good. I feel I'm still neutral.
This ministry of sound album makes me want to go do my parkour training. Its a Rise Up mix, and the Rise Up music video motivates/inspires me: Rise Up
Yesterday I did 4 sets on the side of the art museum steps. I don't like to run with so many muffins in my belly, I have a muffin top. XDXD Margar.
I just read up to chapter 11 of Addicted to Curry, tis a good manga. =3
Story Time!
Mom gave me 20$ to get food for Daisy and I. Daisy wanted food from fresh fields so I got my food and then grabbed onto a 48 bus and had it pull me until I was half a block away from the police station. I got up onto the side walk and gave a few pushes, I don't know how fast I was going, but it was pretty fast, and I wasn't trying to slow down at all. When I went to cut into the street to turn down towards Whole Foods there was a car driving right next to me so I had to turn extra hard so I wouldn't hit it and I ended up sliding into a perfect carve. I scared the crap out of her though and then I cut in between another set of cars bumpers with even more speed; another perfect carve. [ Someone please tell me if I'm using my semi colons right D= ]
I love when you get a good adrenaline rush where all your actions come naturally and powerfully. I hate getting those bad adrenaline rushes that make me hyperventilate and get out of breath stressed , although I have this theory that I'm just seeing in slow motion and I'm actually running much faster than I think I am...
Incomplete thoughts:
I grabbed onto a bus for 3 blocks on the way home from Chinese class.
When My mom called me to yell at me, was mad because I took the key to the back door so she couldn't open it. I needed it to get back into the house though because she had thrown the ironing board over, and it had all my stuff on it, so I couldn't find my key.
We need pictures for this journal entry...
Yesterday's study session with my sister:
I drew faces on my nipples rofl
And then I wrote marajuana with a really ugly pot leaf, but all of my a's were backwards and daisy was like, It looks like Russian.
::Vows Not To Steal Again::
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