hello once again people of Gaia. it's the lovable Hawke with yet another journal entry. YEAH! well something huge happend recently in the past week, I finally got my most desirable item: the demonic pitchfork! I've been so happy ever since and i'm not going to let this item out my site. NEVER!!!! scream . Whoops I overdid myself sweatdrop . But since now i've gotten my most main items, I asked myself of what to do now. I thought about it and thought about it over and over again. and it finally hit me! I decided to get my next desirable item(s): the Soldat items! starting with the Midnight Officers Cap. this is so be so exciting that I just can wait! and to start this new journey, i've created a new thread worthy of challenging me to get those items! Well i'm off now to get my items. It might take awhile but it will be so much fun! 4laugh like always i've wanna give shoutouts to Junio,Anassa,Angelus Atra, Joey7, ice_zypher_random, Xion, and everybody else that i know and love! Goodbye gaia. until next time. to end i will leave a link to my thread for those who wish to help me! LATER!!!!domokunHawke's CO Quest!
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