Still staring down the side of the building, it was a steep wall of glass to end in the buzzing street below. The cars looked like little toycars and the people reminded more of ants. By now, a small crowd had gathered around her and through the throbbings from her quivering heart he heard one of them say “You truly had a guardian angel there girl!” And swallowing a fer times, getting back to her sences and letting go of her ironhold of the fence, she agreed. Lifting her head slightly, she gazed towards the sky, hoping to see what might have saved her from the fall just now. But the only thing that met her was the clear blue sky and the sound of wings slowly fading in the distance.

The screams echoed in the alley, but it could not be heard. A city is cruel and even though people might hear the faint voices through the endless sea of roaming vehicles over the streets, no one would care to help, they had it bad enough themselves even without getting involved.
His torso brushing against the ground, a blonde boy struggled to be free. Even though he was held against the ground and he had been beaten, his clothes were just as white and his skin had no signs of the grit it had been rubbed against. But what kept him down, was a pair of wings, white and great they grew from his shoulders and a firm hand held them folded to an awkward angle and they would snap if the boy would move too wildly.
“I’ve never raped an angel before...” a cold smile had grown onto the lips of the person holding the angel down. His eyes were red and his hair black and he was sitting over the angel, pinning him to the ground and it unable to move or escape him. His hand had already traced beneath the thin layer of fabric, separating his body from the angel’s and his sharp fangs were dangerously close to the boy’s ear. A cold tongue tracing out between the two rows of teeth, he let it slide over the boy’s cheek and temple, to lastly slide back inside of the mouth and he whispered into his ear “But sometime has to be the first.”
By his last words, he had stripped the angel enough to expose a still untouched part of his body. Smiling still, his black wings folded against his back, the oily feathers brushing against each other and further drenching the moans from the boy beneath. But suddenly the demon was thrown off and he hit the concrete with a hard smash. As he sat up again, he was blur in sight and could just barely recognise the angel, spreading it’s wings and dissappear up and out of the alley. Then he turned his head towards the one who had thrown him away, there was no way that weak angel he had caught could ever throw him off like that himself!
Appearing before him, he saw another angel. But instead of weak and frail looking, this one was one of those to stand amongst the many who exterminated demons and devils and sent those of their kind back to hell where they had come from and where they belonged.
Feeling the blood trickling down his face, the demon tasted the iron as he got back onto his legs. But he wouldn’t run, even if he did he’d have no chance to escape this new angel that had appeared but neither would he be able to pleasure himself at all as he had planned originally.
“Damn you! How dare you let him get away when I hadn’t even had time to start!?” He shout, not a single care in the world, spare he had been robbed of the experience of a lifetime. But the angel just looked down at him, as if his very prescence was an abomination upon earth. Somehow he got the feeling his wings were the ones most adding to the abomination part, but anyway he didn’t really care.
“You dare talk back to me? Demon.” The last word said with so much hatred, it could as well be a whip through the air, lacing the demon over his back to bring him down on his knees. But the demon stood firm, staring back with his red eyes holding just as much hatred towards the angel. But the angel firmly cocked his head, letting his hair fall back from his shoulders as he spoke again “I’m an angel, it is my sworn duty to help and save the innocent. And what is this perverse mind of yours? To try to take an angel! Are you seriously mad!?” He kept the most of his cool, but his mouth and his eyes exposed his thoughts and qualm excactly, hiding none of it and free for the demon to see. But he didn’t let that bring him down, but again he defyed the angel’s words.
“You are not supposed to interfere the course and will of the free mind! And still you come here and stop me from doing as i please!? Not to forget that you threw me into a wall! Look, I’m bleeding even.” Saying the last, he showed the angel a hand, the fingers dipped in the blood running down his face. But the demon didn’t get more than a face of plain and utter disgust upon seeing the blood.
“Me? Not supposed to interfere with a demon’s buisness?” He said, as if someone had gotten something wrong, but then he angered again “Off course I’m supposed to interfere with whatever buisness you demons have! I am the good and you are the evil. My life is designated to vanquish your kind from the face of earth! How dare you try to imply otherwise!”
Biting his lip, the demon had soon another wound to bleed from, but he knew he couldn’t win. Instead he shook his head and stroked his hair back, looking like a streetpunk which no one could ever find any liking for.
“I bet you’re just another one of those ‘supposed to be good’ angels. What you really want is to live out the sins you couldn’t while you were alive.” He started, a wicked smile creeping upon his face again as he looked at the angel, now slightly more arrogant than before. “To kill, to kill without having to pay for it. To hear the pained screams and experiment how much you can remove of a body before your victim dies. I bet, that if you could you’d even-“ but he couldn’t finish that sentence. Instead his body slowly fell down, torn to pieces and slowly dissappearing into the rest of the shadows of the alley.
Looking down at the remaining traces of the demon, the angel fling his hand out, forcing the demon’s blood to fly off and dissappear with the rest. Then he took another look around, wrinkling his nose to the sight of it. A typical backstreet, or alley of a larger town. It was deep and filled with litter, unsightly and reeking. He wondered slightly how the demon had managed to get the angel there, how it had been able to even find and seize the angel in the first place. He had to cover his nose, he simply couldn’t stand the smell of it, the looks of it!
Suddenly he felt something brushing against his robes and saw a cat, it’s fur was torn and one of it’s eyes were gone, it had lost an ear and several of it’s teeth were gone, he could see when it meowed at him. Kneeling before it, his sight was dark. When he reached out a hand, the cat gladly accepted a pat of it’s head, but it wasn’t long before it was dead and it’s blood smeared all over the place. The angel rised again and got rid of the blood covering him, then he closed his eyes and sighed. What had become of the world? But when he thought about it, the world had always been like that.

“He stopped you?” The cold, nearly white eyes gazed at the newly summoned demon across the room, not really awaiting a reply, even though it came any way.
“I was just this close” ,measuring a small length between two fingers “to rape an angel!” The demon paused and swallowed. The demon before him had so much more power than himself... And it even lived in this palace of ice that was its domains, would he upset it he wouldn’t live for long more, not in the body he currently held anyway.
Sighing, the greater demon propped his chin to rest on a hand, while the other drummed it’s clawlike nails against the dark wood below. Even though the room was in general blue, frosted by ice and more resembling a small cavern than a room, there was a desk and a chair there, giving it a small impression of that of an office or something similiar to it. This demon preferred order before chaos, therefore he had decided there was no need for any more objects of the room. Closing his eyes softly, he soon stared at the demon again.
“We’d prefer if you would refrain from trying such things again.” He said, and by his words the other demon twitched again, he just sighed and crossed his hands on the desk. “We wouldn’t know what would happen if a demon would be to rape an angel. It has never occured before and it is better to keep it like that.” By now, his eyes had diverted from the lesser demon and he instead studied the details of the room. “You know very well that I am not interested in your health, but it is a far too good treat for such a lowly demon as you to just be handed new containers for your soul repeatedly. Such as would be the case if an angel were to kill you. Which is also the reason why you’re here now.” By his last words, the eyes had traced back to the demon before him, determing if the lowly creature had grasped the meaning of his words.
A puff of smoke escaped the lower demons lips, he looked confuzed and it was rather obvious the words had more or less just slipped through his mind. His biggest bothers right then was that is was cold and he wondered wether parts of his body would freeze or not while he stood there. The greater demon just sighed again and leaned back, why were the younger demons so moronic these days?
“Just leave...” He said, wondering how far his patience would stretch before the demon had succeeded in making him furious, which was a very rare treat to him...
Hearing his last words, the younger demon twitched again, but turned around after he had stilled his heart again. Then he left without another word and the greater demon could breathe out again, the youth of today...

Still staring, Gael soon regained his sences, hearing the words again ‘Are you okay now?’.
“Pardon sir?” He asked, trying to keep his voice low and in a regular tone. This angel before him had so much more might, so much power. It was easy to recognise he was one of those slaying demons. An armour, light and thin but still enough to whithstand a blade of steel, was hidden beneath his robes and both wings and hands were deadly weapons against the forces of evil. Gael himself... He was just a regular angel, even below regular probably, would the angel before him be a hawk, he would be a dove. A gentle and frail bird before a vicious predator. But they weren’t birds, he had no need to fear the one speaking to him, but instead he felt such respect, such intense awe, that he couldn’t keep his mind straight.
“When the demon attacked you, you were not hurt, were you?”
Again Gael had to restrain a wave of shock to overwhelm him. This angel had been the one saving him when the demon had attacked him! Realising this, he suddenly felt an immense cold and he had to struggle to force his words through his shivering lips.
“No, I... I’m fine... Thank you... sir.” He managed to get out, as he felt how his face was burning out of embarrasment. Almost as a reflex, his wings folded to hide his blush, he had made it a habit not to let people see when his emotions got stirred. As they easily did...
The way the demon had attacked him! It wasn’t to merely kill him, but he had come from nowhere, dealing a blow that stunned him and then dragged them both down to the ground. Well down he had hit him, beaten him, so he wouldn’t be able to fend him off and then... If the other angel hadn’t saved him... Tracing a hand to his mouth, Gael held back a tear, the words of the demon still echoed in his mind.
Suddenly he felt a hand towards his feathers and he twitched, realising the other angel was still there and again he gasped. How could he be so thoughtless!? He had just hidden himself like that, not a thought conscidering they were still talking. But soon one of his wings had been moved and the other angel looked at him with raised brows.
“I... I’m just so amazed. To talk to an angel such as you, sir...” He tried to explain. But that was only part of the truth and Gael felt even more ashamed. But the angel just gave his cheek a soft brush of his hand, wiping away the tears.
“I’m sorry that I reminded you. It was thoughtless of me.” He said, blaming himself for Gael’s tears. But Gael shook his head, it wasn’t his fault.
Smiling gently at this, the other angel let go of his wing again and it folded back in place. Gael cursed his habit, how impolite and rude he must have appeared. He wished the whole thing had been undone, but that wasn’t an option either. Nothing could ever be undone, no matter how high someone wished.
“Don’t regret your actions today. Instead, try to be more careful in the future.”
Hearing the words, Gael again felt ashamed. The angel... So great, he wasn’t even offended by how Gael behaved. Instead he just wished him better, not grieving any actions of the young one who still kept his face hidden before him. Patring his wings eventually, Gael saw the other angel leave. How could one be so great and powerful, and still so humble and polite? It gnawed his mind and he let some moments go before he finally breathed out and folded his wings back. But his embarassment wasn’t over yet. Around him he saw the still smiling faces of the rest of the angels that had been there. They had seen the whole thing... But they were all used to Gael and his ways. It wasn’t uncommon for him to blush and try to hide it away and they all knew that, laughing discretely to his back when they thought he wouldn’t hear or see them. But they were common angels, just as himself and nearly none of them fought demons. In difference to the one who had spoken to him...
Hurrying on his steps, Gael sprinted to escape all of those eyes, the laughing faces. To them, he was kind, innocent and youthful. Even though he had been an angel for several years, he hadn’t changed since the day his soul parted from earth and he was still the shy boy he had been the day he died all those years ago. He was naïve and gullible still. Would anyone have him believe one could revive the dead by praying, he would stay up for days and nights, praying and hoping to see the life come back to the cold and stiff bodies again.

Gazing down on the landscape below, a stream split the grass with the likeness of a blue line, separating the green into two fields. Each with the newly sprung weed giving off a refreshing smell of morning dew. He knew it was dangerous for a lone angel like himself to fly over the earth like that. But he loved to see the life spiring beneath him, to see humans and animals and to see plants and streams... When the demon had attacked him, they had been by a big town, a city. But now he flew over vast fields and the distance between the small farms only increased. Surely a demon couldn’t attack him by such a beautiful place? They kept to huge masses of people, luring them with their cunning tricks and hiding in their midst. Now convinced no demon could be around, Gael closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze tossing his hair about. A wonderful day of spring.
Hearing the sounds of wings from a distance, Gael opened his eyes again, wondering what kind of bird would have joined him. But he couldn’t see anyone but himself around and felt a chill run down his spine. Why weren’t there any birds around? And it was so quiet too... Not even the wind to sweep the leafs of the trees, the only sound being the wings he heard. Breathing out, his breath formed a fine mist and hung like a small cloud where he had stopped, hovering in the air. Feeling uneasy, he looked around again, why was it suddenly so cold? And he felt watched, but he was straight over a field, not even a badger could hide there, there couldn’t be anyone seeing him. Shuddering again, he tried to take some deep breaths to calm himself, why was he suddenly so cold?
Realising first now, he turned his head, trying to see if there was something above him. But he got blinded by the sun and had to close his eyes for some moments. That was a dire mistake...
Hit from above, he lost his air and was stunned. Soon he had been hit again and his wings were unusable, broken and he fell.
Feeling the impact, Gael lost his breath again, gasping when he hit the ground. He tried to breathe, to get a grasp at what was happening, but he was hit again and he spit out some blood, coughing as his body twitched. Before he was able to recover, he had been turned to lie on his belly, his wings spread wide and aching as he couldn’t move them. Hearing the snapping and feeling the pain, Gael cried out, whoever it was attacking him, had made sure his wings were completely broken. Trying to turn his head, Gael attemped to get a glimpse of the one hurting him so. But his tears already blurred his sight and he only saw something black before he had been hit again. His arm was bent behind his back and a knee had been driven between his shoulders. “No!” He screamed, but his arm was broken anyway and he cried out again in pain. Again his head was hit and he got dirt and grass in his mouth.
Still crying, Gael spit out the grass and tried to breathe. “Wh- what do you want with me?” He cried, hoping the breaking of his body would stop if he spoke.
For a moment, he didn’t feel the hands tugging his limbs, but soon his faint relief was put down again. “What I want with you, eh?” A voice whispered into his ear. Gael’s eyes flew open, that voice!
But the demon just laughed at him, twitching his arm again to make him cry. “I’ve never raped an angel before...” His voice was cold. To be killed wasn’t a pleasure of his and thanks to this angel, he had been. To get a new body wasn’t really much of an effort, but the constant nag after? It simply pissed him off.
Hearing his words again, the angel tried to kick him off his back, but it was to no use. The demon was used to violence and to fighting, he knew the angel had no chance against him, not even if his wings and arms would be useable. He had broken them, just so the angel could resist less. So what if he raped an angel? It wouldn’t be any different from raping anyone else.
Dodging a fist coming for his face, the demon smirked and grabbed the arm, bending it back too. “You want me to break this one too?” He asked, tugging at it lightly. A small yelp from the angel assured him that would not be the case, but would he really be so kind?
He didn’t need to haste himself as he had been in the alley before. Now theye were out in the fields, miles from closest road and even further from anyone to be able to save the angel. He could take his time. But he let go of the arm and the angel grabbed a fist of grass, throwing it at the demon again. “Stop that!” He spat out and hit the angel again, knocking him uncounscious and leaving the boy to be still for a while.