Its so true
I wish you could love me but no one can no matter how many times they say they do
Love is just something I don't deserve to have
Love is something scarridi and I clearly don't deserve it
Full of rage and hate so bad I could kill
A ticking time thats a horrable little
All I do is hurt us and even worse hurt others
I try to be good but no matter how hard I try it never works out
In the end I came to see its not even worth trying anymore
Keep the spirit down for us and you
Better for you to stay away
That way you cant get hurt nor me for hurting you
Better if I just go and hide and never come out
But sadly it doesn't work that way
They won't let me do it
I know how much I am hurting them
Wish I could just poof into thin are
Love is something I don't deserve
~Horrable Little Molli