I feel like ranting. c:
September birthdays... There's WAY to many of them. I've been to 317586536t4329562094 birthday parties this month... It's getting annoying. = I mean, why the hell do people feel the need to fornicate in late December and early January? It must be date rape or something, because I don;'t see what's so special about that time of the month. I mean, If you're going to ******** around that time, spare your child's future friends and WEAR A DAMN CONDOM SO YOU STOP HAVING SO MANY DAMN SEPTEMBER BABIES. DX Really. And some of these people shouldn't even be having kids.. Take a look around. Your peers are mostly sub-standard lumps of flesh. All a bunch of drooling morons. Their parents, given the fact that their child is "not all there", probably aren't too smart either. There the geniuses that didn't use protection around the "Magical" months. This brings me to a story..
There is this girl... She learned about safe-sex in school. She thought she would practice with her boyfriend. They where doing well their first time around. They used a condom just as their teacher said they should. But here's the kicker; they used the same condom 5 times in a row. I doubt they even stopped to wash it off.. Come 9 months later, she gives birth to a baby boy, and wonders why. Because, after all, they "practiced safe-sex".
This is what I mean when I say "sub-standard lump of flesh". Well, my little rant has gotten quite off-topic, So, my point would be that people should stop ******** around the holidays. Oh, and don't be like that girl. Please.
x-Orihara Izaya Community Member |
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