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Story of my Life: Not realy the story of it, but the basic happenings of day to day business. Hopefully its not too boaring. =3

Community Member
((okay, my first ever short story. Sorry if it's bad. sweatdrop ))

Chapter 1

It had finally stoped raining when they made it to the restaurant.
"Hehe, congrats on loosing the most Ari." Taylor smiled. Ari just laughed. "I still can't believe you actually are holding up your end of the bargan!"

About a month prior, Taylor and her boyfriend Ari made a deal to get in better shape. Who ever lost the most weight in a month would choose a place to eat at, and the looser would pay. In the last month Taylor lost 9lbs, but Ari had lost 10.

Ari had disided on an Italian resturant called Di Ama Vita. The two took their seats at a small square table, dressed in a white table cloth which still immited warmth from it's frest spin in the dryer. It was also dressed with plates and shiney silverwear, crystal classes for champaine, two beautiful flowers in a short vase and a single, long and lit candle in the center. The waitress had given them their menus and whent to seat some other customers.

"Hmhm. So far i like it." Ari commented looking up from his menu which was part in Italian.
"Hehe, yes, it seems nice, but let's see how the food is first." Taylor's voice was laced with her happy laughter. Looking over the menu the waitress returned to ask for their drinks and selection of wine. Hearing the door behind them close with a loud slam, Taylor and Ari jumped and the waitress stood up straight. Looking behind to see what the comotion was about, Taylor turned her head and looked twards the door.

There stood an old looking man. Maybe in his 60's. He still looked younge and full of life, but maybe that was because he had a pack of bleach blond girls around him. One glung to his arm, the rest seemed like bodygaurds, but only protecting the side and back of him, never the frount. Taylor glaired, relizeing what it was. She turned back to Ari, her expression annoyed. They where from the Playboy mansion down the street from here.

Taylor sighed exasperated, as if just their presents made thier night ruined. Ari smiled down at Taylor, as if to comfort her. Not once did his eyes trail over to the pack of blond girls. It made Taylor smile a bit. Ari was just about to order the wine when the waitress dissapeared. Looking around, the couple found her, waiting on the playboy and his possy. Taylor sighed again and leaned back in her chair.

"Ah, Taylor, don't worry...she'll be back soon right?" Ari tryed to make her not so edgy, but knew for a fact that with them around she would just be angered. Her little sister had become one of them but was at a different mansion. She had always loved her sister, but discuraged her from joining thier pack. A new waiter came, appologized for the waitress's absence and took thier orders. He surried off to the kitchen, half to give the order, and probubly half to inform the cooks of thier arrival.

The rest of the night was tolerable. The room was peaceful and music played by the harpist and pianist drifted through the room. With the exceptions of the loud booming voice of the playboy and the annoying laughes from his group of girls. Taylor rolled her eyes every time the annoying hyina like laugh filled the room.

When the couples dinner was finally over, Taylor payed the check and they prepared to leave. The Playboy possy was almost finished with their meal also. As they passed by thier table, Taylor led the way, so they could get out as quickly as possible. Not even looking in her parifial vision as the group she passed by them. Hearing the girl's muffled hyina laugh again, she could feel the girl's stair in the back of her head. Then she heard it.

"Oh, younge man, can i speak to you for a moment." Taylor turned around, and noticed Ari looking at the old man, a bit confuzed but politely. Taylor took one step forward. She refused to get any closer.

"You see, my girls have been eyeing you for the last hour.." The man whent on but Taylor's blood began to boil. "you see i was woundering if you would be interested in the title of 'Playboy...' Taylor sucked air for a responce, but Ari beat her to it. "Um, no thankyou sir." He answerd, a look of releive washed over Taylor's face. "Oh, but just think about out it..please." The old man said, handing Ari a card. He accepted it, but Taylor hoped he plan to rip it to shreads as soon as he was out of the man's sight.

"Um, alright." Ari said a bit aquardly and stuffed the card into his pocket, with out any care if it got bent. He quickly caught up with Taylor and began to lead the way out. Taylor followed quickly behind, hearing one last hyina laugh from the group.

Chapter 2

"Please tell me you arn't thinking about accepting." Taylor asked, almost beggin.
"hehe, no i'm not. Trust me..."
Taylor sighed, releife once again flooding her expression.
"...but i dont see why you have to be so against them...they are people you know. The girls have lives...or did..or something.." Ari said, half correcting himself, half searching for the right words to say.
"Well sorry.." Taylor said a bit harsh, "I don't know...i just don't like them..."

Ari sighed. "Taylor, i know you don't like them. Expecialy because your sister..." he stoped right there, and disided to go around that fact. "I'm not saying you should respect them, but atleast treat them like their real people.."
"Hah! that's a laugh..." Taylor answered. "No way. Not after that scene."
"Taylor, please-"
"No! They tried to take you away from me...how can i not hate them for that?"
"Taylor, they are real people. They just chose a swertain way of life..." The two started to reach the house, and the sky began to open up agian.

"If your so understanding why don't you go live with them!" Taylor amlost yelled, her eyes narrowed.
"Fine, i will!" Ari screamed back, trudging the rest of the way to the house.
"what? not wait!" Taylor tried to correct her action, but Ari had no part of it.

"Ari please, i was just-"
"No, you want me to live with them i will.." He said, packing as much of his stuff into a suitcase as he could fit.
"Ari..wait..dont-" In the blink of an eye, he was packed and at the door.
"Bye Taylor.." he said before he ran out the door. Taylor ran after him but was stoped by a rock that was in the yard. Getting up, the frount side of her cloths soken with some mud and the back filled with spots of water from the rain, she could bairly make out the figure running over the horizon.

Chapter 3

It had been a good week since the fight. Ari had yet to return. Taylor had called him atleast 10 times a day on his cell. She thought it was useless to call again, but she did anyway. She didn't expect him to answer, but to her suprize, someone did.

"Hello?" an anoyingly highpitche voice answered.
"Uh, is Ari there?" Taylor asked, in an aquward tone.
"Ari's busy."
"Busy doing what?" All the voice did was laugh, a reconizable hyina laugh and hung up.
"what the hell?" Taylor questioned, puting her phone away. She sighed. "That's it, i'm going over there..."

Making her way out the door and down the street, she could see the large mansion come into view. She tried to think of reasons as to why she shouldn't go, but came up with nothing good enough. Her love for Ari was to stong to just leave him. She finally made it to the frount gate, which lay open. Walking up the long way to the frount of the house, she reluctantly rang the door bell.

She waited, and a minute later came two bleach blond girls. They could have been twins. Thier hair was the same color, style, length. Thier body's looked to be the same size. Their faces the same. Thier skins both perfectly tan and eyes blue.

"Is Ari here?" Taylor asked, her voice a bit cracked. She felt inferiour, since her boring brunett hair was plainly tied back in a slopy pony tail. Her skin was practicaly pale and didn't look nearly as smooth. And her round face looked bland comparied to thier supermodel looks.
"Hehe, now why would you want to see Ari?" Asked one of the girls while the other looked Taylor over. A look of discust across her face.

"I've been looking for him..he hasn't been returning my calls..." she didn't want to say too much, but ther girls looked at her as if to say. 'Oh, and with looks like that you don't know why?'
"He's busy" Replyed the second girl. Taylor rolled her eyes.
"Doing what?" She asked annoyed. The two girls just looked at each other and smirked evily.
"what do you think?" The first girl inplyed something.
Taylor had something in mind, but knew he wouldn't. He'd never...

"If you'd like to come in and find him go right ahead..." The second girl smirked.
Taylor glared at them and walked past them, but one girl took the lead, bringing her up the stairs and stood at the top, pointing to a door. Taylor looked at the girl then the door, and reluctantly went forward. She was just about to open the door when she heard something. A moan? no i couldn't be... She whent to turn the door nob again when the soud called out again.

Gently, she placed her ear against the thick and intricaltly carved wood of the door. She could hear it. Moans. Squeeking. Her eyes widened in shock. No it couldn't be.. she backe away from the door, but her knees felt week. She fell on her knees and then down on her side, huddling into a ball. She began to shake. No...no...no...this cant be...

She could feel the eyes of the girls behind her stairing at her, with smirks of delight that she was in pain; crushed. Then suddenly the door opened. Taylor's eyes wher not focused on anything, they just saw the color and movement.
"What's going on?" Said a familar voice. Taylor forced herself to focuse her eyes and look up at Ari, but instead she saw two faces. Ari, and a third blond girl. She saw Ari looke down at her. A look of worry, the face Taylor knew to love, but the face was eaten up by a grin that didn't belong to her Ari.

"Ah, Taylor..will you be joing us?" he asked slyly. Taylor used all her streanth to keep her eyes from watering. She got up and looked up at him. "No.." she said flatly. Turning around she practically ran down the stairs and out the door, but not before the hyina laugh eccoed through the halls and down to her ears.

She walked as fast as she could but only got half way home before her eyes began to water dramaticaly. She had hard time seaing, since the rain started to pour down again. Walked across the street trying to get the tears out of her eyes, not noticing the car coming straight at her...


'Breaking news, just minutes ago a woman i dentified as Taylor Samar was hit by a car. The driver says that she came out of nowhere, and crossed the street on a green light for cars...This just in, the medics have announce she's died...'

Ari sat in his leather chair, a velvet maroon bathrobe wraped around his upper body, allong with flannel pajama pants watching the news. His hand formed into a fist, feeling the delicat ring that lay in his palm. He thought back to about a week ago. His date with Taylor. Had they never fought...no...had the man never asked him...no not even...had they never shown up...she would still be alive...and happy... Had the playboy and possy never come to that restaurant, Ari would have brought Taylor to the park after dinner, and under the tree they always sat under...he would have proposed...but no. They had to distract them. Taylor had to fear them. They had to fight...and Taylor had to be killed. He clutched the cold ring in his left hand...a gun's trigor in his right.

"Forgive me...Taylor..."

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The end.

User Comments: [13]
Community Member

Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 06:29pm

i hate your story...it made me cry...
its very good..just really sad..im still tearing up..thanks ash.. biggrin

Community Member

Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 06:40pm

Holy crap..seriously?
Well actually i'm not surprized. I mean this was a DREAM i had and i woke up and bawled my eyes out for a half hour! XD

Community Member

Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 06:47pm

are you serious...thats one heck of a nightmare...and where did you get playboy from??

Community Member

Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 06:50pm

Well i was watching an episode of Monk yesterday. it was Monk meets the playboy...XD mostlikly where i got it from...

Community Member

Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:26am

wow ash that's really really sad and like dani said one heck of a nightmare... i didn't cry but that's like..wow. You did a good job writing it btw.

Community Member

Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:28am

hehe, thankyou amber. X3

Community Member

Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:50am

umm no, on that u made no spelling mistakes.. on the short story u made quite a few... it's more of an omg wow cause of the what happened..

Community Member

Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 01:54am

*sratches head* um..did you just copy and past that from your reply??

Kenzaburo Isobe
Community Member

Sun Sep 28, 2008 @ 08:22pm

lawl i loves it but its kind of akward about the playboy thing XD razz and really thats pretty much impossible XD or is it @_@ it would be much funnier if you had William Shatner razz

Community Member

Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 11:03am

Thanks rob, but it was a dream, and my dreams are wierd...the wierdest thing is this one actually has a plot...
i dont think i could write a story about being in a school bus that's picked up by a tornado, cast over millions of yards of land into one of the great lakes and me and a second girl have to take refuge in an oversized tuna can...XD

Community Member

Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 09:13pm

yup.. oops! mrgreen

Community Member

Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 09:46pm

sadness crying I liked it, why did taylor have to die! crying XD

"we all wind up in the same place at the end, don't we?"
- sixteen, book enthusiast, smart kid in smarter classes, show choir member, aspiring actress/dancer, mormon -
try me out before ya judge
My Name is Nobody
Community Member

Sat Oct 11, 2008 @ 11:44pm

Okay, so it is a good story. But sometimes you forgot that when a new person talks, it is a different paragraph. Like where the Old man is offering Ari to be a playboy, that was hard to read. It is not really my style of story, but I did like it.

User Comments: [13]
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