My mind is like Clock Work. With each turn of one gear it turns another which turns maybe 2 more and it continues to turn more and more gears until you get the tic 1. Though instead of seconds I get ideas. Random ideas, crazy ideas, ideas that some should keep to themselves for good reasons and some for bad reasons. My opinions seem to aggravate people and I can't understand why. For instance I met this guy the other day and we started to debate politics the man was democrat and I know who I'm voting for but most people are just arrogant know nothing about either candidate so they let the media basically choose for them by targeting and criticizing the candidate they don't want to win. So I debated this man for a good 30 minutes and the only thing he could say was that Mccain and Palin don't know what they are doing and Palin is for abstinence but her daughter is pregnant and now they are ducking the media and the newyork times. Basically everything the media says is what him and 43% of obama supporters believe. So I laid it flat out to him that ya know Palin can't force her daughter to not have sex she can promote it but in the end its everyones choice to do it or not. Second they don't talk to the media because all the media does is flip things around on them and make them look dumb they ask them personal questions not what their plan is. Palin didn't know what a vice president does cause you know what we never see him doing anything so can you blame her 1 out of 20 people actually know what the vice president does so ya she should have done some homework before answering that question but just like all of us who lie about our qualifications in a job application and we put on our skills quick learner she learned quickly what a VP does. The man attacked me saying that I'm biased cause I'm a republican I said no I'm not cause I know Obamas plan and I know Mccains plan and I compared and contrasted the two and though there is a 23% likelihood that if either one gets elected there will bean assassination attempt cause you have the one crazy black and or white guy that will get soo pissed off about the candidate they wanted losing. So what it comes down to is who has the better running mate and Obama should have picked Hillary cause Biden just isn't meant to lead or co lead anything and Palin is the same way so all in all we are screwed at the end of this election cause in the end we will have a dead president and someone who can't lead even if they were ballroom dancing. So this guy got mad cause an 18 yr old just owned him in a debate and ya. I should really just learn to agree with people it makes things easier cause even tho we sat there and debated and I educated him on how he SHOULD vote we are still voting for the same person.
Random thought... had a great idea for a screenplay and or a TV series I want to thank my new friend on gaia for inspiring me.
I BLACK_N_WHITE I · Thu Oct 02, 2008 @ 07:42am · 0 Comments |