Quiz Whoring It UP
1. Where is your girlfriend/boyfriend?
probably sleeping
2. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today?
it was raining outside
3. Who sits behind you in English?
4. Would you rather get up early or sleep in?
sleep in, easy
5. Where did you get your clothes you're wearing?
shirt - Hand-me-down
pants - i don't remember. probably a hand-me-down from the sibling
6. Do you like anyone at the moment?
7. What would you change about your life right now.?
eh, a few things here and there but life's pretty decent right now.
8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth?
Cry over a truth
9. What's on your bedroom floor right now?
What Run Forest Run said was HILARIOUS!! *ahem* a book
10. Who was the last person you got into an argument with?
11. Do you trust people easily?
12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move to?
i like it here with my buddies. could they come with me? JAPAN!!
13. Do you think you're pretty?
Not really. unless i dress like a model and where contacts..then i'll look good, but really no
14. Could you go a day without eating?
probably not. my incredible obesity doesn't allow it
15. How much do looks matter to you?
a small amount. i at least want to be presentable
17. When is the last time you had your hair cut?
3 or 4 years ago...my hair is SUPER long
18. Would you rather be mad or sad?
sad 'cause i know ways to be cheered up
19. Does it take a lot to make you cry?
it varies on the situation
20. What's the worst car accident you've ever been in?
nothing bad. it was a little bump
21. Are you tight with your money?
eh, to an extent
22. How do you feel about liars?
you can lie for a good reason. it depends on the situation
23.Do you tell you parents everything?
24. Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
25. Name one fear you have?
losing those close to me
26. If you need to go to the store a block away, do you walk or drive?
a block? walk
27. Does the thought of marriage scare you?
No not really
28. How many kids do you want?
at least 2 a boy and a girl
29. What's your favorite color to wear?
30. Who was the last person in your bedroom besides you?
i think my brother
31. What are you waiting on?
for a couple things to blow over and for a couple more things to happen
34. What would you do if you found a dinosaur egg?
sell it. it's not gonna hatch, right? and i might get big bucks
35. Do you get bored easily?
36. What's something someone can do that really bothers you?
physically/emotionally hurting me (leaving bruises from being poked, harassing -haha, vocab word - et cetera)
37. Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger?
my first name, yes
38. Do you wish you were famous?
can't i just have the money and call it a day?
40. When you're at the beach, do you swim or lay out more?
make attempts to swim
42. How do you like your steak cooked?
i don't eat steak too often but i like it chewable but not red
45. Can music affect your mood?
46. What piercings do you want?
47. What tattoos do you want?
48. Have you ever been in a cave?
49. Have you ever eaten a bug?
probably (unintentional)
50. Do you think there's someone for everyone?
51. Do you have someone on your mind right now?
pfft. now I do.
52. Who was or is your best gf/bf?
no one...but i plan on getting one!!
53. best friend?
Vivian, Brian, Roland

Strangely Justice and Humor Prevails